I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 269: You know nothing about us! (3)

Yes, so weak.

Chen Qiu frowned deeply, he also looked at Lei Mozi in disbelief,

The strength of Lei Mozi...

In the battle of the monsters on the Huashan Road, I am afraid that I can only be a small captain, and a general!?

How did this general come to be?

Chen Qiu has experienced the decisive battle on Huashan Road, so naturally he doesn't take Lei Mozi's third-rank strength as a matter of course.

at the same time!

The same is true for everyone in the other headquarters of the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau behind him, and they all came out alive from the decisive battle on the Huashan Road...

It can be said!

Their strength is well-deserved as the top group of all mankind!

And now!?

Summoned by Director Chen Qiu, they all waited so long for the cellar monsters at the cellar entrance of Chonglou County, and they ended up one by one...

So weak!?

Lu Shu frowned even more, and directly blocked a monster soldier with a sword.


Lu Shu even more carelessly said: "Director, these monsters are fake, aren't they just a vanguard or something!?"



Chen Qiu agreed and nodded.

With one step, he came directly to Lei Mozi and asked earnestly, "Tell me, how many monsters are there behind you!?"

Thunder Devil: "..99

He wants to cry!

He feels humiliated, he feels humiliated!!

He is the son of a king in the cellar world!

The army of 100,000 monsters in front of him is his private army of thunderstorms. With his thunderstorm army...

It has also made a lot of achievements!!

His thunderstorm army, under the third-rank realm, is definitely an extremely good army.

However, today...

He swore that the earthlings who he thought could be easily kneaded, are now kneading and suppressing them in reverse!?

And what makes Lei Mozi unacceptable is...

These earthlings actually feel that their strength, and the strength of their own army of thunderstorms, are too weak!!

He was actually used as a vanguard!?

What the hell is this shit, this is a naked shame!!

Lei Mozi's eyes were red, and he directly faced the difficulty, roaring: "I killed you!"

"Brush! 35

Lei Mozi directly attacked Chen Qiu without fear of death.

And Chen Qiu didn't blink.

He just stared at all this indifferently. When Lei Mozi suddenly burst into flames and directly killed him, Chen Qiu slowly stretched out a hand.


He stretched out his hand so mediocrely, but his arm seemed to be able to penetrate space!

When Lei Mozi kills you!


Somehow, Chen Qiu's left hand flashed directly from the space.


Chen Qiu pinched Lei Mozi's throat extremely accurately!!

Yes, Chen Qiu grabbed Lei Mozi's throat with one hand!

With one hand, the general couldn't move at all in an instant.


For a time, Lei Mozi's thunderstorm army all went crazy.

All of them were shocked and yelled in anger.

And at the same time...

The live broadcast is still going on, and so many people around the world watch the live broadcast simultaneously.

When seeing this scene.

Except for the Xia people, all the people from other countries were shocked.

They even felt a kind of bitterness!

This is the Xia Kingdom!

When their country was still facing the battered monsters in the cellar, and was defeated by the monsters in the cellar...

What about Xia Kingdom!?

However, Xia Guo can repel the cellar monsters, and even has full strength...

Anti-kill monsters!!

Such a strong sense of power gap, how can people from other countries not feel the bitterness in their hearts!?

But the Xia people went crazy.

One by one was frightened by the international news of the past few days.

All the other nations of mankind declared defeat, one by one, and one by one was wiped out.

This makes the Xia people have a kind of...

It seems that the monsters in the cellar can really destroy the earth at any moment!!

The people of the Xia people were apprehensive.

But now, with Chen Qiu's strength blooming, the strength of the mighty Xia Kingdom martial artist army in this live broadcast has been shown.

All Xia Guo understood one thing!!


Those countries that were defeated in the world before are real, and the countries that were destroyed are also real, but this does not mean that the monsters are powerful!

The reason is simply because...

You are too weak, and Xia Kingdom is too strong!!

That's right, it's that simple, all the people of Xia Kingdom felt this, and they all went crazy!

The people of Xia couldn't help but shouted excitedly...

"Xia Guo, must win!!"

"Xia Guo, we must win!!

"Xia Guo, must win!! 35

A loud shout sounded, and soon the whole country seemed to have such a voice.

Everyone, the whole country, wherever...

this moment……

All of them are shouting one sentence in unison, that is...

"Xia Guo, must win!! 99

"I understand."

Chen Qiu's eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth rose.

At the entrance of the cellar in Chonglou County, Chen Qiu suppressed Lei Mozi with one hand.

The audience is shocked!

He sneered and said strangely: "I understand, you are not a vanguard at all, you are the army of cellar monsters in Chonglou County, and you have never heard the news of Huashan Road, so..."

"You guys don't know anything about our Xia Kingdom!! 39

The third one is here today!!

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