I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 249: Completely block Chonglou County! (3)

Chonglou County.

A small county not far from the capital, the location is quite good, but the economy cannot develop.

Also, next to it is the capital.

Basically, everyone came to the capital to develop, which led to several small counties around the capital, becoming the same place as the suburbs.


Even if it is a suburb, it is always next to the capital after all.

The most terrifying thing in Chonglou County is not the geographical location and other construction problems, but the continuous population problem!

The flow of people is too large!

And now the vibration frequency is emitted from here, that is to say...

Chonglou County will become the second cellar entrance!

Chen Qiu's eyes were slightly solemn.

He thought for a moment, and then began to instruct: "Jiang Anguo, let the fourth and fifth troops of the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau be responsible for garrisoning the Huashan Road, and at the same time dispatch a small-scale army to clean up and explore the situation in the Huashan Road Crypt World!

Jiang Anguo said with awe: "Yes, I promise to complete the task!"

Chen 12 Qiu nodded, and then immediately shouted: "In addition to this, everyone at the headquarters of the National Crisis Strategy Bureau, including all the troops, are all urgently assembled in Zhonglou County!"

"In addition, Chonglou County will enter the country's most advanced experimental site from today, and it is required that all people in Chonglou County be evacuated within three days!

"For the situation here, send a copy to the first elder, so that he can directly spread the news of Chonglou County!"

Following Chen Qiu's instructions one after another, he sent it out.


The entire Xia Kingdom, whether it is an organization like the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau, or an organization like a national first-level department...

All mobilized!

The machine of the country starts to work, and the power of the country is beyond your imagination!

July 5, 2019.

The entrances to the cellars of Mi Li and Bang Zi countries broke out in an all-round way, and the two countries fell into a protracted war.

Other news has not yet been revealed.

at the same time.

All the more than a dozen countries in the alliance headed by the European-Pacific Federation apologized to Xia and held compensation talks for two hours.


The conspiracy of more than a dozen countries in the alliance to deal with the Xia Kingdom was a complete failure!

Just when the people of the Xia country started to revel, thinking that the situation was calm, suddenly...

The headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau once again issued a heavy announcement.


The announcement stated: "The headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau will send the fourth and fifth troops to be stationed at the entrance of the cellar in Huashan Road, and at the same time be responsible for cleaning up the battlefield. Within ten days, the first batch of warriors who sign up in my country can enter the cellar world in turn...


As soon as the announcement came out, the whole country was boiling.

Especially those who signed up successfully, one by one, they couldn't wait.

The Cellar World is finally available nationwide!?

at this time,

Most people in the Xia Kingdom have started to stop calling the cellar world an ancient mythical battlefield, because Chen Qiu has already said it.

Internationally, it is collectively referred to as the cellar world!

The name is just a code name. For the people of Xia, whether it is the cellar world or the ancient mythical battlefield...

As long as there is a chance!

Opportunities represent breakthroughs, and breakthroughs represent strength!

After seeing the strength of Chen Qiu's fourth-grade martial artist.

The whole summer country...

Who doesn't want to be as powerful as Chen Qiu!?

Just when other countries are still afraid of monsters, fear the cellar, and are in a protracted war with cellar monsters...

On the side of the Xia Kingdom, the cellar has been opened, allowing all the warriors to enter.

The difference is so huge!

at the same time.

Not long after the announcement was made by the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau.

The national-level department also issued a notice again.

Also heavy!

It said: "According to the national first-level department survey, Chonglou County is very likely to be the second cellar entrance, so from now on, Chonglou County will be listed as the country's most advanced experimental site, alongside Huashan Road!

"At the same time, within three days, the state will evacuate everyone in Chonglou County and blockade 50 kilometers around Chonglou County!

State-level departments have just issued a circular.

The domestic martial artist has not had time to react.

The headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau issued a notice again.

As if responding to a circular from a department at the national level, he said:

"The National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau is arranged by the state and will take over Chonglou County in these three days, and block the entire Chonglou County!

"All experts from the headquarters of the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau, including the army, will set off for Chonglou County from now on, according to the order of the director. 35

"This time, if Chonglou County is really the entrance to the cellar 160, then the progress of the cellar entrance this time, the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau will broadcast live broadcast to the national warriors!


Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw such news.

One by one, all of their breaths seemed to stop, and they couldn't wait to get up.

News, so much!

It was so densely packed that it almost stunned all the warriors of the whole nation.


What attracts everyone's attention is that if Chonglou County is the entrance to the cellar, then Chen Qiu will...live broadcast!?


It's too bold to broadcast directly synchronously!!

To know.

Whether it is Mi Li or Bang Zi, they are now in the midst of a protracted war with the cellar monsters, so they don't dare to shout.

What does this mean?

It shows that they are afraid of failure!

As for Chen Qiu, he directly took the initiative to say live broadcast, which is enough to show...

Chen Qiu and the others, self-confidence will definitely not fail!!

The third one is presented today, I beg everyone to subscribe and support!

Please alright!!.

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