Chapter 215 Knight and Demon [2/7]

“What’s happening! ?”

“The devil is suddenly about to surrender?”

“What’s going on?”

Suddenly, all the knights in the army looked at each other in astonishment, and spoke to each other in surprise.

The huge dragon kept flapping its wings in the sky and hovering in the air.

He did not rush over directly, but asked the Central Magic Empire troops below:”Can I go over?”

The Demon Emperor wants to surrender.

To be honest, the Infernal Dragon himself couldn’t believe the news, but the order was conveyed to him by the First Demon Emperor himself.

There was also the Third Demon Emperor next to him.

It seemed that they really didn’t want to fight anymore.

The Infernal Dragon also knew that the troops from all over the country could not resist the troops of the Los Empire. They had been fighting with the Rolilan Continent for ten thousand years, and this was the first time they suffered such heavy losses.

They had always been invincible, but suddenly they were defeated by the Los Empire. They were full of confidence at the beginning, and then they were defeated by the Los Empire troops.

In just one or two months, the demon army suffered a great decline.

Invading the Rolilan Continent, full of confidence, and then being beaten like a grandson by the Los Empire.

Up to now, a considerable number of people in the demon army have shown a war-weary attitude.

And the First Demon Emperor is Seeing this, he made full use of this opportunity and issued an order to surrender.

The First Demon Emperor believed that this time, the dawn of peace could finally come.

A considerable number of people in the demon army began to be tired of war, but there were still some people who were extremely unwilling.

However, this was an order from the Demon Emperor himself, and even in the demon homeland, the Third Demon Emperor personally went to the entire homeland to convey the order of surrender.

In fact, it was almost certain whether the demon homeland would surrender or not. Because the troops of the Los Empire had already penetrated the entire demon homeland.

Under the strong attack of the Los Empire, many demon troops surrendered on their own without even waiting for the order of the Demon Emperor.

They really couldn’t withstand the attack of the Los Empire.

So this time, the surrender of the entire homeland was a natural result.

And the rest were the remaining demon troops in the Central Region.

“Should we let him go?”

A great knight looked at the chief mage.

“Even if this is a conspiracy, what can we do if we don’t let him go?”

The wizard sighed, took out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his robe, and handed one to the knight:”Want to smoke?”

“”Thank you.”

The knight took the cigarette.

The chief mage snapped his fingers, and a flame lit the cigarette, and took a deep puff.

He knew that cigarettes were addictive, but he couldn’t stop smoking now because he felt full of mental pressure.

“Regardless of whether the surrender is real or not, we cannot stop this infernal dragon. We cannot be his opponent.”

“There is no need for them to plot. We are only a few thousand people. If the Infernal Dragon wants to attack the Central Region, it can just ignore us or kill us all with a single breath.”

“So, this should be true, because if the Purgatory Dragon wants to enter the Central Region, there is no need to deceive us.”

The head mage finished the cigarette in a few puffs, threw it on the ground, and stamped out the cigarette with his leather boots.

The knight took a look at the leather boots on the head mage’s feet. Wow, the latest model of Los Empire

“So, we just ignore him?” asked the Knight.

“Yes, let him go, but at the same time we will send people to convey the message to the troops in other places and let them prepare.”

The chief wizard nodded, and said here, he lit another cigarette.

The knight had only smoked half of the first cigarette when he started to light another cigarette.

After the Purgatory Dragon got the approval of the Central Magic Empire troops below, it nodded its huge head, flapped its wings, and left directly to the Central Region to find the demon troops still resisting in the Central Region.

In a small town.

Nowadays, in the Central Region and the Central Magic Empire, big wars are no longer seen, but small battles are still going on.

In this small town, there are remnants of the Central Magic Empire and the demon troops.

The knight troops are less than a hundred people, and the demon troops still have three hundred people.

They are fighting guerrilla warfare against each other in this town.

The number of both sides is not large, and because the demons have no intention of fighting, they only come with guns and food regularly, and they also need to eat.

So both sides have stayed in this small town for a month.

The residents of this town had already fled to the direction of the Los Empire when the demons came.

“James, are you sure there is still food hidden in this grain store? I have been to this grain store before and found nothing.”

Five or six knights were wearing armor, with long swords, star hammers, flails and other melee weapons hanging from their waists. They held 98K

“The owner of this grain store was my friend before. He ran away before the demons came, but he told me that there is a cellar in the grain store with food left in it. If I can’t survive anytime, I can go to that cellar to get food.”

James nodded and said with certainty.

Hearing this, several people were happy in their hearts.

There is another wave of food to eat.

Now not only the demons are short of food, but the knights in the city are also short of food.



Six knights walked to the grain store street, and suddenly James said vigilantly.

He stopped the others

“There is movement.”

All of a sudden, everyone became alert.

Holding the 98K tightly in his hand

, James looked towards the grain store and saw a dozen demon soldiers in black armor probing inside the grain store.

“What bad luck! We didn’t expect these damn things to be investigating the same store as us.”

A knight said with a frown.

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