I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 998 : This is dereliction of duty! 【Subscription】

Make them feel like they want to die.

This is dereliction of work!

It's because they didn't do the job that Lord Chen Qiu gave them!

Thinking of this matter, many people's hearts become heavy.

If the matter is not handled well this time, they will have no face to see Chen Qiu.

Chen Qiu's has long been the backbone of countless people.

Not only Lu Shu and the others, but they immediately thought of going to Chen Qiu.

Marshal Wu Tian, ​​Jiang An's family and others also went to Chen Qiu for the first time.

Now this situation makes these two people feel anxious.

The sudden appearance of a powerful monster shocked and terrified them.

The terrifying coercion of monsters was something they had never felt before.

The terrifying coercion made their hearts go cold for a while.

Such a terrifying monster, they don't even know how to deal with it!

After giving his subordinates the order of first-level combat readiness, Great Marshal Wu Tian and Jiang An's family rushed to Chen Qiu's tent as soon as possible.

"Chen Qiu, something big has happened!"

As soon as Grand Marshal Wu Tian walked into Chen Qiu's tent, he said loudly and anxiously, "That thing is terrible."!"

In the tent, Chen Qiu was sitting on his big chair at this time.

There was no one who showed the slightest panic like Grand Marshal Wu Tian and the others did. Instead, he seemed very calm.

"Calm down, what are you worried about?"

Chen Qiu watched the two people walk in, looked at their panicked appearance, raised his brows, and said lightly, "Is the sky falling down?"

Chen Qiu's words were like a basin of cold water, which was poured on the heads of Wu Tian and Jiang Anjia, and immediately poured a cold heart, causing them to shudder.

"You guys at the level of coaches, you are so flustered, you can't do it.

Chen Qiu took his eyes away from the two of them, and his fingers gently pressed on the table, making a soft sound, "You are all so helpless, you let the soldiers below, what should you do? What's the best way? .

Chen Qiu's body did not have the slightest sense of panic at this time, and he was not anxious because of the situation outside. Instead, he was like an ancient Buddha, calm and calm. , the spring is bright.

Chen Qiu's performance made the two of them startled.

Chen Qiu's aura that was as steady as a mountain, and the sky fell flat, could not help but infect them, making the anxious mood in their hearts calm down.

After calming down, the two of them were surprised for a while, and looked at Chen Qiu's eyes, full of incomprehension.

"Chief Chen Qiu, worthy of being the god of war of the Dayan Dynasty, under such a crisis, he can still be so calm, which is admirable, this old man is ashamed..."

Looking at Chen Qiu's calm and shocked expression, Wu Tian couldn't help but exclaim, "."Only you can be so calm at this time... I admire it!"

"Chief Chen Qiu is not only calm, but the aura on your body also gives people a sense of stability. Your words wake me up... things have already happened, and it's useless to panic..."

Jiang Anjia also looked at Chen Qiu with a look of admiration, and he admired Chen Qiu in his heart. Before, he only thought that Chen Qiu was powerful and powerful, but now he found that Chen (Zhao Qianzhao) Qiu not only In terms of strength, it is also very powerful in other respects.

Chen Qiu is very powerful in terms of stabilizing people's hearts and controlling the overall situation. He doesn't need to do anything, just standing here can make people feel at ease, and can't help but calm down.

Moreover, Chen Qiu's consciousness also made him very admire.

As Chen Qiu said, now that things have happened, it is useless for them to be nervous. It is better to calm down and think of ways to deal with it.

"What is that monster on the crater?"

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