I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 138: 10,000 vs. 200,000 Army! (5)

Joyce was furious.


He was very angry, and this anger came from Chen Qiu and the others.

Since the death of General Puerce being executed.

He Joyce is now the person in charge of the entrance to the cellar in Huashan Road.

He's not just in charge of connecting the two worlds.

at the same time.

He is also responsible for occupying that world channel and continuously invading that human world.

But what about now!?

The weak human world is not only not afraid of trembling, but even the opposite...

How dare they attack the cellar!?

How dare they go into the cellar, into the monster's lair!?

They actually dared to take the initiative to attack the monster army!

what is this!?

This is a kind of human martial artist's contempt for monsters, the contempt of nakedness, and the despise of nakedness!

high-level sources said.

The human world on this side is only the world of ordinary people. When they see monsters, they may be afraid and flee!


Seeing that Chen Qiu's eyes were killing frantically.

Seeing Chen Qiu behind him, all the more than 10,000 people seemed to be slaying without fear of death.

Joyce was stunned.

This is the world of ordinary people!?

These warriors are obviously warriors, they are ordinary people in the world!?

Afraid to tremble!

Did you say run away!

Joyce's face was contorted, not because the high-level deceived him, but because he felt that these weak humans deceived him!


The magic whip in Joyce's hand swung directly on their ground, pulling the cracks out of the ground.


Joyce charged on eight legs.

He was extremely angry, and roared directly: "Kill me! Charge me! Surround them!! Block the space whirlpool for me, and prevent them, the human warriors, from going back alive!"

One command.

The army of 200,000 monsters let out a mighty roar, and then charged in densely!

"Roar! 99



Endless, mighty, dense.

At first glance, you can't even see the head at all, this is an army of 200,000 monsters.


Chen Qiu and others are not afraid at all, because they...

All are a group of already trained, real warriors!




After eliminating several small monsters in front of him.

see behind.

When the army of 200,000 monsters rushed towards him, Chen Qiu swiped his hands violently...


The power of supernatural space began to be used, and a piece of space was cut by Chen Qiu to form a transparent space wall!!


Chen Qiu drank: "Everyone stepped forward and blocked!!""

brush brush --

Everyone stepped forward in an instant, even the Great Elder.

They were slightly surprised that the wall of space was clearly a transparent space, but it seemed to form a wall!!

But now, they still use all their strength to resist this wall without hesitation!

Because in front of them...

An army of 200,000 monsters is rushing in mightily!

Ten meters!

Chen Qiu Li drink: "Prepare, block!!"

Everyone gritted their teeth and prepared.

They also know that they must not be surrounded by cellar monsters.

The vortex of space must be in their own hands!!

Never, be occupied by cellar monsters!

Five meters!

Four meters!

Three meters!

Two meters!

one meter!

The mighty army of 200,000 monsters rushed over, Chen Qiu shouted frantically: "Block it, you will win!!

a time.

Everyone next to him, including the Great Elder, roared: "Victory!!

The next second, the army of 200,000 monsters rushed over!




It sounded as if the sky was falling apart.

huge sound.

The huge impact force made the first elder vomit a mouthful of blood on the spot, his body was shaky, and he insisted on gritting his teeth.

And this moment.

Everyone seems to feel deaf in their ears, and their scalps are numb!

・Seeking flowers・・

This scene is very shocking!

The army of 200,000 monsters, with a single order, charged all Chen Qiu beside the vortex of space!

Behind him is the space vortex!

In front of you is an army of monsters!

Under such circumstances, Chen Qiu activated the power of supernatural space and cut off the space to become a wall of space, directly blocking the army of 200,000 monsters.



Under the enormous pressure, even the walls of space had cracks.


Chen Qiu was not in a hurry, and began to issue orders: "Three seconds later, fight back!



Chen Qiu put away the wall of space, and the army of monsters came into real intimate contact with everyone in an instant.

And this time!

The army of monsters is still stunned. They have just been blocked by the wall of space, and they are still trying to push it, but at this time the wall of space suddenly disappeared...




For a time, I fell and fell a lot of people!

Taking this opportunity, Chen Qiu shouted, "Everyone, kill!"

The crowd shouted: "Kill!"

The voice just fell.

Everyone raised the spiritual weapon in their hands and directly killed them!

This kind of battle is completely a melee of hundreds of thousands of people.

There are no tricks!

Raise your hand directly, and kill without looking at it!

"Pfft! Year

"Pfft!" 5

"Pfft!" 5

A knife fell, when everyone had just killed the first batch of monsters in front of them, and the corpses were too late to collect.

Chen Qiu shouted loudly, "Stop!""


The next second, he activated the power of space again, forming a wall of space, blocking the monster!

And the monsters...

Watching Chen Qiu and the others killed the first batch of monsters, they were about to rush up to fight, but...

Blocked again!!

Chapter 5 is here today, please subscribe.

Exhausted, the author went to eat hhhhhh Ding.

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