Chapter 217 Hide quickly!! [4/7]

In the sky above the capital of the Central Magic Empire, the First Saint, wearing a purple robe and a faceless mask with golden patterns, looked down at the demon camp in the distance.

“Haven’t they retreated yet?”

The other two Star Saints came in at this time and stood behind the First Saint.

“No, they are still holding on. As far as I know, the troops of the Los Empire have entered the demons’ homeland. The logistics routes of these demons have been cut off.”

“But they never retreated. I wonder if they know that their home world has been conquered by the Los Empire.”

Another saint said at this time

“Eighteen princes, 680,000 troops, such a huge number, their logistical pressure is definitely not small, they can’t hold on for long, they will definitely launch a general attack.”

The first saint said in a deep voice at this time.

Next, it will be a fierce battle!

In order to prevent the demons from being hit by the forbidden spells of the Star Saint, they deliberately divided the 680,000 troops into several parts and set up camp two kilometers away from the farthest magic bombing distance of the troops in the city.

It can be said that they directly surrounded the capital of the Central Magic Empire.

And because the distance is too close, if the Star Saint wants to attack them with forbidden spells, it will accidentally affect his own people.

This has led to the two sides being able to confront each other like this.

“Commander, what should we do? We haven’t received any news from the logistics troops for half a month.”

In the demon camp, the eighteen demon princes were holding a meeting. One prince said to Yugus, who was sitting in the first seat, with great concern.

“How much food do we have left now?” asked Yugus.

“If we reduce expenses and save money, our troops will only have enough food for a week.”

A prince who manages logistics answered at this time, with a grim look on his face.

“One week.

Prince Yugus fell silent.

“A general offensive must be launched within a week!”

“We must capture the capital of the Central Magic Empire!”

Yugus suddenly issued an order!

“”Commander-in-chief, it’s bad! We just received news that our homeland has been attacked by humans and has been almost completely occupied!”

Suddenly a messenger ran in, shouting in panic.


“How is this possible!!”

All of a sudden, all the demon princes present screamed in shock.

“The mainland has fallen! No wonder we haven’t received any news for so long, and no food has been delivered!”

“Who is it! Which human country is it? Is it the Los Empire!?”

“What are you people of the Terlin tribe doing? Aren’t you the main force against the Los Empire with an army of three million? How could the Los Empire’s people enter the gate?”

All of a sudden, these demon princes started to quarrel.

A prince of the Terlin tribe on the field was pointed at and scolded by several princes of other tribes.

“How would I know? I haven’t received any news for such a long time!”

The prince of the Telin tribe was pointed at and scolded. He was stunned and said angrily

“The people of the Terin tribe are indeed useless. They can’t even stop the humans from the Los Empire.”

A demon prince snorted coldly.

“You bastard, if you have the guts, lead your troops up! It’s not like you haven’t seen the strange weapons of the Los Empire army before! When you encountered a small Los Empire army a month ago, you led your troops up and got beaten to a pulp!”

The prince of the Telin tribe was about to explode, and he cursed at the cold-faced demon prince.

“You, you bastard!”

The prince’s sore spot was poked all of a sudden, his face suddenly flushed, and he stammered.

A month ago, their troops had just arrived at the capital of the Central Magic Empire, where they encountered a division of Los Empire troops passing by.

The order received by that Los Empire troop was to leave the capital of the Central Magic Empire, transfer the battlefield, prepare to attack the Central Domain Demon Portal, and enter the Demon Homeland.

At that time, the Los Empire troops in the Central Domain had already begun to prepare to enter the Demon Homeland.

In this regard, the First Saint also stated that they would guard their own capital themselves.

So a division of the Los Empire, less than 20,000 troops, prepared to evacuate.

But the demons showed dissatisfaction with them.

What the hell, they just turned around in front of us and ran away, do you think we are a decoration?

So, the demon prince who had just been scolded by the Prince of the Telin tribe spoke.

“I was asked to lead 20,000 troops to annihilate all those humans. They are showing up right under our noses. They don’t want to live anymore.”

So, the demon prince led an army of 20,000 to attack a division of the Los Empire with more than 10,000 people.

As a result, he got beaten up in the face by the demon prince.

The demon prince came back in a miserable state. The troops he led were completely wiped out. Even he himself would have died if he hadn’t run fast.

He was also hit by a Katyusha rocket, but because of luck, he didn’t die and ran back in a very miserable state.

Now that this matter has been brought up, the demon prince is naturally embarrassed.


While they were still arguing, suddenly there was a loud whistle and buzzing sound in the sky.

“What’s that sound!”

“It’s the Los Empire’s flying force!”

They screamed in surprise.

The Los Empire’s bomber formation.

Thirty B52 bombers, five in a small formation, lined up in a triangle formation. Six triangle bomber formations flew through the sky, making a buzzing sound.

“They’re bombing us again! ?”

“Damn it, hide quickly!”

“Hide quickly���”

Suddenly, the demon princes fell into panic.

In the previous month, although the Los Empire troops did not attack them personally, they sent planes to bomb them from time to time.

The power of the bombing was deeply rooted in people’s hearts and made people terrified. They originally had 20 princes.

In the bombing of the Los Empire bomber with a high-yield bomb, two were killed on the spot.

That’s why these princes are so sensitive and afraid of bombing.

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