I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 358: Deafening

This is what Lu Shu and the others mean!!


Hearing this, Jiang Anjia couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said: "Chief, how can we blame the army of warriors of the Dayan Dynasty, it should be the army of warriors in Lizhou.

"Our Dayan Dynasty warrior army is responsible for reclaiming territory and suppressing and killing cellar monsters. The warrior army in Lizhou is responsible for after-sales. Solving this spider monster should be what the warrior army in Lizhou should do. It's their fault. !

Chen Qiu glanced at him and didn't speak.

In fact.

Chen Qiu is just too lazy to talk about it, the army of warriors in Lizhou!?

Why does this sound so awkward!

A group of first-rank warriors, or just quasi warriors, such a group of people...

Also worthy of being called an army of warriors!?

Chen Qiu didn't really take Lizhou's warrior army seriously at all, and he didn't even take it to heart from beginning to end.

If it wasn't for Jiang An's family to say this.

Chen Qiu even forgot about such an army!

Without continuing to chat, Chen Qiu didn't like the spider monster corpse in front of him at all.

He strode towards Liu San.

He walked towards this completely dumbfounded and stunned survivor.

Chen Qiu calmly said: "Hello, I'm Chen Qiu, head of the Dayan Dynasty Family Crisis Strategy Bureau Headquarters, can you tell me about the situation in this city!?35


As soon as these words came out, Liu Sancai suddenly woke up.

And at this time, he unexpectedly knew that the person in front of him...

He is actually Chen Qiu of the Dayan Dynasty?!

What the hell!

Chen Qiu!

That is the first person in the global martial artist strength rankings!!

this leaderboard.

This was what they had seen before Lizhou was invaded by cellar monsters. After all, it was a global power ranking.

Chen Qiu is the first person again.


I have to admit that many people remember Chen Qiu's name, but Liu San never thought that he would meet Chen Qiu in this way,

Truly the first in the world!

The image of him killing the monster just now was still lingering in Liu San's mind.

Liu San was shocked and quickly said hello to Chen Qiu.

Then, enter into a question-and-answer mode.

In front of Chen Qiu, where Liu San dared to lie, he said it all honestly.

Chen Qiu listened quietly.

Similar to the previous cities, they were invaded by an army of monsters, and then the city fell, and everyone died...

Survivors linger!

This is the case in almost every occupied city, and Chen Qiu has a general understanding.


Chen Qiu said, "I understand, besides, you can now go to the highway intersection in the city, where there are troops who can take your survivors back to the capital.


As soon as the words fell, Liu San's whole body shook.

He was full of incredulity, and said incredulously: "Go to the capital!? So, he has not fallen to the capital yet!?!"

Chen Qiu chuckled lightly and said, "Occupied? No, no, my army of warriors from the Dayan Dynasty has arrived, and now 257 is recovering your pear city.

"From now on, no city in Li will fall again!

When he finished speaking like this, Liu San even wanted to cry with excitement.


Chen Qiu and the others didn't have much time to accompany him, so Chen Qiu just flew into the air...


In the sky above this city, Chen Qiu snorted loudly, as if deafening!

He directly announced: "I'm Chen Qiu, head of the Dayan Dynasty Family Crisis Strategy Bureau Headquarters, and I was ordered to come to suppress the entrance to the pear cellar!! 35

"Now, the city has been fully recovered, all the monsters have been slaughtered, all the survivors of the city will gather at the highway intersection within one day, everyone can collect food and return to the capital of Lizhou!

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