I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 33: Brilliant Record, A Sensation All Over The World! (3)


November 16, 2018.

Everyone, all dynasties were shocked by such a piece of news.


No matter what they thought, they never imagined how the Dayan Dynasty would suddenly dare to go to war with a strange place! ?

Where does he have the courage! !


With the help of the three forbidden troops and a hundred mysterious people, Nibaku can be eradicated!

how can that be! !

To know.

Niba is a dynasty with almost all the people, how did the team led by Chen Qiu do it! ?

The planet was shocked.

Chen Qiu disagreed, but Niba was the last target of his training.

Its purpose is to summarize it!

The power user Lu Shu was now covered in blood, and his power swordsmanship became more and more neat.

Do not.

Not only him, but also other power users have undergone reborn changes.

The abilities of these people have all been developed to the extreme!

And the three forbidden troops! ?

One by one is like the Iron Warriors now, the scars and blood on their bodies are their badges and glory!


Lu Shuli drank and reported the results: "Nibako, we won this battle!"

"Only 12 people were killed in the three banned armies, and no one was injured or killed in the superhuman team!"

Chen Qiu nodded.

The result of this last battle can be regarded as a satisfactory answer to Chen Qiu.

He nodded slightly and said indifferently: "You did a good job, get in the car, and prepare to return to the dynasty."


As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

They looked at Chen Qiu subconsciously one by one, revealing an unbelievable look! ?

What the hell!

Just now Chen Qiu, that's... complimenting them for doing a good job! ?


After being trained by Chen Qiu for so long, everyone knew that Chen Qiu was cruel and cold-blooded, and everyone thought he would never be satisfied.

And now, he finally praised everyone!

a time.

Everyone couldn't help but feel sour in their noses, and there was a feeling of... tears in their eyes! !

Mad, it's not easy! !

Everyone excitedly got into the car and left behind Chen Qiu.

Back to the dynasty!

go home!

Everyone has had enough, this kind of training is simply not a life for people! !


At the same time, the dynasties of the planet are still exploding.

Li Dynasty.


Li Dynasty roared, getting worse and worse.

He gritted his teeth and said, "The Great Yan Dynasty doesn't have such elite troops at all, it's impossible, it's impossible!!!"

"How could they wipe out Nibak? This is fake, fake!! There are also those hundred mysterious people, whether they are power users or not, it has not been found out yet!?"

"I can't find out who the young man who led the team is!?"

God King is going crazy.

He lifted the table angrily and roared, "Are you all rubbish, why can't you find anything, let me be a god king in the Li Dynasty, just like a blind man!!"

Others, other high-level officials, were scolded by the god king one by one.

However, they did not object.


In dealing with this matter, they really cannot escape the blame, and they are indeed trash.

Those three forbidden troops and one hundred mysterious people...

And the dynasty war situation...

Up to now, they still haven't found out, how can this make the overlord of the Li Dynasty God King not panic! ?

And in fact.

The Li Dynasty God King was even more panicked because he felt that the Dayan Dynasty was changing.


How to change, why to change, he doesn't know anything!

He seemed to be blind, watching all this!


Bear Dynasty.

"It's not right, it's not right, it's not right."

The Great Bear Dynasty God King pondered, and then said: "The Great Yan Dynasty is clearly preparing for... war!"

"That's right, he's preparing for war! But who is he going to fight!?"

"Li Dynasty? Tai Dynasty? It can't be me, neither should those two, what the hell is he doing in the Great Yan Dynasty now..."

The God King of the Bear Dynasty suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

He found.

The most terrifying thing is that he already knows that the Great Yan Dynasty is preparing for war, but the problem is...

Who is the enemy of the Great Yan Dynasty, he has no idea at all! !

This is the most terrifying and terrifying! !


and many more.

Planet discussion!

[The mysterious troops of the Great Yan Dynasty are here]

Such news has contracted the planet's hot discussion today.

other dynasties.

They were all frightened by the terrifying and terrifying fighting power of the forbidden army of the Dayan Dynasty, and many dynasties fell silent...

And in fact.

Not to mention other dynasties, the Dayan Dynasty didn't cover it up and just released the news!

Jiang An Dynasty was stunned when he saw the news, he murmured: "I'll be darling, what the director said is really right..."

"Only those who survive are the strongest!!"

Such a ban.

How can it not be strong! ?

The King of God was also excited when he saw the news in the attic.

"Good! Good! Good!"

When he saw the news and got the information, he was instantly excited.

Because, he knows how terrible the enemy is!

The stronger the Great Yan Dynasty, the more confident and reassuring he will be!

The King of God said excitedly: "Everyone is saying that your training method is too cruel, but I know that you must have your way..."

"As expected, you didn't disappoint me!"

This hearty and brilliant record is the answer! !




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