I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 252: We will only win, not lose!! (2)


Chen Qiu and other members of the army entered Chonglou County.


The blockade was blocked again, and no one except the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau was allowed to enter it~.

But Chen Qiu turned around and looked at the people outside.

Chen Qiu gave an order first, and said, "Mei Qianyi, you go with your staff first to find out the specific location of the cellar entrance and the opening time of the cellar entrance."

Mei Qianyi immediately said with awe: "I'll go now!""

Chen Qiu added: "The first army, the second army, assist Lu Shu's superpower team, and start cleaning up the entire Chonglou County to see if there are any illegal people or monsters sneaking in.

Feng Lin and the others said with awe: "Yes, the mission is guaranteed to be completed!"

As for the others.

There are no other tasks at the moment, Chen Qiu let them move freely.

And then.

Chen Qiu then looked at the media, reporters and others in front of him.

He said calmly and indifferently: "You have one minute to ask questions, and the questions will end in a minute."

Chen Qiu deliberately gave the reporter a chance.

At the same time, it is only to report the issue of Chonglou County this time to the world.

the reason is simple.

Chonglou County is different from Huashan Road. When Huashan Road discovered the entrance to the cellar, the whole country was extremely secretive.

Therefore, the country is not in turmoil!

Now, Chonglou County is fully open to the public, and the whole country knows that this is the second cellar entrance, which is different from the blockade of Huashan Road.

Chonglou County is only blocking the territory, not blocking the news.

Just ask, in such a situation.

All the martial artists in the whole country are paying attention. If Chen Qiu doesn't say a word and doesn't give everyone a chance to know...

What the hell would you think of all the warriors!?

not to mention.

Facing the entrance of the second cellar in Chonglou County, Chen Qiu did not plan to block the news in all directions.

He even thought about using a live broadcast to make it public, and since that's the case, he naturally won't block it completely!

Therefore, he will give reporters the opportunity to ask questions.

The reporters were overjoyed when they heard the words, even if it was only for a minute.

One by one they immediately asked questions.

A reporter from Tiantian Daily immediately asked: "Director Chen, may I ask, has Chonglou County confirmed that it is the second cellar entrance? Is there any difference between this cellar entrance and Huashan Road!?

Chen Qiu pondered for three seconds, then opened his mouth and said, "Chonglou County has been identified by the headquarters of the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau as the second cellar entrance. The only difference between him and the cellar entrance on Huashan Road is that we are stronger. , the enemy is weaker!'

Everyone, silent.

Almost everyone was infected by Chen Qiu's confidence.

But for a moment.

A reporter from Tengyun Daily immediately said: "If this is the case, then Director Chen, why did your National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau blockade the entire Chonglou County in all directions? Why didn't you let us in? Are you afraid of something!?

Chen Qiu looked at the reporter deeply and deeply.


Chen Qiu said with a half-smile, "Yes, we are afraid, of course everyone in the headquarters of the National Crisis Strategies Bureau is not afraid of monsters! 35

"However, in contrast, other people are definitely not opponents of monsters. For example, you, a reporter, I can guess that you can't resist three seconds in front of the most common monsters! 99

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

And the reporter's face turned blue and white for a while.

Chen Qiu reiterated: "The National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau blocked Chonglou County just because it wanted to protect more ordinary people! 35

"Although most people in our country have become warriors, there are still more people who are ordinary people, and they are definitely not opponents of monsters. What we have to do..."

...for flowers...

"It is within the blockade, killing monsters in all directions!"

A reporter from the Groom's Daily asked: "Excuse me, Director Chen, are you going to fight the monster at the entrance of the cellar in Chonglou County again!?

The corners of Chen Qiu's mouth rose and said, "No, it's not a war, it's a massacre!


As soon as these words came out, everyone was slightly shocked.

Chen Qiu's confidence really shocked everyone.

And this time!

One minute has passed, Chen Qiu turned around and started to leave.

However, there was a reporter behind him asking: "Director Chen, why are you so confident that the Kingdom of Bangzi had declared defeat two hours ago, why is this?!


"Because they are weak, that's all!""

Although one minute has passed, Chen Qiu still answered the question.

His voice was indifferent, but he said powerfully: "Bangzi country lost the battle, that's because their army was weak, their country was weak, and our Xia country is different, we can only win, not lose! 99

The voice just fell.

He turned around and strode away, leaving behind a large area of ​​shocked people outside the blockade.

Everyone was deeply touched by Chen Qiu's words.

Especially Chen Qiu's phrase "We will only win, not lose"!

In this case.

It even made the blood of the warriors in the whole country boil, and they wished that they could enter Chonglou County like Chen Qiu.

However, it is clear that...

It's just a luxury!

But Chen Qiu's answer is extremely effective, he has one minute to answer the reporter's words, these videos...

It is sweeping the entire Xia Kingdom at an extremely fast speed!

hmm, forgot to update,

Hahahaha sorry sorry...Ding.

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