I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 1066: The power of space! 【Subscription】

Under this circumstance, Chen Qiu naturally wouldn't counsel them.

"Huh?...What's the situation?"

Suddenly, Chen Qiu, who was about to use the power of space to attack the two powerhouses of the Fire Demon, felt the surrounding space, and a strange energy fluctuation appeared.

As soon as Chen Qiu felt this strange energy fluctuation, his heart beat violently for a while, and even his face changed.



Hard to catch!

This power gives Chen Qiu such a feeling!

Very mysterious feeling!

Although you only felt a trace of it, you actually felt the terrifying power contained in that trace of mysterious fluctuations, the horrifying power of terror!

"What kind of terror is this?

Chen Qiu was greatly surprised by the mysterious power he suddenly felt. He couldn't even control the two strong monsters in the eighth-rank realm, and immediately began to feel that mysterious power.

He has a very strong hunch that this mysterious power may have a very huge effect on him!

Now this is very likely the opportunity for him to break through the 7th-Rank realm!

Chen Qiu naturally did not dare to despise such a thing, and immediately began to feel the mysterious power around him.

"What's this kid doing?! How dare he get distracted while fighting us?...Abominable! This is a blatant humiliation and contempt for us!

The two monsters of the Fire Demon race, seeing that Chen Qiu was in a trance state when they were fighting against them, immediately cursed their mothers with rage, gritted their teeth, and became furious.

Chen Qiu's behavior clearly told them that their attack was not a terrible thing for Chen Qiu, and he could even be distracted when fighting them.

This is simply maddening!

Two rank-eight fire demon powerhouses were driven mad by Chen Qiu!

However, just when they wanted to continue their attack, suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted from Chen Qiu!

Boom one by one

With a loud bang, a dazzling brilliance erupted from Chen Qiu's body, and terrifying power fluctuations surged out of him.

"what's going on?"

The terrifying power fluctuations that suddenly erupted from Chen Qiu's body made the expressions of the two eighth-rank fire demon powerhouses change, and they exclaimed in shock.

There was a strong sense of ill will in their hearts.

Chen Qiu's sudden change made them very worried and surprised, for fear that something strange would happen.

Suddenly, the fire demon ancestor's eyes narrowed, and he shouted in horror: "No! This human being is absorbing power! He is absorbing power and becoming stronger!

"Stop him! Stop him now! We mustn't let him continue to absorb power and become stronger! Otherwise, we are all finished!

The Fire Demon Clan's ancestor was terrified, because he found out that Chen Qiu was actually absorbing power!

Is this the rhythm you plan to break through?!

833 "What? Absorb power? ... How is this possible? What power is there for him to absorb?

Another monster of the eighth-rank realm, after hearing the words of the fire demon ancestor, was also shocked, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "What the hell is this guy doing?"

Looking at Chen Qiu's behavior, the two monsters, the ancestors of the Fire Demon Clan, were trembling in their hearts.

A very strong sense of unpleasantness suddenly emerged in their hearts, making them feel a chill down their spines.

This human being is absorbing power!

Although it is not clear what kind of power he is absorbing, nor what power he can absorb in this dimension, this human being is indeed absorbing power now!

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