Chapter 185 Gustav and F22 [2/7]

“you….Not human…..”

The demon officer of the Ster tribe who was shot and fell to the ground opened his eyes wide and looked at the approaching Walitu orc soldiers. He trembled and said this:

“We are not human, we are troops from the Los Empire, a vassal state of the Walli Kingdom.”

“Before you die today, I will let you know who defeated you. With your strength, you don’t even need the help of the empire’s elders.”

Squad leader Wali sneered, squatted down, pulled out a pistol from his waist, and shot the demon officer of the Ster tribe in the head.

After the gunshot, the brains were splattered.

In the end, the demon officer of the Ster tribe could not understand how strong the Los Empire was.

The troops of the vassal states alone had already defeated them.


A bazooka blasted the door of the breeding nest.

The WALL-E soldiers walked into the door cautiously with 98K in hand.

“”Hahahaha, squad leader, we found it!”

A Wall-E soldier laughed and pointed at five blood-red devil eggs on a high platform, which were connected by blood vessels that fell from the sky.

The eggs of each race’s Gate to the Otherworld are different in color. The ones cultivated by the Linde tribe are black, while those of the St tribe are blood-red.

It is probably because the cultivation methods of different demon races are slightly different.

“”Quick, quick, quick! Take all of these away, and then we will evacuate!”

Squad leader Wally laughed, and a group of earth orc soldiers immediately cut off all the blood vessels connected to the magic eggs on the high platform. Batches of scarlet thick blood spurted out of the blood vessels. Wally soldiers immediately took the magic eggs away, put them in the package, and then began to retreat with 98Ks in hand, covering each other.

In the battlefield of the Central Region, the battle was in full swing in the demon homeland.

Gu Yuan, who was in Los City, was very happy.

He looked at the window of increasing killing value that kept popping up in the system, and a product in the system mall.

【The full set of basic technology in the 21st century, the millennium (2000), price: 120 million. 】

(Original price: 360 million, the price is automatically reduced after detecting that the highest livelihood technology in Your Majesty’s Empire is during the 20th century Cold War.)

Gu Yuan looked at the current killing value: 79,360,800.

And it is still rising.

The items in the system mall can be kept for a maximum of one week, and then they will be refreshed. I hope I can get enough killing value within this week.

At this time, a prompt suddenly popped up.

【The number of draws has reached ten. Do you want to draw ten times in a row? 】

Gu Yuan looked at the system prompt and confirmed

“Make ten consecutive draws!”

【Confirm the draw, the draw is in progress. 】

It was the familiar scene from the last consecutive draw.

Ten decks of cards suddenly appeared in front of Gu Yuan.

The ten decks of cards were spinning wildly in front of Gu Yuan.

Then they stopped one by one, and each of them flew out a card and covered it in front of Gu Yuan.

The ten cards were arranged in a covered manner.

Gu Yuan took a deep breath.

With the blessing of the European Emperor, I must draw something good.

Gu Yuan stretched out his hand and turned over the first card.

【Congratulations on obtaining the artificial satellite launch technology. 】

Gu Yuan’s hand trembled violently.

This thing, damn, the first one gave him a big one!

Satellite launch technology.

Although some of the livelihood technologies of the Los Empire have reached the level of the two hegemons on Earth during the Cold War in the previous life due to the accumulation of the ever-increasing public sentiment, this is actually an extreme. The current science and technology of the Los Empire presents two extremes, one is advanced and the other is backward.

For example, the launch of artificial satellites.

In the previous life of Earth in 1957, a certain red superpower was the first to successfully launch a satellite, and the Los Empire still does not have the relevant technology.

This is where the Los Empire lags behind.

And this artificial satellite launch technology has also made up for the shortcomings of the Los Empire in this regard to a great extent.

Gu Yuan turned over the second card again.

【Congratulations on obtaining the Gustav Cannon manufacturing design drawings. 】

Gustav Cannon, the barrel is 32 meters long, the cannon is 53 meters long in combat, 12 meters high, and weighs 1,488 tons!

The caliber is an extremely amazing 800 mm!

It is a crazy creation made by Germany in World War II. It is powerful and was used during World War II. On the battlefield, it instantly flattened a large area of ​​buildings and permanent fortifications. A deep pit as big as four 10-meter football fields appeared on the Soviet Army’s position, and the Soviet Army’s carefully built permanent fortifications were directly blown through the core. The 30-meter-deep fortifications were directly blown through!!

However, such a thing is not very useful for the current Los Empire.

Nowadays, all kinds of missiles are being developed, and there is no need to waste time to build such a behemoth. In the past, Germany spent three weeks to send this behemoth to the battlefield during World War II.

Even when loading, a tank had to hit the shells and push the shells into the breech of the Gustav Cannon.

For the Los Empire today, the cost-effectiveness is really not high

【Congratulations on getting the complete set of design drawings of the F22 fighter! 】


Damn, what a good thing!

Gu Yuan almost jumped up, this is an extremely advanced fifth-generation fighter in the 21st century. F22, the fifth-generation fighter that the United States began to equip its army with in the early 21st century.

The maximum speed can reach an astonishing 2.25 Mach! That is 2410 kilometers per hour!

More than twice the speed of sound!

The maximum flight altitude in the air can reach 19,000 meters, and the combat radius is 759 kilometers.

It is also equipped with extremely powerful air-to-air missiles and air-to-ground missiles.

And it is a complete set of drawings!

This means that as soon as the F22 comes out,���The missiles equipped on the surface can also be manufactured independently by the Los Empire!

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