I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 212: Returning to Huashan Road! (4)

July 4, 2019.


In the cellar world, the decisive battle is in the center of the battlefield.

Chen Qiu led the army of human warriors to the final battle against the army of monsters~,

At this time, it is not appropriate to say a decisive battle - appropriate.

Because the only fifth-rank investigation in the monster army has died, and the third-rank peak Joyce was also killed by Ike!

The army of monsters at this time,

All of them have long since lost their desire to fight, and one by one has long lost their fighting spirit.

Also because of this.

So the next battle, calling him a slaughter is almost the same.


Mass murder!

Purposeless slaughter!!

Destroying the entire army of monsters is Chen Qiu's goal!


Chen Qiu has returned to the war fort, because he is no longer needed on the battlefield.

It is enough to send human warriors to continue slaughtering the army of monsters.

Song Cheng, Gong Cai and others also returned.


Gongcai lost a left arm, because in the previous decisive battle, he accidentally lost a left arm.

Chen Qiu is healing him.


Chen Qiu's face was not good-looking, he angrily scolded: "Didn't you say, you people are all staying in the war fortress, why are you running down and rushing to kill!?"

"You are not soldiers at all, are you running down to your death!! 35

Although angry.

But Chen Qiu was still using the aura of heaven and earth to quickly heal his wounds.


His left arm can't be reattached, unless he gets a prosthesis, or breaks through to the eighth-rank martial artist, then he can be reborn from the broken limb!

And eight-rank martial artist, how can it be so easy!?

Gong Cai, Song Cheng and other people on the war fortress are all accepting Chen Qiu's criticism.

Of course.

Although it was criticism, Gong Cai and the others were still very happy.

For no other reason, because they won!

Gong Cai grinned and said: "Director, you said that it is a decisive battle. Although we are not soldiers, we are also members of the National Crisis Strategies Bureau. Director, you are charging in front, how can we wait at the back with peace of mind? !?35

Chen Qiu did not speak.

Directly at Gong Cai's stomach, he kicked him and gave him a glance.


If the labor and management scold you, just listen, how dare you talk back!?

And Gong Cai suddenly shut up angrily.

Chen Qiu looked at his empty left arm and couldn't help sighing: "How can I get used to it without my left arm? Go back and get a prosthesis.

Miya nodded.

However, he was not sad and said: "Director, don't worry, I am a master of hidden weapons, even if I lose my left arm, I can still make a powerful hidden weapon!!"

"I have confidence in this!"


Chen Qiu healed Gong Cai's wound, and in this war...

Like Gong Cai, more than one or two!?

What is a broken arm!?

Some warriors were directly beaten to the point that they were completely paralyzed!

Some have been seriously injured and are on the verge of death!!

These people are more, but it is undeniable that it is because of their efforts...

This decisive battle!

Chen Qiu and the others, they won so heartily!!


Lu Shu, Ike, Wu Jiajun and others who chased down the monster army all returned!!


The three major units all returned, shouting hoarsely: "Report to the director, the killing of the army of more than 300,000 monsters has been completed!!"5

"All the corpses of the monster army are piling up into a huge city wall outside the war fortress, no one is missing, please instruct the director!! 99

Chen Qiu nodded secretly.

To wipe out the army of monsters, this is naturally his order.


He ordered all the corpses of the monster army to be sorted out and piled up outside the war fort to form a new city wall.


Although the corpse of the monster can be eaten, in addition to eating it, stacking him into a city wall can form a huge deterrent!

··For flowers..

They won this battle!

But later, they still have to guard the cellar entrance of this Huashan Road!

And this is the hardest part!

"Lu Shu. 35

Chen Qiu immediately instructed, and Li shouted: "You send five power user teams, start with the war fortress as the center, check the surrounding map for a hundred miles, and arrange it and give it to me!""

Lu Shu respectfully said: "Yes!"

"Ike, Mr. Wu."

Chen Qiu continued to instruct, saying: "You send some soldiers to be stationed on the war fort in batches, understand!?"

Both responded: "Understood!


"Hmm! 99

Chen Qiu nodded lightly, and then his eyes began to Song Cheng.

Still ordered.

Chen Qiu said: "Song Cheng, cooperate with Mei Qianyi, mark all the space vortex and the entrance of the cellar, and then establish a passage!"

Once the channel is established successfully.


When human warriors enter the cellar world from the Huashan Road, they will not be monsters in the cellar world at first sight!

They will be equivalent to crossing the Huashan Road directly into the war fortress!

And this is the purpose of Chen Qiu!

But before that...

They also need to find the location of the space vortex, and then dig it out, because they still need to return to the Huashan Road!

after all!

Although this decisive battle is over, the number of casualties is unprecedented.

Moreover, what is Xia Guo's situation now?

Chen Qiu also needs to return to Huashan Road to find out.

Following Chen Qiu's order, the entire war fortress was busy.

city ​​wall...


space vortex...

Soon, all preparations are complete, and they are about to...

Back to Huashan Road!

Today's chapter 4, here it is!!

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