Chapter 182: 800-year-old sister and 10,000-year-old sister [6/7]

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Tải ảnh: 0.046s Scan: 0.040sThe devil egg was sealed in the Luolilan continent and turned into a stone-like object. It stayed on the Luolilan continent for 9,200 years.

Until 800 years ago, it was obtained by Tianluan’s mother, and then the devil egg finally hatched. The devil egg was born on the World Magic Tree. After experiencing 9,000 years of wind and rain on the Luolilan continent, it finally hatched, and Tianluan was born.

A natural high-level succubus.

Sif, Tianluan.

Because Tianluan lives in human society and has no knowledge of demons, he does not know how to suppress the charm that he releases all the time.

So he put on a robe and a mask.

He wore it for 800 years.

Tianluan stared at Sif blankly, and she suddenly felt that her trembling heart calmed down.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m only 800 years old, how old are you now, over 10,000 years old? How could I be your sister?”

At this moment, the charm exuded by Tianluan met another high-level succubus, who was also her blood relative, and was gradually suppressed. Tianluan no longer needed to deliberately break sentences or speak in a special way.

But this was just like when she was with Guyuan. Only when Sif was by her side could she be so free. If she was separated from Sif, she would return to her original state.

“No, I won’t admit my mistake.”

Xifu took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then opened them again to look at Tianluan.

“This is the throbbing of the blood. You should have the same feeling, right? Then it can’t be wrong.”

Sif looked at Tianluan and said quietly.

Tianluan was stunned.

The throbbing of the blood.

Could it be…..

Tian Luan recalled the time when he first set foot on the demon land and felt a surge of nostalgia.

So, is this the case?

Although he said he didn’t believe it, Tian Luan actually believed it in his heart.

“Okay, we can talk about it later. There is still a lot of time, and you two sisters have plenty of time to reminisce about the past.”

Caroline interrupted their conversation and said.

As for the fact that they are two sisters, everyone present, both demons and humans, unanimously confirmed that it was true.

Otherwise, they couldn’t look exactly the same.

So no one refuted this matter.

“Well, I agree to all your conditions, as long as you don’t break the agreement and attack us when you attack other demon tribes.”

“The eggs of the gate to another world, I will send someone to give them to you after I return.”

“There are also methods of planting and use. You can abide by the agreement. We Germans just want to survive in peace.”

“As long as the settlement is signed, everything will be fine.”

Caroline put a long-prepared agreement on the table and pushed it to Sif.

Sif didn’t even look at it, and signed her name, using both the demon language and the language of the Roryland continent, and finally pressed a handprint.

Sif stood up, put on the ghost mask again, covering her peerless and beautiful face, and turned away.

At this moment, Sif’s heart was excited.

The memory that had been sealed for thousands of years was unsealed one day, as if the things that happened thousands of years ago were still yesterday. How painful Sif was back then, how excited she is now.

The two sisters have been separated for thousands of years, and finally met again. Although Tianluan doesn’t recognize her now.

But it doesn’t matter, she will make Tianluan truly accept her.

“My sister is with the Los Empire now. At worst, I will go to live in the Los Empire in the future. As long as I can be with my sister, anything is fine. At worst, I will not be the queen of the Linde tribe.”

After Sif turned and left, the other demon bat knights looked at each other in bewilderment.

How could a peace negotiation turn into a scene of recognizing relatives?

The enemy came to the door, and they reconciled humiliatingly, but in the end they found out that the enemy was actually their sister who had been lost for ten thousand years.

It’s a dog-blooded story.

Reality is so dog-blooded.

After Sif left, Caroline breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at the signed agreement in her hand and smiled.

“Go back, we can go directly through the territory of the Linde tribe.”

Caroline stood up and turned to leave

“”Captain, they won’t go back on their word, will they? For example, they will attack our logistics supply lines after our troops pass through?”

A Los officer said to Caroline, still feeling somewhat uneasy.

“No, with her here, the Linde tribe might be able to help us!”

Caroline patted Tianluan, who was already wearing a mask, and smiled.

The next day, the Los Empire camp received something sent by Sif.

Four black egg-shaped objects.

The magic eggs of the gate to another world.

So the army set out, trucks carrying weapons and equipment, soldiers on foot, and began to attack the three tribes of Ster, Hart, and Lanlin.

As experimental materials, four eggs of the gate to another world are not enough, and more must be obtained to better use them as materials for research.

There are also three tribes in the surrounding area, the Ster, Hart, and Lanlin.

Los Empire, the capital Los City.

Here, Guyuan handles government affairs

“The elves of Jinjing City have already started to migrate. The 26th Division is providing escort. Another division is being transferred there to carry out security work together with the 26th Division.”Seeing this message, Gu Yuan casually gave an order, and at the same time, he felt relieved.

The elves have always had a special talent, which is to master the ability to attach magic patterns to extremely small things and enchant them.

The Los Empire’s Research Department has also been studying this. With sophisticated machines, it is no problem to engrave magic patterns on bullets, parts and other items, but the steps of injecting magic power are frequently wrong.

The magicians in the Research Department have never enchanted bullets, parts and other things, and have no experience.

In this case, they can only get the elves who are good at this aspect.

“Hmm? The frontline troops of the demons in their native land have sent news that Tianluan and the Linde Demon Queen Sif are blood relatives. They look exactly alike. Is Tianluan the sister of the Linde Queen Sif?”

When Gu Yuan saw this report, he was stunned.

In other words, Tianluan is actually of demon descent?

What’s going on? This is something he could never have imagined._Please download the novel without underline

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