Chapter 208 What an irony [2/7]

At the foot of the Heavenly Punishment Mountains, in the Los Empire troops’ camp, Gu Yuan was staring intently at the screen in front of him.

On the screen, the Third Demon Emperor in the sky and the corpse of the Second Demon Emperor on the ground were clearly displayed.

“Beep, beep, heartbeat detection completed, heartbeat reaction within a radius of one meter, five.”

On the World Demon Tree, at this time, a Los soldier’s eye armor suddenly made a sound.

Everyone looked at him, and he turned off the heartbeat detection part of his eye armor with some embarrassment.

“Five people?”

Gu Yuan could also hear this voice from the screen. He suddenly looked intently and said,”Tell the soldiers not to move. Ask him to check how many people are within a one-meter radius!”


An officer immediately stood up and controlled the intercom next to him.

When Qianlong No. 1 flew all the way to the World Demon Tree, it left several hot air balloons carrying simple signal base stations in the air.

This kind of hot air balloon can float in the sky for half a month, and these signal base stations also ensure that their communication with Guyuan is normal.

“Soldier No. 15 of the Qianlong Force, please check the number of people within your one-meter radius.”

When the soldier heard the voice coming from the headset, he was stunned.

Originally, they didn’t care about the reaction of the heartbeat detector, but now they had to take it seriously because of the order from the headquarters.

All the soldiers stood still, and Soldier No. 15 looked around.

He was shocked.

Including him, there were only four Los Empire soldiers within a one-meter radius.

And the number just reported was five people’s heartbeats!

Suddenly, all the soldiers looked at the body of the Second Demon Emperor on the ground.

The Second Demon Emperor was not dead yet!

The Third Demon Emperor in the sky obviously noticed their movements.

Suddenly, a Los soldier squatted down and checked the body of the Second Demon Emperor.

“Stop it!”

The third demon emperor’s eyes condensed and he shouted loudly!

“He is not dead yet, not dead yet!”

The squad leader immediately shouted loudly to the Third Demon Emperor.


The third Demon Emperor was stunned.

His first reaction was, impossible!

Anyone who is corroded by the Abyss material will die, even the Demon Emperor is no exception.

20,000 years ago, there were ten Demon Emperors in their land.

They knew this better than anyone else.

But the third Demon Emperor suddenly recalled the scene in his mind when the second Demon Emperor crawled to the Los soldiers and the Abyss material on his body was instantly cleared.

Could it be that…..

The Third Demon Emperor’s hands began to tremble violently.

Although he had great doubts about such a group of mortal soldiers, he was willing to try as long as there was a glimmer of hope.

He immediately shouted to the Los soldiers:”As long as you can save him, I am willing to pay any price! Any!”

“Any price.”

Gu Yuan in the camp raised his mouth sharply.

His goal was achieved.

“Order the soldiers to increase the magnetic field strength in the body of the Second Demon Emperor.”

Gu Yuan waved his hand and said


The squad leader who received Gu Yuan’s order immediately waved his hand and called two soldiers.

They faced the Second Demon Emperor on the ground and took out some devices from the two silver-painted boxes on their waists.

This is a magnetic force amplification instrument.

“Ready, Danny, you open his mouth”


A Los soldier reached out and pried open the second demon emperor’s mouth.

At this time, at the order of the squad leader, the other soldiers suddenly increased the strength of the magnetic field.


Suddenly, a layer of abyssal material that was constantly wriggling on the ground within a radius of 30 meters was blown away, and a very clean tree platform with a radius of 30 meters was cleared out. The second demon emperor on the ground trembled all over.

A large amount of black mud-like, filthy, and foul-smelling abyssal material instantly gushed out of his mouth.

Before it fell to the ground, it was instantly cleared out by the magnetic field.

Before the second demon emperor died, he used the last of his magic power to close the blood vessels, magic meridians and other channels leading to his heart.

Although the magic power was cut off, it also ensured that the abyssal material would not really invade his heart, leaving a glimmer of hope.

At this time, the body of the third demon emperor suddenly disappeared in the sky, and when he appeared again, he had already reached the ground cleaned by the magnetic field. With trembling hands, he picked up the second demon emperor on the ground, and a ball of magic emerged in his hands, and began to input magic power into the body of the second demon emperor on the ground.

Gradually, the second demon emperor’s face became red.

The heart that was beating very slowly also began to become active again.


The third demon emperor suddenly laughed softly, and the laughter became louder and louder, almost like a maniacal laugh.

“What are you laughing at?”

The soldier squad leader asked

“I am laughing at my incompetence, I am laughing at the incompetence of the Central Magic Empire, I am laughing at the incompetence of our three Demon Emperors, I am laughing at the incompetence of our entire native race, the abyss matter that has troubled us for more than 20,000 years, exterminated countless of our races, and killed our seven Demon Emperors, is actually like this……..I was defeated by you so easily.”

The third Demon Emperor laughed so hard that he almost cried, but his voice was filled with sadness:”Haha…..ha…..What a irony.”

They had no choice but to invade the Abyss Material of the Roliland Continent, forcing them to retreat continuously, losing a full two-thirds of the Abyss Material of their own land, but they were defeated by a group of ordinary soldiers of the Los Empire just like that in front of him.

What a irony.

“Third Demon Emperor, let’s talk about something now.”

At this time, a Los soldier took a headset and handed it to the Third Demon Emperor. A young and gentle male voice came from the headset.

“Who are you?”

The third demon emperor lowered his eyelids and asked

“I am an ordinary mortal, but I am also the emperor who defeated your empire.”

Gu Yuan said calmly.

“Emperor Los.”

The Third Demon Emperor was silent for a moment, then continued,”Then what do you want to talk to us about?”

“My empire can help you resist the invasion of abyssal matter, and can also find some islands for you to live in the sea outside the Rolilan continent, but this is conditional. You and the other two Demon Emperors must swear a life and death oath to ensure that you will never fight the Los Empire again. Moreover, you must have more advanced space gate technology, and I want that technology!”

“Also, I want some of your demon homeland as compensation for our Los Empire.”

Gu Yuan’s voice penetrated into the mind of the Third Demon Emperor.

The Third Demon Emperor said in disbelief:”You actually want to give us a place to live? This….”

This is simply unreasonable!

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