I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 1035 : Do it now! Support Mr. Chen Qiu! 【Subscription】

"I'm so mad at me, I'm so arrogant as a human being! Never forgive him! 99

"If you kill him, you must kill him, and you must not describe his provocative behavior!

"Old Ancestor, let's go together! Sell this damn thing!

Chen Qiu's provocative monsters exploded in situ, one by one roaring to make my demon ancestor immediately order them to kill Chen Qiu.

The fire demon ancestor was also trembling with anger at this time. Chen Qiu's arrogant attitude was undoubtedly a slap in the face for him, and he was still in front of all the fire demons. Slap him, the fire demon ancestor, in the ear.

This is no longer as simple as provocation for him, it is naked and trampling on his dignity.

As a strong man who is extremely respectful and dignified, the ancestor of the Fire Demon Clan could not bear Chen Qiu's behavior, so after hearing the clansmen's voice, he immediately shouted, "All the clansmen immediately start! No matter what the cost. Be sure to kill this beast! Remember, it is at all costs! Whoever can kill this damn human, I will become all the important resources in the picture and lean on it, so that it can grow rapidly!"


The words of the ancestors of the Fire Demon Race made all the monsters go crazy as soon as they came out, and each and every one of them showed extremely greedy eyes, and they were extremely excited.

The words of the ancestors of the fire demons have a huge temptation power for them!

As long as Chen Qiu is beheaded, the inclination of resources in the clan can be obtained, which is extremely tempting to us monsters.

They were full of hatred and killing intent towards Chen Qiu at first, and they could not wait to get rid of it. Now that killing Chen Qiu can still bring benefits, they naturally yearn for each and every one of them.


The screams of killing shot into the sky, forming a rolling sound, and the terrifying killing intent permeated the sky. Such countless creatures shivered, and all the monsters of the Fire Demon Race went crazy at this moment. Chen Qiu fought over the past.

All monsters move at the same time!

At this moment, they are like vicious dogs, completely treating Chen Qiu as the prey of them or resources!

At this moment, they seem to have forgotten this human cultivator, but the strong man who can play their ancestors of the eighth-rank realm to death, they now only have the promise of the ancestors of the fire demon clan in their eyes!

Chen Qiu seems to have become a shining treasure in their eyes! Even if they know that there are countless dangers in this big treasure, they are no longer afraid, regardless, just want to go!

"Do it!! Do it now! Support Lord Chen Qiu!"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

On the side of the army of warriors and cultivators of the human race, Marshal Wu Tian had a gloomy expression on his face. Looking at all the monsters, he launched an attack on Chen Qiu at the same time. The battle, this is the battle of all our human beings, the battle of honor of our warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty!

Grand Marshal Wu Tian's roar echoed in the battlefield. After all the human race cultivators heard his roar, their expressions were shocked, and their eyes showed strong fighting intent.


Grand Marshal Wu Tian said no, this war is not just a battle of Chen Qiu alone, it is a battle of all the warriors and cultivators of the Great Yan Dynasty.

This is a big crisis!

If Chen Qiu were defeated, it would be an unbearable price for them, for the entire Dayan Dynasty and even the entire earth.

Therefore, as long as the human beings understand the meaning of this, at this time, they are very clear that they must not retreat, must not be afraid, and must stand up and fight bravely!

When life and death are at stake, the courage and strength that the warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty can burst out are unparalleled.

Even in the face of the Fire Demons, the army of hundreds of thousands of monsters, and the incomparably terrifying monster powerhouse, they did not choose to retreat.


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