Chapter 82 Let’s Send the Duke of Golden Lion [3/7]

【ps: Chapter 3! There are still four chapters to go!】


After a long while, a Star Saint suddenly shouted!

The sound echoed in this space like a wave, making Xizel’s ears buzz.

“The students are here!”

Xizel responded quickly

“Are you absolutely sure that there are no magical creatures or magicians among these mortals?”

Saint Merlin asked loudly, as if he was scolding them.

“Students affirmed!”

“This group of mortals was most likely still farmers a month or two ago, and they were only recruited a month or two ago. Moreover, I have calculated that if they were replaced by our empire’s army, this group of humans could also wipe out our empire’s army of nearly 100,000 people with the same casualties!”

Xizel answered loudly

“What!? How is this possible? There are no magical creations, no magicians, just 20,000 mortals!”

“How is it possible to have such strength!”

“Am I dreaming?!”

Suddenly, this group of star saints could no longer maintain their majestic appearance and cried out.

It was no wonder that they were shocked. The magicians had ruled this continent for ten thousand years with absolutely overwhelming force, but today a group of mortals who could easily kill the magicians suddenly appeared. How could they not be shocked?

In addition to being shocked, they also felt deeply threatened!

The status of the magicians was about to be shaken.

As mentioned above, magicians have ruled the mortals on this continent for ten thousand years.

The mortals who have always been at the bottom suddenly have the strength to threaten the magicians at the top!

How could they not feel shocked, threatened, and terrified!

“According to the students’ observations, they used some kind of weapon, and the country to which this group of mortals belonged, the Kingdom of Los, had mastered a method of manufacturing this weapon, so that they could manufacture this weapon on a large scale and in batches.”

Cesare said his research results at this time.

“”Large-scale, in batches!”

These six words were like a sharp sword, piercing the hearts of all the Star Saints.

Weapons of this power can be produced in large quantities. Doesn’t that mean that a group of farmers holding such weapons can kill groups of magicians without a group of troops?!

An illiterate mortal farmer who only holds a weapon and has no training can easily kill a magician who has been meditating and practicing for more than ten years every day with just a flick of his finger!!

If someone dared to say this to them before, they would have laughed it off, because they knew very well that it was a joke and would never happen.

But now, Xizel put the facts in front of them, as if slapping each of them in the face. A hard slap in the face made them completely sober and see the facts clearly.

Mortals have mastered this terrible weapon!

So, the twelve Star Saints were divided into two factions and quarreled fiercely.

One faction believed that they should send a Star Saint, even if it meant sacrificing his own life, to cast a large-scale forbidden spell to completely destroy that mortal country!

But the other party had other ideas. They believed that the gate to the other world was about to loosen, and they could let the group of mortals work for them!

After all, soldiers holding this kind of weapon can be trained by just finding farmers, and their strength is strong. They can be used as powerful cannon fodder to resist the invasion of demons from other worlds when the gate to the other world is completely opened!

“Impossible, impossible! All mortals are extremely ugly and greedy! With this weapon, they will definitely find a way to defeat the strong! In my opinion, they must be completely destroyed. If you are unwilling to sacrifice your lives to cast the forbidden spell, then let me do it!”

“For the noble rule of the magician class of the entire continent, I am willing to sacrifice my life!”

A Star Saint waved his hand and asserted with great confidence.

“No, we Star Saints have the ability to cast forbidden spells. Once the forbidden spell is cast, the area within a few miles will be destroyed. It is impossible for those mortals to withstand such a great force.”

“We can use forbidden spells to oppress and threaten them, and mortals cannot master forbidden spells. As long as we have forbidden spells in our hands, we will be invincible and mortals will not be able to resist us!”

Another Star Saint refuted, he said

“Yes, what Saint Chenfeng said makes sense.”

“I think it makes sense”


Immediately, all the Star Saints nodded in agreement.

Only the extremely fierce Saint remained silent, his fists tightly clenched under his robe……No!!

“I will never allow, never allow a group of mortals, a group of ugly, greedy, and extremely lowly mortals to be on an equal footing with me!”

“I feel sick when I see them……”

The Scaled Saint gnashed his teeth tightly, and his eyes were bloodshot under the golden patterned mask.

He was mentally obsessed with cleanliness and looked down on mortals. For some mental reasons, he felt that it was better to be close to animals than to mortals!

In general, he was actually mentally ill.

“Then, who should we send to contact the Kingdom of Los and make them fall into the arms of our Central Empire?”

“Should we go in person? After all, they are just a group of mortals, and they may not know the strength of the magician. Given our status, if we go to contact them in person, they may feel very proud and inflate themselves, which may lead to them realizing that they have weapons that are enough to threaten us.”

“This is not right.”

A Star Saint said to himself.

If Gu Yuan knew what he was thinking, he would vomit blood. Why should he feel honored and inflate himself just because you are here?

In fact, on this continent, what the Star Saint said is not wrong. The Central Magic Empire is a huge empire that supervises the entire continent.

The twelve Star Saints are equivalent to the twelve most supreme emperors in the entire continent.

According to their thinking, it is equivalent to the most honorable emperor of an empire personally inviting a farmer who works in the fields.

The farmer will naturally be excited and feel honored.

However, Gu Yuan is not a farmer.

“I think we should send people from the Gutongs Alliance Empire.”

“Yes, they are close.

A Star Saint agreed.

“Why not let the Duke of Golden Lion of the Gutongs Empire contact the Los Kingdom on our behalf?”

“Let the Duke of Golden Lion express our goodwill. They are just a group of mortals. When they know that the Star Saint wants to collect them as slaves, they will definitely be excited.”The

Scaled Saint had a ferocious smile under his mask, but his tone was very normal.

The Duke of Golden Lion was under his command.

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