I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 126: It has been fully opened! (5)

Jiang An Dynasty's eyes were slightly red and moist, because he knew...

The war has begun!

In other words, the prelude to the war has been fully opened!

Watching Chen Qiu and others leave.

Jiang An Dynasty murmured: "Chief, wait for me, after I send the documents to the God King, I will go to Huashan Road as soon as possible!

When the news of the earthquake of magnitude 6 on Huashan Road came.

When the whole dynasty people thought it was just a simple earthquake, when they were still mourning for the Huashan Road.

As everyone knows...

Chen Qiu, he is mourning for the whole world!

The magnitude 6 earthquake on Huashan Road is not a simple earthquake, but also the clarion call for the beginning of a total war, it is a reminder!!

Chen Qiu remembers,

In the previous life, the aura fully recovered, and in the month when the entrances to the first cellars were fully opened, a magnitude 6 earthquake occurred on the Huashan Road.


This is only June 19, 2019, but a magnitude 6 earthquake has already been launched on the Huashan Road.

What does this mean!?

This shows that history has completely changed!

Chen Qiu can't accurately determine the day when the first batch of cellar entrances opened, but what he can know is...

It's not far from the opening of the first cellar entrances!

War is here!

There is not enough time, or the time left for Chen Qiu to prepare is not enough.

He, there is no time to continue preparing!

He must lead the troops to the Huashan Road as soon as possible, to the location where the first batch of cellar entrances opened...


Chen Qiu, need to kill them!!

The dynasty war situation has been prepared for so long, and now it is finally time to start action.

About this.

Chen Qiu had nothing to hide, so the Jiang An Dynasty knew it, the king of the gods knew it, and even the entire dynasty's battle situation and the top officials of the dynasty knew it!

They must know this too!

Because starting from today, all of them in the Great Yan Dynasty will organize all the troops, and they will all enter the preparation mode in advance!!


Chen Qiu, he will arrive at Huashan Road ahead of schedule.

Chen Qiu, he will stand on the front line of fighting against the monsters in the cellar!

And in the face of the Jiang An Dynasty, the first victory...

Chen Qiu did not speak, but sat in the co-pilot position of the first armored vehicle through the communication equipment, and he spoke slowly.

Facing the power user team and the first death squad behind him.

Chen Qiu said in a solemn and high voice: "Our enemies may be very powerful! They have experienced hundreds of battles and have been preparing for a long time, 々."!"

"They are born with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. They can be said to be the sons of heaven and earth. They even have huge bodies, and they want to invade our world!"


Chen Qiu's words changed, and his voice was cold and awe-inspiring: "Because they are strong, all of us have been training hard until now!

"Because of their strength, our Dayan Dynasty has entered the era of national warriors!

"It is precisely because they are strong that we have prepared so carefully for so long!"

"Because of their strength, we have been carefully preparing for so long!

"Now, tell me, the entrance to the cellar is about to open, and the cellar monsters are about to rush out to invade the world and invade the Great Yan Dynasty, will you agree!? 35

Everyone's killing intent was awe-inspiring, and Li shouted: "I don't agree!

Chen Qiu snorted coldly: "They are strong and experienced a hundred battles, what should we do!?"

Everyone's killing intent was awe-inspiring: "Kill!

Chen Qiu drank coldly: "They are huge and dense, what should I do!?"

Everyone's killing intent was awe-inspiring: "Kill!"

Chen Qiu drank coldly: "They are neat and orderly, what if there is only one huge and powerful forbidden army!?"

Everyone still said with murderous intent: "Kill kill kill kill!!

"very good!

Chen Qiu shouted, and said with a hoarse voice, "Once we reach the Huashan Road, everyone will enter the first-level combat mode!

"I don't just want victory, I want you to come back in triumph!"

"I not only want to kill the monsters, but also successfully block the entrance to the cellar, attack the cellar world in an all-round way, and let the cellar monsters taste how powerful we humans are!"

Chen Qiu's eyes were terrifyingly cold.

All over his body, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was vaguely floating uncontrollably.

But Chen Qiu murmured with sharp eyes: ".~ Now, it's time to let the cellar monsters taste our power..."




After Chen Qiu mobilized the army's emotions,

Immediately after.

There are endless and dense armored vehicles belonging to the dynasty war situation, which are driving mightily on the highway.

Every time you go through a high speed...

The police in each state must be there as soon as possible and block the streets!

Because, the order they got was...

"It must be ensured that there are no other vehicles on the highway!"

"It must be ensured that the army of the dynasty war situation can drive on the highway unimpeded!

"No one should be blocked, no matter what the reason is, all (Wang Zhao) must not be blocked, otherwise they will all be executed on the spot for the crime of treason!!

It is such a strong command.

This has created the place where the armored vehicles of the dynasty war situation have passed...


The mighty, the entire highway, as if only the armored vehicles of the dynasty war situation are driving all the time!!

Chen Qiu, head to Huashan Road.

The superhuman team and the first death squad followed Chen Qiu to Huashan Road.

They will fight on the front line of the war!

And flying in the face of such a group of people.

All the dynasty can do is to cooperate, cooperate, and cooperate unconditionally!!

Chapter 5 is here today!

Kneeling and begging for the support of the big subscription, please do it!! ..

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