Chapter 248 Ridiculous, Impossible!! [3/7]

【ps: The third update, there are four more to go】

“If we want to kill the King-level Devouring Beast in a short time and take it away, or drive it away, this is something that we at the Lighthouse must do with all our strength at this stage.”

“Besides, we didn’t send out any other troops except two ships that went out to explore the situation ahead and these wasteland hunters.”

“Moreover, we have been in the New World for more than ten years. Not to mention the survivors who are strong enough to kill or drive away the king-level Devouring Beasts, we haven’t even found any ordinary survivors! If there are survivors like the one I mentioned above, we would have discovered them and made contact with them in the past ten years.”

Victor immediately shook his head and refuted loudly.

It is impossible for humans to survive on land. This is the consensus reached by everyone in the lighthouse in the past ten years.

The existence of the omnipresent Devouring Beasts that cannot be completely killed has made it impossible for there to be any survivors on land.

Even individual survivors are impossible.

Because individual survivors are even less likely to resist the existence of Devouring Beasts.

So not only Victor, but everyone else instinctively refuted this conjecture.

Just when everyone was at a loss, thinking about what had happened, the chief commander of the control room walked in at this time. She held a pipe lightly with her fingers, and there was a wisp of smoke rising from it. She said to Elon

“Captain Elon, the newcomer in your team has woken up.”

Everyone looked at the commander in the control room.

They didn’t understand why she would say such a small thing at this time.

A newcomer in the wasteland hunters woke up.

But her next sentence made everyone’s eyes widen.

“The new hunter named Hong Kou said that she remembered what happened.”

“Then bring her here!”

City Lord Morgan said immediately

“I have brought it here.”

The chief commander of the control room took a slow puff of his pipe, exhaled a cloud of green smoke, and took a step to the side.

Behind her, a girl with long red hair tied into a ponytail and thrown behind her head, wearing ordinary hunting combat uniforms, appeared in front of everyone.

Hong Kou looked at the senior executives of the lighthouse and took a deep breath.

This was her first time to come to such a high-level place as the lighthouse.

“Your name is Red Bandit, right?”

Allenk looked at Red Bandit and said,”What happened? Do you remember what happened to that King-level Devouring Beast? Did it leave?!”

He asked directly.

Of all the people here, Allenk was probably the only one who cared the most about the whereabouts of the King-level Devouring Beast.

“Don’t worry, kid, as long as you tell us what happened, we will give you a reward.”

Morgan, the city lord, looked at Hong Kou and said.

Everyone stared at Hong Kou, waiting for her to give the final answer.

“That king-level beast is dead.”

Hong Kou took a deep breath and said


Everyone was stunned.

“Where is the body? Who killed it?”

City Lord Morgan immediately asked

“This is impossible.”

Allenk’s eyes widened, looking at Hong Kou in disbelief.

“They were attacked by a group of people from an unknown force. They were very strong and drove a special kind of heavy machine. The special heavy machine was about three meters tall and looked like medieval knights. There were a large number of them, at least more than a hundred.”

“They were led by a special heavy body wearing a red cape and a red tassel on the head armor, like an emperor. It was that unique heavy body that killed the king-level Devouring Beast alone.”

Hong Kou recalled in her heart.

The shadow of Gu Yuan in her mind was lingering.

A huge sonic boom, the sharp black line that seemed to cut through the world.

And the wailing of the king-level Devouring Beast before its death, the shock brought by its huge body falling to the ground.

These things seemed to be still in front of Hong Kou’s eyes, and she said without thinking.

“A group of unknown forces, a heavy three-dimensional army like medieval knights! ?”

Everyone was stunned and looked at Hong Kou in disbelief.

“You said that the special heavy body killed a king-level beast with just one person? How is this possible!”

Alank was the first to roar.

A kind of anger suddenly surged in his heart.

Because of his inner fear of the king-level beast, he believed that only a destructive giant electromagnetic cannon could kill the king-level beast. But at this moment, Hong Kou said that a heavy body killed a king-level beast alone.

This deeply touched his heart of fear of the king-level beast.

His first reaction was that it was impossible, he would never believe it!

He could not believe such a ridiculous thing!!

“How is this possible?”

“Let’s not talk about whether there are any other survivors. It’s impossible for a heavy machine to kill a king-level beast!”

Other people didn’t believe it at all.

Most of them had experienced the events of more than ten years ago. They might not be as deeply afraid of the king-level beast as Allenke, but they all knew what the king-level beast was.

Large-scale artillery clusters can’t cause any harm to the king-level beast. Although ordinary electromagnetic rail gun shells can cause damage to the king-level beast, due to the huge size of the king-level beast, the damage caused by ordinary electromagnetic gun shells is not enough to be fatal.

Only a giant electromagnetic gun with destructive penetrating power that concentrates its power on one point can kill a king-level beast with one shot, such as the main gun in the center of the lighthouse, which usually serves as the elevator in the middle of the entire lighthouse.

How could a force appear out of thin air, and a person, and a heavy machine kill a king-level beast?

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