Chapter 205: Has the abyss matter disappeared?

“Are these humans from the Los Empire?”

The Third Demon Emperor looked down in silence, thinking in his heart. The surface of the black armor on his body was covered with a thin layer of frost and turned white.

The Third Demon Emperor was completely unaware

“Third brother.”

The second Demon Emperor flew over from a distance at this time. He looked at the third Demon Emperor and said,”I am a little late. How is the World Demon Tree now?” The

World Demon Tree is the mother tree of all demons and the mother tree of the three Demon Emperors.

Even if the World Demon Tree is eroded by the Abyss material, the Demon Emperors will fly over from time to time to take a look.

But they can’t stay for too long. The journey is long and the magic power is limited. The two Demon Emperors can’t stay at an altitude of ten thousand meters for ten days or half a month. It is impossible not to land, and the ground is full of Abyss material, so the two Demon Emperors only come to see it for a short while each time and then leave.

But this time, when they came back to take a look, they found something unusual.

“What is that?! Humans? They actually reached the World Demon Tree! Oh my god, how is it possible!”

The Second Demon Emperor looked at the World Demon Tree below and screamed,”

How did they get there from such a long distance?!”

When he saw the airship, the Second Demon Emperor fell silent.

“So, there is such a thing.”

The second Demon Emperor whispered.

It can carry people to hover in the air, and for a long time.

It can fly over the land covered by the abyss material in the distance and reach the World Demon Tree.

But the second Demon Emperor sneered.

“So what if they can reach the World Magic Tree? These humans are too stupid to even attempt to land on the World Magic Tree. Humph, just wait to be eroded by the Abyss Matter!”

At this time, the Third Demon Emperor also smiled dumbly and said,”These black mud-like Abyss Matter have the property of chasing magic. Now the surface of the World Magic Tree is covered with a layer of Abyss Matter, and those lowly black creatures! They live on the magic tree like termites! Damn it! Now humans are trying to land on the World Magic Tree. Humph, they are courting death!”

The Second and Third Demon Emperors also knew about the black creatures living on the World Demon Tree, but they had no way to stop them.

They dared not go to the World Demon Tree and use magic to protect themselves, as they would only be rushed by countless Abyss Matter, which would penetrate the magic shield and contaminate their bodies. They would then be submerged by the Abyss Matter, devouring their minds and turning them into irrational monsters. It would be tantamount to death for them.

They did not dare to launch a long-range magic attack.

Not to mention how much effect it would have, the World Demon Tree itself alone would be enough to make them do something.

The World Demon Tree was not completely dead yet, and was struggling to survive under the erosion of the Abyss Matter.

The Demon Emperors all knew this, and because of this, they did not dare to attack the World Demon Tree.

The World Demon Tree was their mother tree, like a mother to them, and they even had a delusion in their hearts that one day they would drive out the Abyss and revive the World Demon Tree.

“These humans were so reckless that they landed on the World Demon Tree, not knowing that the World Demon Tree was covered with a layer of Abyss Matter. Those black creatures were born from Abyss Matter, so they were naturally fine. However, those humans were also reckless and wanted to land on the tree. It was really funny. I bet that within a few minutes, they would all be swallowed up!”

The Second Demon Emperor laughed at the Third Demon Emperor.

At this moment, the airship landed on it, and a Los Empire soldier got off the airship first.

“Humph, the first one to die has come. Wait, when he is in danger, others will definitely go down to rescue him, and then, humph, they will all die on this World Magic Tree.”

The expression on the face of the Second Demon Emperor was extremely playful, as if he was watching a play while talking to the Third Demon Emperor.

The Third Demon Emperor just stared at him, but what he was thinking in his heart was the same as the Second Demon Emperor.

In a war, their tribe could not beat the Los Empire, but in terms of abyss material, there was no reason for the Los Empire to be better than them in hell abyss material.

They kept watching the Los soldiers moving on the World Magic Tree. Gradually

, one Los soldier went down, and then two went down.

Soon, more than a dozen Los soldiers wearing pure white defense armored combat uniforms all landed on the World Magic Tree.

One minute, two minutes.

The two Demon Emperors With a sneer, they waited for them all to be swallowed up by the sudden surge of abyssal matter.

Two minutes, three minutes.

The two Demon Emperors silently watched the group of Los soldiers who were jumping around and were very comfortable.

Five minutes, ten minutes.

The Los soldiers were finally in danger! The two Demon Emperors were delighted.

However, they were some black creatures on the magic tree. Under the powerful firepower of the Los soldiers’ AKM, they could only die.

The expressions on the faces of the two Demon Emperors were completely stiff.

Finally, half an hour passed, and those Los soldiers were still moving freely on the World Magic Tree, and even their pure white clothes were not stained with a single bit of black.

“Impossible! This is impossible!!”

The Second Demon Emperor suddenly shouted like crazy.

“Why, why weren’t those humans eroded by the abyss material? Damn it.”

He said with a grim face.

“Damn it,…..The abyssal matter on the World Demon Tree has begun to fade?!”

The Second Demon Emperor said, and suddenly there was a look of joy on his face.

“Yes, yes, it must be like this!!”

The Second Demon Emperor was suddenly ecstatic. It must be like this, otherwise there is no way to explain why those damn Los soldiers were not invaded by the abyss matter?!

It must be, it must be that the abyss matter on the World Demon Tree began to fade!

The more the Second Demon Emperor thought about it, the more certain he was about this.

As a result, in his ecstasy, he suddenly turned his body around and dived towards the World Demon Tree below, and his whole body fell instantly.

World Demon Tree, Mother Tree, here I come!

“”Second brother!”

The third demon emperor was startled and shouted hurriedly.

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