Chapter 198 Researching the World Magic Tree

【ps: That’s all for today’s update! Dear readers, please come back tomorrow!】

“Relax, relax, you are safe, you are safe, everything will be fine, relax…..”

In the reinforced concrete cell, a psychiatrist was giving Tripp psychological counseling.

Under his comfort, Tripp actually began to calm down and was no longer as crazy as before.

“”Prisoner No. 385, go to the visiting room immediately.”

At this time, a soldier shouted.

After hearing it, Tripp walked outside obediently.

He had a special handcuff with dark purple streamlines on his wrist.

This is a special magic lock glove.

The principle is very simple.

It is simply loaded with a device to detect magic power. As long as it detects the slightest magic fluctuation on Tripp, it will stimulate the handcuffs to discharge.

Even Prince Tripp can’t stand the extremely high current.

After trying it once or twice before, Tripp was completely honest.

Even the demon prince, the source of his power is magic. They have no strength and cannot mobilize magic power. Their physical fitness is only at the level of a great knight.

The strength of this pair of gloves is designed to be three times that of a great knight. Even if one has three times the physical strength of a great knight, he cannot break free.

So this basically eliminates the possibility of Trupin breaking free.

And there is no telling how many people with only the physical fitness of a great knight are imprisoned in this underground prison.

The extremely strict guards and alarm devices everywhere, in the narrow passages, no great knight can withstand the terrifying firepower of MG42.

In the visiting room, Tripp saw the person who wanted to see him.


Tripp’s eyes were filled with astonishment.

Tripp thought that this was just a routine inquiry today, and that some scholars from the Los Empire would continue to ask him about the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment. However, what Tripp never expected was that the person who came to see him was actually the Queen of the Linde Tribe, Sif!

“How come you are here?!”

Tripp looked at Sif outside the bulletproof glass in astonishment, his heart was full of doubts.

“It’s very simple. Our Linde tribe has surrendered to the Los Empire, and now we have a good relationship with the Los Empire.”

Sif said with a slight smile on her face.

“You, you dare to betray me!”

Tripp opened his eyes and instantly became furious. A trace of magic power appeared uncontrollably.

“”Crack! Crack!”

Suddenly, the bracelet flashed with lightning, illuminating the white walls around. Tripp trembled all over and fell off the chair to the ground.

“Tsk tsk, it seems that your stubborn temper has been effectively curbed.”

Sif raised her eyebrows and said to Tripp.

“You come…..What do you want to do?….”What?”

Tripp panted, he got up from the ground and said.

The voice was transmitted to the outside through the intercom, Sif said:”I know what you saw outside, I just want to know the method you used to open the Mountains of Condemnation.”

Tripp was silent after hearing Sif’s words.

The Mountains of Condemnation, the outside world.

Two hundred and fifty thousand people experienced many obstacles along the way and fought to come here. The 90,000 people who survived came to the Mountains of Condemnation with joy. They thought that what was waiting for them would be a beautiful, new life like a paradise.

But reality gave everyone a big punch.

The real reality is what they could never dream of.

There is no new world outside the Mountains of Condemnation, no paradise, no beautiful life.

Instead, it is a continent that they are very familiar with and has been eroded by the abyss material.

After more than 90,000 demon warriors knew about this, they collapsed.

Everyone fled in all directions. In less than half a day, more than 90,000 people were scattered. Clean and tidy.

Some of them fled to the Magic Empire. Even if they had to hide in the Magic Empire for the rest of their lives and could not see anyone, they were willing to do so as long as they could live in this world full of sunshine, flowers, and beautiful air.

They were willing to do anything when they collapsed and lost hope.

Some committed suicide on the spot.

In their opinion, this world, whether it is the Demon Continent or the Roliland Continent, will sooner or later fall into doomsday.

The lifespan of demons is very long. Instead of witnessing the day when the two continents are destroyed, it is better to end their lives and die on this still fertile and beautiful land with their infinite attachment. As long as they die on this continent, perhaps they can belong to this beautiful continent forever.

“The defeat of the demons is a foregone conclusion, and the victory of the Los Empire is certain. Tripp, tell me, the emperor of the Los Empire has made a promise. As long as you tell the truth, he will allow you to obtain a piece of land in the Los Empire and allow you to live in this beautiful land forever.”

“As long as you don’t do evil and be hostile to humans”

“The fact that the Los Empire is willing to accept our Linde tribe means that they will not kill all the demons.”

Sif persuaded Tripp.

Tripp heard these words and the light of hope rekindled in his eyes.

A beautiful land, living forever, happy and healthy, without fighting with the world.

How beautiful.

Can he really get these?…..

“This is a land document written by Emperor Los himself, and it is also stamped. As long as you tell me the method, you can sign this land document, so that you can get your own land on the Loriland continent.”

Sif took out a document and said to Tripp.

Tripp had new hope in his eyes. He looked at the document and his hands trembled.

A small opening under the glass window in front of him opened, and the document was sent in. Tripp looked at the land document, and he trembled as he looked at the word”land” on it.

Tears kept flowing from his eyes.

He gritted his teeth tightly, and his body trembled slightly.

Can he really live on this beautiful land?

“I said…..”

Tripp took a deep breath and uttered these two words from his throat.

After signing the document, Sif learned how to unlock the barrier.

This method was a few magic gestures that Tripp accidentally learned from the magic patterns on the World Magic Tree when he was born from the magic egg. At this moment, he taught these gestures to Sif. The

Los Empire is also preparing a large number of airships.

Flying over the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment and carrying people is not something that the F22 can do. Only airships that can fly in the sky for a long time can achieve real long-term and long-distance navigation.

A group of Los Empire researchers who are ready to study the World Magic Tree and are ready to devote themselves to research at any time boarded the airship and headed for the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment!

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