Chapter 220: Killing Each Other [3/7]

“Commander in Chief, leaflets……Are you still collecting them? The flyers are piled up outside, and the dragon in the sky…..”

At this time, a demon gendarme covered in black armor came in and asked the commander-in-chief hesitantly.

The commander-in-chief’s face turned green.

“” Get out! Get out!” he roared.

The demonic gendarme was startled and ran out in a hurry.

Lin Huang smiled at this time. He picked up a flyer that floated in from the door and said to the commander-in-chief,”My lord commander, would you like to have a few to whet your appetite first, or just eat all the flyers piled outside?”

“Would you like me to help you burn those leaflets into ashes, and then you can eat them with water and a spoon?”

Prince Lin Huang smiled and said to the commander-in-chief.

“Lord Demon Emperor will never surrender, I don’t believe it, the demon dragon in the sky must have betrayed Lord Demon Emperor! Damn traitor!!”

Suddenly, the Commander-in-Chief roared fiercely, and he said to those demon princes:”You! Continue to detain Lin Huang and Batu and lock them up. Inform the entire army now, and we will launch a general attack on humans tomorrow!”

The Commander-in-Chief also knew that Lord Demon Emperor had probably really surrendered, but he had no way to retreat.

He could not surrender, not even if it was an order from Lord Demon Emperor!

Those demon princes were stunned. They did not expect that the Commander-in-Chief would lie with his eyes open.

“”Hurry up, do you want me to do it myself?”

The commander-in-chief stared, his magic power surged, and a terrifying pressure instantly pressed down on all the demon princes.

Why can the commander-in-chief become the commander of the army? Because he is the strongest.

“Take me away.”

Lin Huang winked at the other princes, and the other princes immediately understood and took Lin Huang and Batu away.

After that, the commander-in-chief immediately issued an order to all the demon soldiers.

“Don’t believe the dragon in the sky and those human leaflets. The dragon betrayed the Demon Emperor and the news it passed to you is fake! The commander-in-chief has ordered a general attack tomorrow!”

Countless demon police loudly conveyed the message in the barracks over and over again, and the demon soldiers were furious.

“You are lying!”

“Do you think we are all fools? How could the Infernal Dragon, the most trusted guard of the Demon Emperor, betray you? You are lying with your eyes open!”

Countless demon soldiers roared.

“No! I will not participate in tomorrow’s general attack. The war is over. We have lost enough people. The people of Los Empire promised us in the leaflets that they would give us land for us to live on! Ladies and gentlemen, there is no need for us to continue fighting with humans!”

“The war is over. We surrender to humans. The Los Empire promised to give us a new life. There is no need for us to die here. The Commander-in-Chief is no longer worth our lives!”

At this time, a demon officer stood up. He stood on a high platform and shouted loudly to the gathered demon soldiers.

“Yes! The war is over. The Los Empire promised us land to live on in a leaflet. We shouldn’t fight anymore.”

“Leave this barracks, leave this battlefield, we should surrender to the Los Empire troops.”

Under his guidance, countless demon soldiers gathered together and shouted in anger.

“Bastard, pull him down for me!”

The commander-in-chief, who had just walked out of the conference hall, saw the demon officer who was inciting the soldiers’ emotions. He was instantly furious and roared:”Martial law! Anyone who spreads evil words to confuse the people will be punished by military law!” The demon gendarmes loyal to the commander-in-chief immediately gathered, picked up the long-handled axes in their hands, and pointed the sharp edges of the axes at their compatriots.

“All those who spread rumors and affect the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!”

The demon gendarmes raised their axes and guns and swung them at the ordinary demon soldiers who had gathered.

A massacre began immediately.

The ordinary demon soldiers were all knights, but the demon gendarmes were all above the strength of great knights. Even if the number of demon gendarmes was less than that of ordinary soldiers, the battle was crushing. There were more than

600,000 demon soldiers in all the military camps. Although most of the demon soldiers saw the leaflets and heard the voice of the dragon in the sky. They also saw the battle between the commander-in-chief’s gendarmerie and some soldiers, there were still only a few demon soldiers who stood up to resist, and most of the demon soldiers did not move.

They watched, watched the fight between the gendarmes and the demon soldiers.

The battle was over soon, ordinary demon soldiers could not be the opponents of the demon gendarmes of the commander-in-chief prince.

Blood and corpses were everywhere, and several demon officers who announced their intention to surrender were arrested. They were executed in front of the entire army.

This was to deter the army.

When an army needs to rely on killing to stabilize its morale and discipline, then this army is not far from being destroyed.

But the effect is obvious, and the dissatisfaction of ordinary demon soldiers was temporarily suppressed by the killing.

But this is only temporary, they are afraid of the powerful strength of the commander-in-chief prince himself, and the powerful gendarmerie of the commander-in-chief prince.

“As long as, as long as we win this war, it will be fine!”

The commander-in-chief knew that the people in the military camp were in a panic and many people had no intention of fighting, but he also knew that as long as they won the general attack tomorrow and occupied the territory in the Central Region, everything would be solved. As long as we can win the war in the general attack tomorrow!

Everything will be fine!

This is what the commander-in-chief thought in his heart.

An underground air-raid shelter in the military camp was now serving as a prison.

Lin Huang and Ba Tu were imprisoned here.

When it was night, several sneaky figures came to the outside of the prison.

They were several demon princes.

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