Chapter 187: Second Invasion of the Demonic Territory [4/7]

【ps: The author finished Red Dead Redemption 2 last night, and only remembered in the morning that he had not written anything. The four chapters updated this morning were late. I am sorry to all my readers.】

“Yes, we flee eastwards!” the demon general said firmly.

“The Roliland continent is divided into four domains: the Central Magic Empire in the middle domain, the Los Empire in the west domain, the seven vassal orc kingdoms of the Los Empire in the south domain, the Magic Power Empire in the east domain, and the Slok United States in the north domain. The rest are scattered human countries.”

“But have you ever thought about what is further east of the Roliland Continent?”

The demon general said, looking at everyone.

“Further east? Isn’t the east of the Magic Empire the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment?”

All the demon generals looked at him in confusion.

“Yes, but what is further east of the Mountains of Scourge? What is that place?”

“We only know that the easternmost part of the Roliland Continent is the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment, but what is further east than the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment?”

The demon general said, and suddenly, all the demons’ eyes lit up.

“Maybe it was a brand new world with sunshine and beautiful land!”

The demon generals immediately began to daydream.

“Yes, if we return to our homeland, we will be eroded by the abyss sooner or later. If we continue to stay in the Central Region, we will be killed by the army of the Los Empire.”

“But what if we escaped to a secluded place where no one could find us?!”

“Then we can live forever in this beautiful place with beautiful sunshine and fertile land! Why do we want to invade the Roliland continent? Why do we want to control the Roliland continent? Isn’t it because we want to find such a beautiful land, a beautiful place without the erosion of the abyss and with sunshine to live in! ?”

His words touched all the demon generals.

Yes, they gave up their lives to come here and start a war, isn’t it just to occupy the Roliland continent and live in this beautiful world.

If they can find a paradise where no one can find them, then their goal will be achieved!

Since this can achieve the goal, why do they still have to give up life and death to fight?

They immediately fell into the reverie of a better life in the future.

“My Lord Prince! We ask you to lead the troops and lead us to the East!”

“We will definitely find a new home there!”

Suddenly, under his leadership, everyone knelt down to the Bull-Headed Prince and shouted loudly. The

Bull-Headed Prince, who had been listening silently, looked at the generals and fell silent.

Their eyes were so eager, so eager that if they dared to refuse them, they would probably lead the troops to mutiny on the spot.

The Bull-Headed Prince knew that they had been blinded by the reverie and prospects, and had lost the courage to fight the troops of the Los Empire.

And as the prince of the Terlin tribe, he had to be responsible for the lives of his own people.

In fact, he wanted to say,”Do you know why the people of the Rolilan continent have never crossed the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment in the past ten thousand years?”

He didn’t know, and he didn’t dare to say it.

The Bull-Headed Prince knew that this road was definitely not a good road, but these people might have made up their minds.

They were determined to leave the Central Region, leave the Rolilan continent, cross the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment, and find a new home.


Finally, the Bull-Headed Prince nodded heavily.

He didn’t know how many people would lose their lives because of this nod, maybe a lot, but the Bull-Headed Prince knew that he had to give everyone a direction. If they couldn’t go back to their homeland and couldn’t stay in the Central Region, they would have to go further east.

People who lost their way were the most terrible, and would only gradually die.

“”Yes, sir!”

All the demon generals shouted excitedly. They left immediately and wanted to tell the whole army to march eastward, through the Magic Empire, and over the peak of the Mountain of Heavenly Punishment!

Leaving the Rolilan Continent, they would find a new home outside the Rolilan Continent!

Suddenly, countless demon soldiers were inspired by the word”new home”. They shouted excitedly and immediately packed up their bags. The last 250,000 troops of the Terlin tribe began to leave.

They no longer cared about their homeland, the Central Region, humans and demons.

They were going to find a new home.

After the demon army left in a mighty and high-spirited manner, a Los army arrived here.

Teams were lined up in neat rows, carrying AKMs on their backs. From a distance, only the steel helmets could be seen moving in unison. The high-spirited Los soldiers passed through here

“”Commander, the troops stationed here just left.”

An off-road military vehicle stopped, a pair of black leather boots stepped on the ground, and a soldier next to it reported to the major general officer Los.

“They just walked a short while ago, they must have passed through the demon portal, let’s chase them!”

“We can attack directly from the Central Region to their homeland. Maybe we can even connect with the Imperial troops that have already landed on the Demon homeland, hahahaha.”

Major General Naros laughed. He got back on the off-road military vehicle. The whole army walked towards the completely open Demon portal without any defense.

Rows of soldiers walked by in neat formations, their footsteps moving in unison, their helmets densely packed.

Tanks drove by, and finally trucks towing artillery, Katyusha rocket vehicles, and the logistics troops pulling supplies and ammunition passed through the Demon portal one after another.

Entering the Demon homeland for the second time.

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