Chapter 145 Will Demons Surrender? [4/7]

【ps: This is the fourth update. There are three more updates to come. They will be updated in the afternoon.】

“These humans are so scary!”

“Damn it, what should we do!”

“Our warships are not as fast as human warships, what should we do!”

Suddenly, panic spread among these demon fleets.

They were called”demons” by the people of the Roliland continent, but in fact they were just a tribe of”demons” – the Linde tribe.

The invasion of the Roliland continent was an action of several tribes. The largest-scale”demon” invasion ten thousand years ago was an action of dozens of tribes.

Because they were powerful, the people of the Roliland continent were afraid of them. During the ten thousand years of resistance, these alien races from another world were also called”demons”.

And with tens of thousands of years, this concept of demons has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people on the Roliland continent and is irreplaceable.

But that is from the perspective of the church.

From a scientific point of view, they are actually just an alien race different from humans.

After removing the title of”demon”

Although most of them have hideous bodies, they have their own emotions and thoughts.

In fact, they are just aliens different from humans.

In the hearts of the magicians and people in the Roliland Continent, it seems that”demons” have no fear. That is because in the ten thousand years of war, humans have been in a passive position and can only passively use the lives of the Star Saints to blow up the portals to other worlds opened by the”demons”.

These aliens will naturally not be afraid of humans who are weaker than themselves, but now!

A mere human warship not only suppressed hundreds of their warships, but also killed a powerful prince!

The death of Prince Brad is the fuse that completely ignited the fear in their hearts!

“They’re not moving?”

Puliman sat in his chair, reading a small manual in his hand.

“Those who fear that they will suffer are already suffering because of their fear. – The distance between success and failure is sometimes very short – as long as the latter takes a few more steps forward, ah! His Majesty the Emperor is worthy of being His Majesty the Emperor, he can say such reasonable words!”

Puleman read the words in the small booklet. Gu Yuan once said the words he plagiarized from the Internet in his previous life because of his literary and artistic illness.

Puliman’s expression was full of extremely strong admiration and loyalty, and he admired.

These were all reasonable sentences said by Gu Yuan when he was literary and artistic. However, they were not his own insights, but what he saw on the Internet in his previous life……

But what Gu Yuan didn’t expect was that someone with nothing to do actually recorded it and compiled it into a booklet!

And began to sell it all over the empire.

What Gu Yuan didn’t expect was that the sales were so high!

Especially in the army, you can even see this blue booklet on every soldier.

This shows how much the people of the Los Empire worship Gu Yuan as an emperor, especially the army……

The army is a holy place for Gu Yuan’s personal worship.

In Gu Yuan’s previous life on Earth, to put it bluntly, the entire Los Empire is Gu Yuan’s licking dog……Especially the military, which is the licker of the lickers…..

Gu Yuan was helpless about this. He could only sigh and smile.

It seems that being an emperor is not easy!

Gu Yuan sighed in the Empire State Building.

“It’s been more than ten minutes, and they are still anchored there?”

Puliman closed the booklet”The Emperor’s Famous Sayings” and looked at the distant sea.

“Captain, not yet, they have been anchored there all the time, no movement.”

The observer answered, and the next moment, he suddenly shouted again:”Captain, there is movement!!”

“Their fleet seems to have split into two parts…….”

“Half of the warships raised the white flag, and more than half of the demon warships surrendered to us!”

The observer shouted excitedly.

“What!? Really surrendered?”

Pleman shouted in surprise.

God, he had people shout those words before, just to show off.

He knew that he only had one battleship, and he couldn’t stop those demons from running away. At most, he could chase them for an hour and then destroy dozens of battleships.

But no battleship of the Linde tribe wanted to be one of the dozens of battleships destroyed.

Prince Brad was already dead, so there was no need for them to waste their lives and die.

So on the topic of whether to surrender or not, the demons were divided into two parts. One part believed that although they were numerous, they would definitely be caught up when they escaped, so some battleships would be destroyed and people would continue to die.

And no one wanted their battleship to be a destroyed battleship, and no one wanted to die.

The other part insisted that they could not surrender to humans, even if they died.

But the group that chose to surrender didn’t care.

They, the Linde tribe, often had frictions with other tribes, and it was common for them to surrender after a battle failed.

Now, there are still hundreds of Linde battleships, They were divided into two parts, one part fled back to the demon portal, and the other part raised the white flag and surrendered.

So, since the history of the appearance of the alien race”Demon” on the entire human continent! For the first time

, such a bizarre and brilliant thing happened!

A human battleship captured more than 200 demon battleships!

When Gu Yuan heard the report in the Empire State Building in Los City, he spit out the drink he was drinking.

What the hell?!

He just received a report two hours ago that the demons had invaded.

Gu Yuan was in a heavy mood because of the first-hand intelligence.

The demons looked like ironclad ships, and there were quite a few of them. Although the Los Empire is vigorously developing its navy, there are only 28 battleships launched in a year.

There are only 12 submarines.

So Gu Yuan was in a heavy mood, because Gu Yuan mistakenly thought that the demons’ ironclad ships were all-steel battleships like his battleships.

Just when Gu Yuan was about to send a message to the Central Magic Empire to seek reinforcements to resist the demons, another piece of intelligence was delivered to Gu Yuan’s desk.

“A warship of the Empire sank dozens of demon warships and captured more than 200 demon warships! ?!”

Gu Yuan was confused. Although he was the emperor, he was also very puzzled about this matter.

So his country’s navy was so corrupt.

Was it his Los Empire’s navy that was corrupt, or were these demons really weak? ?

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