I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 171: Absorb the entire Huashan Road! (3)

June 30, 2019.

Huashan Road.

Chen Qiu is breaking through on the eighth basement floor of the headquarters building of the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau.


It caused the entire Huashan Road to vibrate at a high frequency.

If it wasn't for Jiang Anguo's special announcement to explain it.

Then I am afraid that the troops stationed in the entire Huashan Road think that the cellar monsters have begun to invade!

But at the same time.

Everyone's eyes were also filled with uncontrollable astonishment. Their director Chen Qiu, this breakthrough movement was too big!

Actually don't talk about them.

Even Chen Qiu himself, who is choosing to break through at the moment, is helpless!

He also doesn't know why his breakthrough is so powerful...

Maybe because!

The reason why he is always number one in the world!?

This first person is not just a name, but means that Chen Qiu is the real first person in the world!


The first warrior!

The first rank 1 warrior!

The first second-rank martial artist!

The first third-rank martial artist!

Now, he is going to become the world's first rank 4 113 warrior!

And the appearance of a warrior like him...

In the case that the spiritual energy of the earth has not been fully recovered today, it is equivalent to the same operation as opening and hanging!!

Is it because of this that every time Chen Qiu breaks through, he faces the problem of breaking the global taboo realm!?

So... a lot of movement!?

"Damn, it doesn't matter, no matter how big the movement is, I have to break through at this moment, the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it!"

Chen Qiu gritted his teeth in the secret practice room.

to now.

His body, spirit, energy and spirit have reached the peak, and in one fell swoop, he directly crossed three small realms to assist him in breaking through the final big realm...

At this time, there is no way back!

Even if it is a taboo, he must break it at this moment!!

"Break me!"

With Chen Qiu gritted his teeth angrily shouted.

Immediately after...


All the veins in Chen Qiu's body burst out, and at the same time, his whole body became extremely hot, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was constantly being absorbed!

Absorption, not enough, also need heaven and earth aura!


In an instant, all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in a radius of ten meters was seen by Chen Qiu!

Absorption is still not enough, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is needed!


In an instant, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with a radius of fifty meters was forcibly plundered by Chen Qiu!

At this time, the people at the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau had already felt the abnormality.

Jiang Anguo was even more speechless, and said, "Why does the director absorb so much more spiritual energy from heaven and earth than us every time he breaks through!?"

The world-class physics master Yang Zhou sneered.

He calmly said: "That's because when Director Chen broke through, he only absorbed the essence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, as for the weak spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it was only incidental!"


As soon as these words came out, Jiang Anguo couldn't help but change his face.

If this is the case, then it can really explain the problem that every time Chen Qiu breaks through, he absorbs a lot of heaven and earth aura!

But at the same time...

Yang Zhou's words also exposed a new problem, that is...

Chen Qiu broke through the essence of Heaven and Earth Reiki that he absorbed, so... what about them!?

What did they absorb, the spiritual energy of the world!?

Jiang Anguo looked at Yang Zhou suspiciously.

Yang Zhou did not speak, but gave Jiang Anguo a contemptuous look, as if to say again... You are not the director, (bcbc) Are you talking nonsense!

Jiang Anguo is so angry!

In fact.

What Yang Zhou said was right, and it wasn't because of how picky Chen Qiu was. On the contrary, Chen Qiu had no requirements for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


He didn't ask for it, but his body had it!

Chen Qiu was reborn in this life, and for the strength of his body...

He has never let up at all!

No matter what realm it is, Chen Qiu has always been invincible in the same realm!!

Therefore, his physical body is extremely powerful!

Ordinary weak heaven and earth aura is not enough to support him at all, so only the energy essence in heaven and earth aura can feed Chen Qiu and let him break through!

And now, this is the picture!




The entire headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau seems to be surrounded by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The aura of heaven and earth was originally colorless.

However, under Chen Qiu's great breakthrough and absorption, for a while...

Because there are so many spiritual auras surrounding the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau, they have already shown a light yellow halo!

And this moment.

The entire headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau has been completely surrounded by a halo!

Under such circumstances, the others on Huashan Road were stunned.


"Master Chief, you are too fierce..."

"Huashan Road was originally the place with the most aura of heaven and earth in the country, but now that you absorb it, the aura of heaven and earth is about to return to zero..."

"How's the day going!?"

The people at the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy also looked at the pale yellow light circle that surrounded them.

They also know that this is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

But the problem is.

These heaven and earth auras are now falling into the eighth floor of the underground in the same way as small vortexes!

Although the spirit of heaven and earth surrounded the headquarters of the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau.

But the rest of the headquarters couldn't absorb it at all!

Because, they can't absorb it!

Because, these heaven and earth auras were attracted by Chen Qiu!

"Give me fusion, breakthrough! 33

In the underground world, Chen Qiu gritted his teeth and began to absorb the essence of heaven and earth aura!

Chapter 3 is here today!

Pain all over the body. Hey, I beg everyone to subscribe and support!

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