I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 117: Shocking trial speed! (2)

May 27, 2019.

the same day.

The power user team belonging to the dynasty war situation was dispatched and tried everywhere.

And every time a person ends a trial, the Dynasty War Headquarters will issue a notice, as if it were constantly refreshed.

Such records...

It directly shocked everyone in the entire dynasty, all shocked!

The announcement of the dynasty war situation is as follows, simple and rude...

"At 7:32 a.m. on May 27, 2019, Cheng Meng, the perpetrator, has been executed!""

"At 8:29 am on May 27, 2019, the criminal Fang Qing, a first-rank martial artist, has been executed!"

"At 8:30 a.m. on May 27, 2019, the criminal Liu Rong, a first-rank martial artist, has been executed!""

"At 8:46 a.m. on May 27, 2019, the perpetrator Hu Pan, a first-rank martial artist, has been arrested!

"May 27th, 2019 at 9:03 am...killed!

"May 27th, 2019 at 9:18 am...killed!"

"0675/27/2019 at 9:25 am...killed! 39



too fast!

Every kill, or every arrest.

The Dynasty War Headquarters will follow up and issue announcements in real time.

And this announcement made everyone's scalp tingle!

Just looking at each one is so shocking!


"This speed is too fast..."

"On average, someone is arrested or killed every few minutes!

"And the ratio of executions is too much..."

"The speed of handling cases in the dynasty war situation, this is too fast..."

"Mom, this makes my hidden criminal heart dare not move..."

The warriors of the whole dynasty were boiling and talking.


Under such strict judgment as the dynasty war situation.

Let me ask, how many people can still think that they are supernatural powers, or that they are first-rank warriors, and they can do evil for (bcbc)!?

If you want to commit a crime, have you asked the Dynasty Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau?

Chen Qiu single-handedly opened the era of warriors of the whole dynasty.


He didn't let these criminals come to make the Dayan Dynasty never peaceful!

Strictly speaking.

These criminals are sabotaging the plan created by Chen Qiu!

And for these people, Chen Qiu always has zero tolerance!

Hope Building.

Dynasty War Headquarters, Chen Qiu's office.

At the same time when the power user team is judging, they will also hand over the information to Chen Qiu.

Chen Qiu frowned when he saw the information.

He commanded in a deep voice: "Intensify your efforts, let the superpower team speed up the time, don't waste energy on these wastes, kill those who don't want to be arrested, and make a quick decision!


Accompanying Chen Qiu's voice just fell.

The power user team immediately executed Chen Qiu's orders resolutely.

And this gang of criminal warriors, or supernatural powers...

In Chen Qiu's eyes, they are all trash, not worth mentioning!

Chen Qiu, don't even want to waste time on them!

the next day.

The intensity of the trial has been intensified, and the proportion of executions has increased again!

May 28, 2019, early morning.

Uichon County.

"Hahaha what a shit dynasty war situation..."

"Hahaha what a bastard power user team, have the ability to kill me..."

An alcoholic is talking nonsense in the street.

When the people around heard the drunkard's words, they all frowned and avoided.

And this alcoholic is no one else.

He is a first-rank martial artist who killed 18 people in Yichuan County, Landing Mountain!

As for him, the local police have no way to deal with him.

Because this man is very talented.

Today, he is in the middle stage of a first-grade martial artist.

Without the support of the dynasty, but only relying on his own cultivation, he cultivated to the middle stage of a rank 1 warrior, and his talent was already considered good.


He didn't join any organization, but he started to act indiscriminately with his own strength, killing people everywhere, which has been listed as the first-level target of the dynasty!

And this time.

Three days have passed since the dynasty battle, and he did not surrender himself.

He thought that it was impossible to find them so quickly, no matter how powerful the dynasty war situation was.


Looking at the announcement of the dynasty war situation yesterday, he was afraid, he was really afraid!

Too cruel!

In just one day, the dynasty war situation ability user team estimated that he killed more than 300 first-rank warriors and ability users!

Because they are all criminals!

And he Lan Dingshan, naturally does not think that he will be stronger than the dynasty war situation!

He was afraid, so he drank too much and started talking nonsense to encourage himself.

But suddenly...


Suddenly, a black spot appeared in the sky.

The black spot quickly grew larger, and then turned into a giant rock!

And this stone...

The other one fell from the sky and smashed directly on Lan Dingshan's body.

Before he even had time to scream, he was killed on the spot!

Two hundred meters away.

Several members of the power user team gathered here.

"Since you can't wait so much for me to kill you, then I'll satisfy you..."

The superhuman Xiao Anshan sneered, and then recorded: "The criminal, Lan Dingshan, a first-rank martial artist, refused to be arrested and executed on the spot in accordance with the law!

Dingshan: "..."


Lan Dingshan didn't even think that he would die like this.

This is so, so frustrating!

And the people of the superpower team didn't care about this little thing, they...

Still going!

This is the second one today, please subscribe for more support.


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