I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 185: The army of monsters in the cellar! (2)

July 4, 2019.


The cellar world, the entrance passage to the cellar in Huashan Road.

The monster army is still constantly preparing!

Now the tallest commander here is Chahou who is nearly five meters tall!

He doesn't use weapons.

Because for him, a person with the strength of the fifth-grade realm, he is too lazy to use any weapons.

Spirit tools that have not been raised by yourself are incompatible!


He has no weapons, and at this moment, he is roaring at the endless army of monsters: "Give me speed, build the city wall! 99

"When I want to stabilize the entrance of the passage, the city wall on our side has been built, everyone, hurry up!!




The monster army accelerated again and built up.

Joyce fought Chen Qiu and the others before, although he suffered heavy losses.


He still has nearly 150,000 troops left, and in these 150,000 troops, there are still hundreds of third-rank warriors!

I originally thought that these monster armies should be more than enough to crush human warriors.


After the last fight, Joyce understood...

His army is simply not enough!

Therefore, his reinforcements, that is, the army of Chahou, are even stronger!

An army of 200,000 monsters is coming!

And in this army of 200,000 monsters, there are still 10,000 monsters with the strength of third-rank warriors, and even...

The high-level monsters are just in case!

Directly let the five-rank existence of Chahou come directly, what they want is once and for all, and they must be absolutely crushed!!

And this time.

Joyce was also full of confidence, he watched so many troops...

An army of nearly 350,000 monsters!

There are more than 10,000 monsters with the strength of third-rank warriors or above!

There is also the existence of the strength of this fifth-grade martial artist!

This time...

They will never lose, they will definitely... win!!

"That human kid, I must find him and crush his head!

And this time.

Joyce thought of Chen Qiu who cut off his three legs.


He gritted his teeth with hatred, and the cold light in his eyes bloomed, this time...

He will never let Chen Qiu go!


Roof 'Om! 35

"Om! 35

It was also at this time that Joyce discovered the changes in the space vortex.

He unexpectedly discovered that the space vortex of this passage was accelerating and merging.

Suddenly, Joyce was overjoyed!

He hurriedly ran out overjoyed and ran directly to Cha Hou, Joyce exclaimed in surprise: "Lord Commander, Lord Commander, I have found out!! 35

Cha Hou looked down at him condescendingly: "Say!

Joyce pointed at the space vortex, and said in surprise: "Look, those space vortexes are accelerating and merging, so that the passage will be faster and more stable!

After Chahou heard the words, he glanced at the space whirlpool.

He was a little puzzled.

When will the space vortex speed up and merge on its own!?

Have you ever had such an experience before? No!!

But no, it doesn't mean it won't happen, Chahou said solemnly: "In that case, why are you still standing there, go to the space whirlpool and stare, and report to me immediately if there is any situation!!"


Joyce hurried to the space whirlpool in an instant.

it's here.

Now the city wall of the monster army has begun to take shape, the city wall of four or five meters has been built almost, and now it is only expanding!!

The army of 350,000 monsters is also working in a hurry.

And Joyce was directly guarding the space whirlpool, staring at it all the time.

"Fusion, fusion, fusion..."

"The speed of fusion is faster, hahaha..."

"It's getting faster and faster..."

"If it goes on like this, won't the passage be stable tomorrow!?"

"That human kid, tomorrow is your day of death!! 35

Joyce was mumbling like crazy.

He watched as the space vortex in front of him was merging at an accelerated rate!


He was even more pleasantly surprised, and even couldn't wait to kill the human warrior Chen Qiu!

And at this time...


A huge sound like a collision came from the vortex of space.

Joyce's face changed.

He moved forward again, and listened carefully to the space vortex!




The turbulent sound continued to sound in the vortex of space.

as if……

It exists in the vortex of space, and what makes Joyce puzzled is that this restless sound seems to be approaching at extreme speed!

Joyce's eyes were astonished, and he hurriedly shouted: "Lord Commander, if there is a situation, you'd better come and take a look..."

Cha Hou roared: "What's the matter, tell me directly, I'm busy!""

"Boom! 35

The agitation grew louder and closer.

at this time!

Not only Joyce, but also the army of monsters who are building the city wall around also heard it, and they were all stunned! (Well done)!

Joyce couldn't help but hurriedly said: "I can't tell, you'd better come and see for yourself!

Cha Hou heard the words and ran over angrily.

As he ran, he scolded angrily: "Damn trash, what else can you do..."

"Boom!" 5



He was still scolding, but when the restless voice came.

After the huge sound echoes!

His footsteps stopped, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes!

Almost subconsciously, he hoarsely directed at all the monsters near the space vortex, and ordered: "Retreat!!



The second one continues to be updated!

The decisive battle is coming, the channel is wide open, I beg everyone to subscribe and support!!.

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