I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 112: Request! (2)

The first batch of cellar entrances will be fully opened in advance!

As soon as this word comes out.

The God King couldn't help but turn pale instantly, and even forgot to eat the monster food he had just picked up.

His eyes were dignified, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

That's the cellar entrance!

That is the lair of the cellar monsters!

Now that so many things have happened, the King of God has already completely believed the prophecies that Chen Qiu said when he first met him.


Those prophecies have all been fulfilled.

It's all true!

And the power of the cellar monsters, the God King naturally knows.

If not strong!?

As for Chen Qiu preparing so much, even now...

Chen Qiu, the king of gods, the battle situation of the dynasty, the first-level department of the dynasty, and all the high-level officials of the dynasty are still preparing!

But, it's not ready yet!

But now, the cellar entrance will be fully opened ahead of schedule!?


The God King took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Maybe the specific time for the opening of the first batch of cellar entrances can be determined!?

Chen Qiu shook his head: "No.

The King of God looked a little disappointed.


Chen Qiu continued: "But on the Huashan Road, Mei Qianyi has been observing day and night. If there is any sign that the entrance to the cellar on the Huashan Road is steadily opening, I will return as soon as possible.

"Also, based on experience, the first batch of cellar entrances are opened, and the monsters rushing out will not be too powerful. I will also choose the battlefield in the cellar, rather than on the Huashan Road, God King, you don't have to worry.

Chen Qiu was very calm.


He is not pretending, because he is really calm and calm.

After all, the situation in this life is compared to the previous life.

Simply, I don't know how many times better.

Under such circumstances, Chen Qiu certainly did not dare to say that the cellar monsters that could be defeated by the Great Yan Dynasty could not be defeated. It was impossible!


Today's Dayan Dynasty, guarding a few cellar entrances, is more than enough, and there is no need to worry about any problems.

Seeing Chen Qiu like this, the King of God was also relieved.

He looked at Chen Qiu's calm look.


His panicked heart just now calmed down, and then the Divine King couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He found.

When it comes to facing the monster in the cellar, he is not even a young man like Chen Qiu, and his performance is stable and reliable.


The king of gods nodded, then got up.

Facing Chen Qiu,

The God King bowed directly and deeply, Chen Qiu did not refuse, just looked up at the God King.

But seeing the king of gods smiling kindly, he said: "Chen Qiu, I am old, even if I have practiced till now, and blessed with countless spiritual energy particles and monster food, I will not just break through the second-rank martial artist..."

"I don't know how long I can live, and I don't know if I can really keep the Dayan Dynasty, so I want to ask you one thing. 99

Chen Qiu was quite emotional.

The tone of the king of the gods is the same as explaining the future.

But in fact, Chen Qiu also knew that the God King's health was indeed not good.

Even if you practice, it won't work.

high power of the god throne,

Moreover, Chen Qiu knew that he was not in good health, so the aura particles and monster food were provided to him without restrictions.

But even so!

The god king is also lucky enough to break through the second-rank martial artist!

Also, the body can't handle it.

His body is indeed not optimistic. Even if the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is transforming his body, it can only be delayed.

Because, he is too tired, the affairs of a dynasty are all on him, and now coupled with the huge pressure of the cellar monster...

This old man is still clenching his teeth to this day.

But he is afraid!

The king of gods is also afraid, he is afraid that he might leave at some time, what will happen to the Great Yan Dynasty at that time!?

He can't be a sinner of the Great Yan Dynasty!

He can't even be the king of a dead dynasty!

Chen Qiu's nose was a little sore, he stood up and said seriously: "Go ahead.

The **** king sighed and smiled bitterly: "I don't know when the disaster will come, but no matter how long the cellar monsters will invade the world, I only hope that if one day I'm gone..."

"Please, keep the Great Yan Dynasty!


Finish talking.

The Divine King bowed deeply to Chen Qiu again.

In front of Chen Qiu's eyes, it seems that he is not the king of gods.

Instead, several god-kings from the Dayan Dynasty have all stood together.

They are all telling Chen Qiu...

The Great Yan Dynasty cannot die!

The Dayan Dynasty, which has inherited five thousand years of culture, has experienced many hardships, but it has never really perished!

The Great Yan Dynasty was an ancient dynasty, and his pride and glory made him unable to bow his head!

The Great Yan Dynasty cannot die...

Chen Qiu and his generation carry the civilization and inheritance of the Dayan Dynasty for five thousand years. They must not be wiped out!

And this is also the request of the God King of the Great Yan Dynasty!

Chen Qiu was silent for a long time.


He moved, he stepped forward to support the God King, and said earnestly: "As long as I am here, the Dayan Dynasty will not perish!

this moment.

After getting Chen Qiu's affirmative answer, a smile finally appeared on the face of the king of gods.

He is more relieved.

"That's fine, that's fine..."

The God King chuckled lightly and patted Chen Qiu on the shoulder, sighing very much.


Take the dynasty up and down, and make sense, if the cellar monsters invaded the Dayan Dynasty at this moment...


The only person who can reassure the God King to hand over the Dayan Dynasty to the Great Yan Dynasty is the only one...

There is only one Chen Qiu!

Because, God King can see that only Chen Qiu can make the Great Yan Dynasty stand tall!


ps: This chapter is written with emotion and sadness.


This does not prevent me from asking for a wave of subscription support. In addition, this is an excessive chapter, and the plot will continue to unfold. ..

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