Zhou Suyi made another breakthrough and became the first player to complete the Xiye Ancient City mission and received a new game mission.

"What is this Fa Qiu Finger?" Zhou Suyi looked at the reward and didn't understand it at all.

It was already late at night, so she didn't continue and directly saved and exited the game.

"Do you know what Fa Qiu Finger is?" Zhou Suyi asked netizens in the live broadcast room.

"I haven't heard of it, but it seems very powerful."

"I read in the novel that there are four major tomb robbery factions, the tomb-robbing lieutenant, the Fa Qiu Zhonglang general, the Xiling Lishi and the Banshan Taoist. This Fa Qiu Finger should be the skill of the Fa Qiu Zhonglang general."

"I'm looking forward to it, Sister Zhou, don't sleep, get up and continue working."

"This old woman is average at playing battle games, but she is really good at playing this kind of exploration game!"


Even in the middle of the night, Sister Zhou's live broadcast room is very popular.

Netizens are very active.

"The skills of Fa Qiu Zhong Lang Jiang, damn, they look so awesome!" Zhou Suyi was also eager to try, but she was really sleepy and yawned several times, "No, no, I'm so sleepy, I need to go to bed, staying up late is not good for the skin, don't you all have to go to school or work? Go to bed quickly!"

Sister Zhou has gone off the air.

Netizens were so excited that they couldn't sleep and went back to play a game.

However, if you are not proficient, it is still very difficult to pass the level with Zhou Suyi's method.

Some netizens want to fall into the cauldron by accident through collision like Zhou Suyi.

Unfortunately, the idea is good, but it is very difficult to implement it.

Either they were directly hit to death, or they could not keep their balance and fell to death, and some fell directly into the mouth of the centipede monster below.

In short, there are really various ways to die, but they can't fall into the cauldron safely.


Early the next morning.

The official account of the archaeological team released a message.

The general meaning is that Professor Zhong will lead a team to the desert to find the real Jingjue Ancient City, and the whole process will be live broadcast.

Even though it was early in the morning, the news instantly caused a huge heated discussion.

"No way, no way, the game "Jingjue Ancient City" is popular, and they are actually going to find the real Jingjue Ancient City. Who is riding on whose popularity?"

"Awesome, there really is an ancient city of Jingjue. If it is found, and it is the same as in the game, it will be interesting."

"Professor Zhong is awesome, support, start a live broadcast, and I will reward him when the time comes."

"Hahaha, this is awesome, will it be the real version of the game content."

"I hope not, there are still opportunities for trial and error in the game, but not in reality. I still hope that the old professor and his team are safe!"


The news spread quickly.

Even the local official issued an advertisement to support netizens to travel, and praised the game "Jingjue Ancient City".

You know, there are many people who travel into the desert every day, but compared with other tourist attractions, it seems to be a small witch compared to a big witch.

But now with the popularity of "Jingjue Ancient City".

During this period, there are obviously many more people coming to travel.

If Jingjue Ancient City is really found, it will be even more amazing.

When Lin Mu got up in the morning, he also saw this message.

He was a little panicked.

"If I really go there, hey, don't be so unlucky. If they really find it, and it's really the same as in the game, then I really can't explain it clearly. At that time, I might be directly regarded as a tomb robber and arrested. That would be interesting!"

Lin Mu was a little distressed. Although he thought this might be negligible, he still felt panicked.

"No, I have to think of an excuse in advance, otherwise if it's such a coincidence, I can have an excuse so as not to be caught off guard!"

Lin Mu is not a person who sits and waits for death, and immediately began to think of countermeasures.

It's better to be prepared in advance so that you can have a plan in mind.


Zhou Suyi got up very early today.

Last night, I had a dream, and it was all about the Fa Qiu finger. I don't know why, but I always feel that the Fa Qiu finger in the dream is weird, as if it is related to that aspect.

When she woke up in the morning, the bed sheets were wet.

After washing the bed sheets and eating breakfast, Zhou Suyi started broadcasting early.

"Sorry, I have to enter the live broadcast room."

"Old woman, you don't want me to enter the live broadcast room."

"Shirley Yang Benyang enters the live broadcast room."


As soon as the broadcast started, a large number of netizens poured into the live broadcast room.

It can be said that Zhou Suyi is now the top sister in the live broadcast industry, and her position is unshakable. At least as long as the popularity of "The Ancient City of Jingjue" is still there, she will continue to be popular.

This traffic and popularity have surpassed many big stars.

In this regard, Dai Xiaomei has been nagging her and is envious.

Until now, Dai Xiaomei still regrets that she is uneducated. At the beginning, if she had played this game first, she would be the top sister in the live broadcast industry now.

"Sister Zhou, you're here so early today. That's rare."

"Have you heard that Professor Zhong has set off to the desert to look for the Ancient City of Jingjue."

"Do you think everything he encountered on the road, including the Ancient City of Jingjue, will be the same as in the game?"

"That's almost impossible. I heard that Professor Zhong has been studying the Ancient City of Jingjue for decades and has been to the desert several times but hasn't found it. Lin Mu is only in his twenties. How could he have been there!"

"Haha, if you haven't been there, how can you make this game so realistic?"

"Really, if you haven't seen it, it's impossible to make the details so good."


Netizens are still discussing Professor Zhong's search for the Jingjue Ancient City.

Zhou Suyi was also thoughtful. These days, her relationship with Lin Mu has become closer. After the last police incident, they have become good friends.

They usually eat together and talk about some things in the past.

But she really didn't hear Lin Mu say that he had been to the desert, and from the experience of chatting, Lin Mu seemed to have spent all his time in the city.

Going to school, graduating and then working, it seems that he has never left the city, let alone going to the desert to find the Jingjue Ancient City.

However, as netizens speculated, if you haven't been there, how can you make the game so realistic.

She can be sure that everything in the game is definitely not so realistic by looking at some information. It is absolutely necessary to see it with your own eyes to depict everything in the game, even those details, so realistically.

"Oh, forget it, why think so much, let's just play the game, Fa Qiu Zhi, Fa Qiu Zhi, I'm so looking forward to it!" Zhou Suyi's heart was full of expectations.

"Brothers, let's play the game. Today, I will let you see what a rare gaming genius is. Today, we must find the Jingjue Ancient City and make arrangements!"

Zhou Suyi thought about it, but still didn't dare to set a flag, and then directly entered the game.


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