I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 258: The Cellar Monster in Chonglou County! (4)

Chen Yihai is breaking through.

At the same time, so did others around him.

One by one, although there was no immediate breakthrough.

But they also felt the increase in their own strength.

This change makes everyone happy!

For the first time, they felt the benefits of the cellar world, and even more miraculously, when they learned that the Bangzi Kingdom had been defeated in an all-round way...

They are summer!

Not only did he wipe out the army of more than 30 monsters, but he won a great victory!

They Xia Guo, and even established such a huge base in this cellar world, such a change shocked everyone.

Three thousand warriors!

Ordinary three thousand warriors from the Xia Kingdom, their first time...

He was truly shocked by the power of the country's "One Seven Seven" and the power of Chen Qiu!

at the same time.

In the cellar world of Huashan Road, when the three thousand warriors were still shaking, on the other side, at the entrance of the second cellar of the Xia Kingdom...

Chonglou County!

Chen Qiu and others are busy, and they don't know about the Huashan Road.

July 7, 2019.

Chonglou County,

Entrance to the cellar, inside the gymnasium, surrounded by hordes of armies.

Chen Qiu is standing in the middle.



"Pfft! 35

But standing in front of Chen Qiu was a low-level monster.

This is a monster that crawled out of the cellar entrance a minute ago.


After this monster climbed out, he was immediately stunned.

Because at that time Chen Qiu and others were discussing things.

The army had already completely surrounded the entire cellar entrance.


A low-level monster climbed out, and all the warriors looked at him!

Almost a hundred thousand warriors looked at this low-level monster.

With such eyes, this low-level monster who looked directly at it felt guilty.

He might want to go back and report.

But how could Chen Qiu give him such an opportunity to move his body directly, and the power of supernatural space unfolds...


Chen Qiu killed this low-level monster with one knife, dripping with blood!

"Weak, too weak..."

Chen Qiu frowned and murmured incredulously.

It would be fine if this monster's strength increased, but Qipanshan's strength is so weak...

Feeling so weak!

Compared with the army of monsters on Huashan Road, this is far worse!

At the same time, however, it also explains one thing.

Explanation, Chen Qiu's calculation...should be correct!

"Director, how are you!?"

At this time, Jiang Anguo ran over and asked.

Chen Qiu said succinctly: "The strength of the monster army this time is definitely not very strong, it should be an ordinary monster army, let everyone be prepared, and any monsters that rush out, kill them directly, and don't let them go back...

"In addition, it is obvious that the monster army in Zhonglou County does not know the situation of the monster army in Huashan Road, otherwise their strength cannot be so low, which also shows a problem..."

Jiang Anguo was taken aback: "What's the problem!?"

Chen Qiu smiled, but said, "It means that the entrance to the cellar is not the same, or that their sources of information are not the first to communicate, understand!?

Jiang Anguo suddenly realized.


The source of the information at the entrance to the cellar should not have been figured out immediately, otherwise how could Zhonglou County not know the information on Huashan Road!?


This doesn't explain anything, let alone that the two cellar entrances can't be figured out. Anyway, this is just a speculation.

Jiang Anguo immediately said with awe: "Understood!"

Immediately after.

He ordered to go on, so that all the troops stationed at the entrance of the cellar were all ready for battle, no matter what monsters rushed out...

All must be killed immediately!

Chonglou County also entered a state of war at the first time!

Level 1 Alert!

Highly blocked!!

In the whole Chonglou County, war is imminent!!

Chen Qiu has already walked out of the circle at this time...

Because the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau is located in Huashan Road.

And these people even came to Chonglou County.

But it was only a temporary base.

In the temporary base area, people at the headquarters of the National Crisis Strategies Bureau are busy.

Chen Qiu said, "Is there any information?"

Jiang Anguo sorted out a document and handed it over to Chen Qiu, and said seriously: "From today, the entrance to the cellar of Huashan Road will be open to the first batch of three thousand warriors in the country, and they have entered the cellar world..."

Chen Qiu narrowed his eyes: "How did they react!? 35

Jiang Anguo stroked his hair and said, "It's normal, after all, the cellar world in Huashan Road is about to be cleaned up by us, so there's nothing scary about it. 99

"In that case..."

The corners of Chen Qiu's mouth rose, and he couldn't help but say, "Then create monsters on purpose, and let these three thousand warriors fight against monsters to see!"

Jiang Anguo was taken aback: "Ah??"

Chen Qiu ignored him, but his eyes were deep, and he continued: "The first step is to control 1.2 to create danger, let all the warriors fight against monsters, and see who can survive the danger, or stand out...

"The second step, the state will issue an announcement, establish a mercenary team, form it freely, and enter the cellar world to fight, the benefits and restrictions are for the state to measure‥

"The third step is to find good seedlings, which can be absorbed into the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau, or even directly absorb his mercenary team if possible...

Jiang Anguo was confused at first.

But when he heard the back, he couldn't help, and his eyes became brighter and brighter!

Today, the fourth one is presented, I beg everyone to subscribe and support!!!.

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