Chapter 191: The Demonic Dragon Falls into the Deep [2/5]

Five Los soldiers stood on the top of the hill, holding AKMs in their hands, with shock on their faces under their iron masks.

They stared blankly at the large area of ​​basically identical scenery in front of them, stunned in place.

“Have you all reached the summit?”

At this time, a message came from the intercom.

“Report, we….Already reached the top….”

A Los soldier swallowed his saliva and said blankly

“”What’s on the other side of the mountain?” the intercom asked again.

But what came back was silence.

On the other side, the regiment commander looked at the intercom in his hand, frowning. Why didn’t he respond? Did something happen to them?!

He was startled and was about to give the order for the whole regiment to prepare for battle when he heard a voice coming from the other side.

“Chief…..On the other side, there is a sea…..”


Everyone was stunned when they heard this. How could there be a sea on land?

“No, it’s not…..The general ocean,…..”

At this point, the voice on the intercom paused hesitantly, as if organizing his words.

“It was an extremely deep, dark ocean, like the sludge in the sewer……..”

“What? Continuous, world? What does that mean?”

The major was stunned and asked quickly.

“Sir, we took some photos. You will see the pictures later.”

The voice came from the intercom again.

“”Okay, you guys come down.”

The major said with a sigh of relief.

After about ten minutes, five soldiers came down from the top of the wall and arrived in front of the major.


Five soldiers stood at attention and saluted.

“You took photos, where are the photos you took?” the major asked directly

“”Sir, the photos here haven’t been developed yet.”

A soldier took out a color camera from the bag on his waist and handed it to the major.

The major pressed a few buttons on it and then brought up the photo that the camera had just taken.

After taking a look, the major was stunned.

Deep black, the photo was all deep black.

The world in the photo seemed to be divided in the middle by a line.

The gray above was the gray sky. Because it was in the middle of the Demon Continent, there was a little shadow of sunlight in the sky, so it was a little brighter, and the ground was pure black!

Incomparably deep black, the major had never seen such pure black.

The world in the photo was a world of black and gray. It was obviously a color camera, But the photo managed to produce a black and white photo.

The endless black deep mud-like substance spread across the mountains and plains, covering the entire world behind the wall. As the camera stored each photo, the Major’s face gradually became solemn.

Because, in the black deep substance that covered all the ground behind the wall, there was something.

It was obvious that a human figure could be seen, but the head was grotesque. It was a demon that the Major had never seen in the demon’s native land.

It could be clearly seen in the photo that a large amount of black deep substance was slowly flowing out of the mouth, eyes, ears, nose and other places of the humanoid creature. It was clearly seen from the photo that it was walking in the black mud under its feet, and it could be seen that it was very relaxed.

“What are these things?…..”

The Major’s face became more and more serious.

He felt that this thing was definitely not simple!


Suddenly, an extremely loud roar came from a distance.

“What sound!”

The major and other officers immediately walked out of the tent and looked at the distant horizon.

They saw a clearly visible claw climbing up the”mountain” that was 100 meters high!

Then a huge ferocious head slowly rose from behind the wall.

Black mud began to flow out of the empty eyes.

Then it spread downwards.

One of the huge horns leaning forward on the head was broken, leaving only one.

As it climbed hard, black mud continued to fall on the”mountain”, and the deep black mud seemed to be alive and began to spread on the”mountain”.

This is a purgatory dragon trapped in the depths!

It is nearly 200 meters long, but the huge wings on its back are riddled with holes, and only half of the wing is left on this side.

However, deep matter continues to flow out from the huge wound of that half wing.

The huge purgatory dragon is extremely bloated and climbing on it. It has discovered the troops of the Los Empire and wants to attack!

“Retreat! Everyone retreat!”

The major commander shouted decisively.

Although he didn’t know what the black mud was, he knew that it must not be touched!

Those deep substances seemed to be alive, and they would move if they fell alone.

Just based on this point, we knew that they must not be touched!

Immediately, the soldiers of the entire regiment began to evacuate in trucks.

Fortunately, the dragon could not fly at all, and could only climb very slowly.

This gave the Los soldiers enough time to evacuate.

The soldiers of the entire regiment drove away in trucks, leaving only the Purgatory Dragon, which had just climbed over the mountain wall and fell to the ground.

It roared in pain, and after leaving the ocean of deep substances, it frantically fluttered on the ground like a fish out of water.

A large amount of deep substances were thrown in all directions.

The huge body hit the ground, and pieces of deep substances were thrown out. After a while, its huge body began to smoke.

About half an hour later, the nearly 200-meter-long Purgatory Dragon turned into ashes and disappeared on the spot.

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