I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 1071 : On the eve of breakthrough! 【Subscription】

After the fire demon ancestor heard the words of the eight-rank demon powerhouse, he sneered disdainfully, and there was a hint of disdain in his tone: "Breaking through the seventh-rank realm requires the conditions of the right time and the right place. Now that we are here, what does he use to break through? As long as we continue to harass him, he will never break through!"

The fire demon ancestor's eyes flashed with cruel light, he turned his head and stared at Chen Qiu tightly, and a disapproving light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He did admit in his heart that Chen Qiu was very powerful, beyond his expectations, and also understood that as long as Chen Qiu broke through the seventh-rank realm, they would be very dangerous, and they might even die on the spot.

But he didn't think that Chen Qiu would be able to break through the seventh-grade realm so easily, and he would not allow spiritual practice to break through the seventh-grade realm!

"If he dares to break through the seventh-rank realm in front of us, we will break through the seventh-rank realm, and we will attack him at the most dangerous time. At that time, it will definitely be enough for him to drink a pot, and it will not be difficult to kill him. "!"

A cruel sneer appeared on the corner of the mouth of the fire demon ancestor, staring at the distance coldly, as if ignoring their existence, Chen Qiu, who was madly absorbing the power of space, said coldly: "I would rather Let's see if he has the courage to break through in front of us!

As soon as he heard the words of the ancestor of the Fire Demon Clan, the eyes of the monster powerhouse in the eighth-rank realm suddenly flashed a ray of light.

The Fire Demon Clan ancestor was right, that is, when breaking through the realm, there will be a very dangerous period. At that time, when they are concentrating on breaking through, it is easy to be taken advantage of by external forces and cause serious injury to them.

"Don't worry, he would never dare to break through in front of us!" The Fire Demon Clan ancestor showed a proud look on his face, "If he dares..."

"What if I dared to you?"

Just when the ancestor of the Fire Demon Clan was proud and felt that his idea was perfect, a word full of playfulness suddenly entered his ears.

I only heard a loud bang in the distance, a surging force, suddenly centered on Chen Qiu, surging in all directions, at the same time, a loud laughter echoed in the mysterious space. : "I will break through in front of you today and show you!

Chen Qiu's voice echoed in the mysterious small space. Listening to Chen Qiu's voice, the fire demon ancestor and the monster powerhouse of the eighth-rank realm became extremely ugly.

What Chen Qiu said, I have been slapped in the face for them!

The ancestor of the demon race didn't dare to break through in front of them as soon as he mentioned Lin, but the neighbor immediately jumped out and said that he is going to break through here today!

This is simply a slap, slapped the big ear scraping on the face of the fire demon ancestor, making him dizzy.

"If you dare to break through, I will let you die!

The ancestor of the Fire Demon Clan was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he was breathing out white (money is good) smoke.

"Old Ancestor, why don't we withdraw..."

My demon ancestor was angry and wanted to kill Chen Qiu, so he wanted to stay and fight against Chen Qiu, but another demon powerhouse in the eighth-rank realm, he already had a deep fear of Chen Qiu in his heart. One, he felt that if he stayed and continued to work with Chen Qiu, the final result would definitely be quite miserable.

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