Chapter 94: Overthrow the Ancient Source Tyranny, the Territory Belongs to Nord [1/7]

【ps: First update! There are six more to come!】

【ps: Thank you for your reward!! Thank you!! 】

As for the last Type 38 rifle…..This rifle is also very famous, but it is extremely useless for the Los Kingdom Army, which has been equipped with 98K as its standard weapon.

【The lucky draw begins.

The pointer on the turntable in front of Gu Yuan was spinning rapidly.

Soon, it slowed down.

“”Katyusha! If not Katyusha, AKM will do!”

Gu Yuan kept his attention on the turntable, muttering.

What Gu Yuan wanted most was Katyusha and AKM.

Katyusha could provide Gu Yuan’s army with more powerful firepower support, while AKM could be popularized in individual equipment, making the firepower of ordinary infantry more powerful.

There were only five items on the turntable, and there was a high probability that Katyusha rocket launcher or AKM would be selected among the five items.

Soon, the pointer slowly stopped.

Gu Yuan’s eyes followed and looked

【Congratulations to your Majesty for receiving the L3920MM anti-tank rifle】

“It’s not Katyusha or AKM.”

Gu Yuan was a little disappointed.

But he was also relieved. Fortunately, he didn’t draw the Type 97 tank and Type 38 rifle, otherwise it would be a waste of a lottery opportunity.

The L39 20mm anti-tank gun is an anti-tank gun from World War II in the previous life. It has a caliber of 20mm, a total gun length of 2240mm, and a barrel length of 1300mm. It can penetrate 30MM tank armor within 300 meters.

Tank armor is different from ordinary steel, and its strength exceeds that of ordinary steel. The strength of a magician’s shield lies in its own magic power. Generally, magicians have few strong magic penetration powers, and spells focus on magic burns. This is why most spells are fire-related.

Precisely because the human body is fragile, most spells are unsolvable for humans, and only the corresponding magic shield can resist it. That is, only magicians can deal with magicians.

And because the magician’s magic power has increased dramatically, the strength of the sky mage-level magic shield has also increased significantly, reaching the level that can easily withstand the shooting of 98K.

Gu Yuan has already received feedback on the test results. In addition, he learned from Tian Luan that the magician troops of the Central Magic Empire now also have similar magic supply devices. Gu Yuan realized how timely this anti-tank rifle came.

Through test comparison, Gu Yuan can be sure that the magician troops of the Central Magic Empire are different from simple magicians. They are wizards equipped with magic supply devices.

After being equipped with a magic supply device, the strength of their shield will increase again, and coupled with their own magic shield, it has reached the level of a double shield.

This process The shield defense is strong enough to withstand 98K bullets many times.

Coupled with the powerful mobility of the magician unit that can fly, it is a big threat to the army of the Kingdom of Los.

With such an anti-tank rifle, Gu Yuan’s army can snipe the magicians with individual weapons.

The enemy has no tanks, so the name needs to be changed. Anti-magician rifle, well, this name is not bad.

Gu Yuan thought so.

After Gu Yuan obtained the drawings of the L39 20mm anti-tank rifle, he immediately handed it over to the arsenal for research and development.

And the first successfully manufactured anti-tank rifle was named the anti-magician rifle.

At the same time, the scientific research team is also studying how to enhance the endurance of the magic supply device.

In order to achieve the purpose of extending the combat time of the Orc Girl Mobile Force.

Now that the port is open The construction has reached more than half of the level. After all, it is a port that almost all the construction engineers and workers of the Los Kingdom are gathered to build.

The speed cannot be slow.

And now, after half a month, the manufacture of the BF109 fighter has only produced a sample machine.

It is still in the test flight stage.

The pilots are only a few half-baked pilots who have been urgently trained.

Compared with the industrial powers in the previous World War II, the industrial capacity of the Los Kingdom is not enough. In the previous World War II, the United States’ industry was extremely developed and could be called the strongest in the world. In six years, it produced 87,000 tanks, 296,000 aircraft and 53 million tons of ships.

It is said that one aircraft can be produced every five minutes.

I don’t know when the Los Kingdom will be able to reach the manufacturing capacity of the United States in the previous World War II, Gu Yuan sighed in his heart.

At the border of the Los Kingdom, a team of less than ten people sneaked into the territory of the Los Kingdom.

The people in this team are all Nords.

And they are basically the descendants of Nord nobles.

Since they were young, the Nord nobles were sent to the magic academy of the Gutongs Union Empire to study. After hearing that the Nord Kingdom was destroyed by the Los Kingdom, and that basically all the nobles were wiped out in the war, or were executed by the police after the war, they always had hatred for the Los Kingdom in their hearts. After taking a leave of absence, they gathered together and formed a Nord Restoration Association with less than ten members.

Then they secretly went to the Los Kingdom.

However, because of their poor mobility, it took more than a month to rush from the capital of the Gutongs Union Empire to the border of the Los Kingdom.

“”Your Highness, what is our action plan this time?”

A former Nord nobleman asked a young man in the team.

Rathod was the illegitimate son of the former Nord King Rag IV. Like Prince Ragnar, he had been studying magic in the Gutun Alliance Empire.

However, because his grades and qualifications were far inferior to Prince Ragnar, he was not taken seriously.

“Our plan is simple. Since the Los Kingdom is trying to win over the hearts and minds of the lower classes in our country,”

“We will take the same action plan.”

“We are all children of nobles. Those untouchables will fear and obey us instinctively. We only need to use money to gather a group of people, and then promise them that we will grant them noble titles after they restore their country. With their desire for noble titles, they will obey us wholeheartedly.”

“With the first batch of members, we can establish ourselves and then implement long-term plans.”

“You have to eat one mouthful at a time and walk one step at a time. Gentlemen, it may take more than ten years to achieve the goal of restoring the country.”

“We are the last group of nobles in the Nord Kingdom, and it is up to us to revive the Nord Kingdom!”

“Down with the ancient tyranny! The territory belongs to the Nords! The Nords will be revived!”

Lathod looked at the young nobles in front of him, and he finally shouted a slogan.

“Down with the ancient tyranny! The territory belongs to the Nords! The Nords will be revived!”

“”Down with the ancient tyranny! The territory belongs to the Nords! The Nords will be revived!”

The young men shouted excitedly and began to move forward.

Not long after, they came across a Los border post, which served as a border post and also served as a refugee collection post.

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