I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 300: Conditions for the Avengers! (1)

July 25, 2019.

early morning,

The second day after Xia Guo refused to join the Confederate States, the national first-level department issued a notice again, which shocked the world!!


Xia Guo said: "From now on, Xia Guo will set up a new organization covering the whole world - Avengers Alliance, Xia Guo sincerely invites all countries around the world to join the Avengers Alliance and resist the cellar monsters together!

The announcement is simple.

very simple.

Just seeing this, I don't know how many countries in the world are excited.

after all.

Xia Guo is the only country in the world that has defeated the monster in the cellar. He now takes the lead in creating this Avengers organization.


It must be more reliable than the Confederate States Organization!?

for a while!

Many countries around the world are all about to move, and some are ready to join...


The announcement of the first-level department of the Xia Kingdom is not just that short, because there is a special line under this announcement!

[In response to the conditions for joining the Avengers, the country has handed over the matter to the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau, so the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau will explain this matter in detail to the world! 】

a time.

I don't know how many people around the world are stunned, and one by one, they hurriedly clicked on the official website of the headquarters of the National Crisis Situation Strategy Bureau of Xiaguo to check.

They don't understand.

Since Xia Guo is going to form the Avengers, why not just announce the end of all the first-level departments, and transfer it to the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau!?


After reading the announcement issued by the headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau, many countries around the world all turned red, and they dared not speak out.


Not long after the first-level department of Xia Guo issued a notice.

The headquarters of the National Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau also issued a notice at the same time.

It stated: "The headquarters of the National Crisis Strategy Bureau of Xia Guo will become the core organization of the newly established Avengers Alliance of Xia Guo,"!35

"Chen Qiu, director of the National Crisis Strategy Bureau of Xia Guo, will represent Xia Guo with full authority and be in charge of everything organized by the Avengers!""

"Now, the Avengers organization of Xia Guo has just been established, Xia Guo sincerely invites all countries in the world to join the Avengers Alliance, the conditions are as follows..."

"1. To join the Avengers, you must become one of the vassal states of the Xia Kingdom, and you need to unconditionally surrender to the Xia Kingdom!!

"2. The Xia State has the right and can compulsorily send troops to garrison any area of ​​the subject country, and has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the subject country!"

"3. Join the Avengers, Xia Guo will be responsible for all members of the affiliated countries in the Avengers, and everyone is united!

in short.

Everyone understands.

The Avengers Alliance that Xia Kingdom has just established is not the same as the alliance organization.

The Confederate States is still fighting the slogan of equality for all peoples in all countries of the world.

And what about Xia Guo!?

He has already directly tore off the entire surface of hypocrisy!

He directly and publicly stated that to join the Avengers, he must become a vassal of the Xia Kingdom, and he needs to surrender the Xia Kingdom unconditionally!

Of course, Xia Guo does nothing!

Xia Guo is fully responsible for all his vassal states, and promises not to let his vassal states destroy the country.

But this way...

Destroying the country is actually not a big problem, because... once it becomes a vassal of the Xia country, then does it count as destroying the country!?

for a while!

When seeing conditions like the Xia Kingdom, many countries around the world fell silent.

Everyone blushed and was speechless!

As for the members of the Confederate States, they all laughed in anger, and they all yelled at each other.

"Hahaha, hahaha! 95

"Xia Guo is going to laugh at me and cry, hahaha!"

"It's funny, how to make other people's countries become vassals!?

"Unconditional surrender!? Hahaha..."

"How is it possible, just ask, how can there be such a country in the world!""

"Xia Guo is crazy, Xia Guo has completely swelled!"

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't join the Confederate States, he actually created this Avengers Alliance, it's just crazy...

"Look, this Avengers, there must be no one to join!""

for a while!

Xia Kingdom's Avengers Alliance has just been established, and suddenly...

One by one, the members of the Confederate States could not help but gloat over the misfortune.

And the European-Pacific Federation, the Mili country, the big bear country...

After a few real hegemony-level countries, they frowned solemnly.

They looked at this announcement and were speechless for a long time.

No country will join the Avengers!?

Not necessarily!

If it really comes to the later stage that every country will be destroyed, then

Choose between destroying a country or joining the Avengers!

Just ask!

Which one will they choose, I am afraid they will all choose to join the Avengers!?

"." Xia Guo, it's a good plan..."

After a long time, the President of the European-Pacific Federation couldn't help but sighed deeply.

He couldn't help thinking.

Is this Avengers alliance the plan of the elder Xia Guo, or the plan of Xia Guo Chen Qiu!?


If it is the elder of Xia Guoda, it is fine.

If it was Chen Qiu's plan...

That can only show that this man really has some... terrifying!!

And this time!

Chen Qiu stood in the office, looking at the fishing reels outside the window, his face was calm.

"No one will join the Avengers?!

"Not always!

He turned on the computer in his hand, and when he looked at it, he could see...


Three more countries are about to enter the state of extinction!

Guess what, in a situation like this...

These countries, will they join the Avengers!?

Take up…

The first one is presented today, I beg everyone to subscribe and support!



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