I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 158: The world's hope is in the Xia Kingdom! (1)

Chen Qiu knew.

His actions are of course indifferent, but so what!?

People who can't even take care of themselves have to help others.

This is not kindness in Chen Qiu's view.

is stupid!

is stupid!

It's utterly stupid!

Chen Qiu's attitude is very obvious, that is, take care of Xia Guo first, after Xia Guo can block the cellar monsters,

If they have the strength, they will consider whether to help other countries.


At least now, their Xia Kingdom does not have such strength!

Therefore, facing the troubles of other countries, they have nothing to help.

And at the same time.

Just when Chen Qiu began to check the "100" situation of the cellar entrances in other countries, people from other countries also got the information of Xia Guo.

In fact!

Today's Xia Kingdom is definitely a first-level key research object for all countries in the world.

Because, Xia Guo's various actions are really curious.

In addition, the Xia Kingdom itself is a hegemonic country.

Is his every move attractive?!

And now!

Because of Xia Guo's new round of actions, the whole world is caught in a large-scale quarrel and is boiling!!

[The headquarters of Xia Guo's National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau relocated to Huashan Road!]

[The 1st to 5th armies of the headquarters of the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau of Xia Guo all went to Huashan Road to garrison, and entered the state of national first-level war preparations! 】

[Huashan Road is blocked by the army!]

[The interior of Huashan Road is the ancient mythological battlefield of the Xia Kingdom, and there are heaven and earth treasures and monster races in it!! 】

[The country is cleaning up the mythical battlefield...]


When such news came out one by one from the Xia Kingdom.

a time.

Xia Guo's own name is stunned, but the presidents of other countries in the country are even more jaw-dropping!

They seem to understand a little bit!!

They seem to instantly know the reasons for the more and more vibrations in their country!

In an instant, they all set their goals...

Aiming at Xia Guo, aiming at Chen Qiu!

Mi Liguo, the Presidential Palace.

"Fuck mythical battlefield!"

His Excellency the President threw the cup angrily and roared.

He understands it all now!

The Huashan Road in the Xia Kingdom must be the space vibration area, which is the so-called cellar entrance!

And such an entrance, they also found in Mi Liguo.

A powerful monster can rush out of it.

And for this kind of monster, their clumsy fighting is at a disadvantage!

Hot weapons don't even work!

to this!

They Mi Liguo are about to go crazy, but now seeing reports like Xia Guo...

How could your Excellency President Mi Liguo not know!

The Huashan Road in the Xia Kingdom must be the entrance to the cellar of the Xia Kingdom!

And Xia Guo announced this in such a high-profile way, he must have found a way to deal with the entrance of the cellar.

a time.

His Excellency President Mi Liguo had a smile on his face, and he quickly ordered: "Hurry up, call the Great Elder of Xia State, and ask him, and ask him for a solution..."

The secretary to the president hesitated, and then said carefully: "But, Your Excellency, the relationship between our country Mi Li and Xia is not good..."

The president was taken aback.

But then he gritted his teeth, at this time, what's the use of caring about the relationship!?

The president immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, just call and ask!"

"Be sure to ask!

The secretary had no choice but to call the Great Elder of Xia Guo directly.

Big Bear Country.

After His Excellency the President saw the intelligence of Xia Guo, he was silent.

He also guessed,

The Huashan Road in the Xia Kingdom must be the entrance to the cellar of the Xia Kingdom.

And such a cellar entrance, the big bear country...

There are two!

This is a huge pressure, the monsters rushing out of the cellar entrance are terrible!

The army of their Great Bear Country is no match for those monsters!

Originally, His Excellency the President of the Great Bear Country was particularly anxious...

And now!

Seeing the announcement from the Xia Kingdom, for a time, the President of the Great Bear Kingdom seemed to see hope!!

"Call Elder Xia Guoda, hurry up!

The President of the Big Bear Country roared excitedly, and he couldn't even help walking around.

He murmured in his mouth: "Xia Guo, it's hidden too deep, too deep, they must have discovered the entrance to the cellar earlier than us, but they haven't said it! 99

"It doesn't matter, Xia Guo definitely has a solution, you must ask it, you must ask it! 35

The same is true for the European-Pacific Federation.

This time, the president of the European-Pacific Federation even personally called the elder Xia Guoda.

no doubt.

What he wants to ask is the same as the presidents of the big bear country and the Mili country. He wants to ask how to solve the area where the vibration frequency is getting higher and higher!

What is the creature that rushed out, why is it killing anyone, and why is it so powerful!?

All this is a mystery!

at the same time.

The presidents of the Japanese country, the stick country, the Asan 1.2 country, the monkey country and so on have all taken such a move.

They all called Elder Xia Guoda one after another.

to now.

They had to be surprised to find that they put all their hopes on Xia Guo!

But there is no way!

They have nothing to do with the entrance to the cellar, and they can only kill the monsters that rush out in the same way as people...

The price is too high!

They only hope now that Xia Guo can help them!

They only hope now that Xia Guo can save them!

On this day, Elder Xia Guoda's phone was blown up!

First post today!!.

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