Chapter 234: There is still an Extreme Devouring Beast [2/7]

“”Go to hell, you monsters!!”

In the dark passage, patches of light suddenly flickered, and the”crackling” sound produced by the jumping and hitting of electric arcs echoed throughout the passage.

The wasteland hunter soldier held a small electromagnetic cannon in his hand, and bursts of electric arc beams shot out from it. At this moment, there were already four or five charred corpses of extreme beasts in front of him.

However, in the room, there were still a steady stream of extreme beasts emerging from the dark hole in the corner of the wall. Soon the number of extreme beasts increased to dozens, filling the material storage room in the front section of the passage.

The extreme beasts were waiting, waiting for the attack to stop.

As long as the arc attack stopped, even for a moment, they would all rush into the passage and kill the wasteland hunter soldier instantly!


At this moment, there was a sound from the small electromagnetic cannon, and the electromagnetic cannon that had been crackling stopped making any sound.

No matter how hard the hunter pressed the button, no arcs were emitted.

“It’s over, the electromagnetic coil overheated and burned.”

The hunter soldier was shocked. The beasts on the opposite side would never give him a chance to replace the electromagnetic coil.

The beasts saw this opportunity and three or four beasts rushed out of the room in an instant, roaring and rushing towards the hunter soldier.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

“” Damn it!”

The scavenger soldier immediately picked up a rifle on the ground and fired fiercely. Accompanied by bursts of gunfire and muzzle flames flashing in the darkness, he also roared:”Go to hell!”


A Devouring Beast was hit so hard that sparks flew all over its body. However, it dodged left and right and was already very close to the Wasteland Hunter soldier.

“It’s over!”

The hunter soldier looked at the beast so close and felt a chill in his heart.


The Devouring Beast roared wildly, and suddenly stretched out its ferocious head towards the wasteland hunter soldier, its bloody mouth


Just when the wasteland hunter soldier thought he was dead and was about to take out a grenade to die with the Devouring Beast, suddenly a gunshot was heard behind him!


The large-caliber bullet on the heavy vehicle instantly flew out, and a bright light flashed in the dark sky.

The bullet directly hit the neck of the Extreme Devouring Beast, killing it with one shot.

The wasteland hunter soldier looked back in surprise, only to see a heavy vehicle driving over at high speed, smashing many carcasses along the way, and also crushing the Mana Ecological Spinal Gu worms lurking inside.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

The grenade launcher under the special large-caliber rifle in Zhongli’s hand kept flashing with fire, and three grenades instantly flew through the air and reached the door.

“Boom, boom, boom.”

The explosion sounded instantly, and the fire spread in an instant, instantly illuminating the entire dark passage.

“”Get up!”

The red bandit drove the heavy 3D vehicle and immediately came to the side of the wasteland hunter soldier. The heavy 3D vehicle stretched out a hand and pulled the wasteland hunter soldier onto the heavy 3D vehicle.

Then the red bandit controlled the heavy 3D vehicle as if it was drifting, turned around gracefully, dropped a few grenades, and left quickly.

“This new guy is so impulsive!”

Outside, Xuefeng, who had been pulled down and fell, stood up while holding his butt.

“We can only wait for her.

Captain Elon took a deep breath and said

“Boom, boom!”

Suddenly, several explosions sounded inside the military base, and bursts of thick smoke came out from the entrance of the passage.


Just when everyone was extremely worried, a heavy three-dimensional machine suddenly rushed out from the extremely thick smoke and came out.

“There are still Devouring Beasts behind us!”

Red Bandit shouted.

“”Everyone attack!”

Elon gave the order, and immediately the other four heavy three-dimensional vehicles and the weapons on the armored vehicles all opened fire, aiming at the thick smoke at the entrance of the passage.

Countless bullets, grenades and other individual weapons all hit the entrance of the passage.

For a moment, the place was filled with deafening gunfire.

On a hill not far from the military base, two magic armored knights covered in camouflage clothing, disguised as a stone on the hill, were watching the battle here.

“These guys have quite a bit of firepower.”

“There were only 30 of them, but they were able to deliver the firepower of a company.

The view angle displayed by the Griffin Knight’s eye armor zoomed in and out, and finally zoomed in on a heavy vehicle with its upper hatch open. The one driving the heavy vehicle was a pretty red-haired girl.

“It was this girl who rushed in to save people just now. She was brave and resourceful, which was quite good. However, according to the results of the team’s reconnaissance just now, the group of more than 2,000 extreme beasts in the distance had been alarmed.”

“It’s not too late for them to leave now.”

Two Los Magic Armored Knights were talking to each other.

Compared to these wasteland hunters, they obviously didn’t take the extreme beasts seriously.

Now the follow-up troops of the empire have arrived in this world and set up camps.

Compared to these wasteland hunters, the Los Magic Knights have a whole huge empire as their strong backing.

So they are not afraid of the extreme beasts.

But these wasteland hunters only have a lighthouse with a population of tens of thousands behind them, and the lighthouse can’t provide them with any support at this time.

To be honest, the population of the lighthouse is not as large as the population of a town in the Los Empire.

In the past four years, the Los Empire has undergone another wave of expansion. After screening across the continent, the population of the Los Empire is now twice as much as it was four years ago, that is, 80 million.

It has reached the population of Germany in the previous World War II on Earth.


Suddenly, a muffled roar sounded from the hill below the two of them.

The two Los Magic Armored Knights were startled, and saw that a wall below the hill was broken, and there was actually a hole inside!

Suddenly, dozens of extreme beasts rushed out from here and ran towards the military base.

“There are actually Extreme Devouring Beasts here!”

The two Los Magic Armored Knights were stunned. They had not expected this.

At the same time, they felt a little sorry for the wasteland hunters. These people were really in danger.

But these Los Magic Armored Knights would not save them.

Without the order of His Majesty the Emperor, they would not move.

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