Chapter 142 Prince Brad [1/7]

【ps: First update, there are six more to come】

“Are you sure it’s a human warship?!”

Prince Brad’s tone became serious, his purple eyes staring at the demon guard.

“Yes, yes, I am sure that there is only one human warship.

The demon guard was so frightened that he trembled all over and said quickly

“Damn it, have humans in Roliland also been developing a navy in the past three thousand years? And their warships are even more powerful than ours?”

“This is troublesome……”

Prince Brad frowned and pondered.

After the attack on the Roliland Continent three thousand years ago was frustrated, they thought of the sea.

So without any foundation, they immersed themselves in research.

Although their magic attainments are higher than those of human magicians, magic is actually a very difficult thing to control. It is already very difficult to take magic into the body at ordinary times and release it when using magic.

Not to mention building something as huge as a warship, and then using magic to stabilize it safely, and finally being able to manipulate it at will and fight.

It is because once the magic flow leaves the body, it becomes difficult to study in detail, so they studied for three thousand years before they reached the point of using a wooden structure as the main body and then wrapping it with iron armor.

It’s like a person wearing steel armor.

When they felt that they could finally attack the Roliland Continent, they took great pains to teleport a demon into the sea of ​​the Roliland Continent and then opened the portal.

But now they suddenly discovered that the naval warships of the humans they looked down upon were actually bigger and better than theirs, and seemed to be very powerful.

“The whole army attacks!”

“I won’t wait any longer. I want to see how powerful that human warship is!”

Prince Brad sneered and gave an order.

“The prince has ordered the entire fleet to move out!”

The voice began to spread in the huge fleet, and countless red lines began to appear on the dark hulls of the demon warships, and then emitted light.

The two combined together to form a dark red light.

Hundreds of demon warships were densely packed, occupying this entire bloody sea.

The vanguard fleet began to sail towards the demon portal.

The Weiyuan battleship.

The Weiyuan battleship had just sunk all those demon warships, and at this moment, there were many giant demon arrows hanging crookedly on the hull.

But compared to the 190-meter-long hull of the Weiyuan, these arrows, which were only five or six meters long at most, were nothing.

And the flames burning on them couldn’t burn the steel armor at all.

But it was indeed because of this that the navy soldiers suffered casualties.

This is undeniable.

“Captain! The demon fleet has appeared at the portal again!”

Puyman just breathed a sigh of relief, but then he heard the observer shouting again!

“Another fleet is coming?!”

Pleman was startled and immediately looked towards the demon portal.

He saw a row of pitch-black, dark red-glowing battle-axe-shaped demon warships advancing in unison in the huge demon portal, passing through the demon portal and appearing on the ocean.

“Damn, this number, probably hundreds of ships!”

Puliman’s heart immediately sank, he ordered loudly:”Turn! Evacuate backwards!”

After the battle just now, Puliman has discovered that although the demon warships are not strong in combat, they are very fast.

They are almost catching up with the speed of the Weiyuan.

Although it is a little bit behind, it is still not as fast as the Weiyuan.

Now they are three kilometers away. Puliman thought in his heart and immediately gave an order:”They can’t catch up with us, we can keep a distance of three kilometers from them!”

Then at this distance of three kilometers, keep firing and flying kites!

After the battle just now, Puliman has discovered that the attack range of the demon warship is only two kilometers!

Although the accuracy is higher than that of the Weiyuan’s artillery, it is only a two-kilometer attack distance.

Now the two sides are three kilometers apart. Once the Weiyuan starts, it can always keep a distance of three kilometers from the opponent’s fleet of hundreds of warships.

This will be an extremely successful kite-flying tactic!

“Is that a human warship?”

Prince Brad stood on the watchtower of the demon flagship, his purple eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the Weiyuan three kilometers away.

“It’s really majestic, so huge, it seems to be one-third larger than my flagship.”

Prince Brad exclaimed.

He was shocked that humans could build such a huge warship.

You know, his flagship is a full 120 meters long. Among the demon warships with a standard length of 60 meters, Brad’s flagship is twice as big as other warships.

And his flagship represents the highest technology of their Linman tribe’s standardized warships.

But now, as soon as he went out, he ran into a human warship that was bigger and more powerful than his flagship.

This made Prince Brad very unwilling.

How could they, the demons, lag behind the lowly humans?!

“All troops advance, sink that battleship!”

“Then salvage the wreckage and study their warships!”

Prince Brad gave the order decisively.

“”Your Highness! The human warship seems to be running away!”

A demon guard shouted loudly.

“Want to run? You can’t run!”

“Just wait to die obediently!”

Prince Brad grinned, revealing a mouthful of fangs and sharp teeth.

He is obviously very handsome, but his smile is always ferocious. It turns out that it is still a problem of bad teeth.

The Weiyuan began to turn and retreat, but before retreating, the Weiyuan did not forget to fire another round of artillery.

After the huge boom of the artillery, twelve shells began to sweep towards the demon fleet.

Hundreds of demon warships were lined up very densely. It can be said that they have never fought a naval battle. They have been developing the navy and have very little experience in sea combat.

Therefore, their warships are still in dense formations like the army.

And at this moment, they are in trouble.

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