I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 363: Don't dare to flee

He's going in too!

"The whole army listens to orders and is ready to fight at any time!"

Chen Qiu said solemnly.

If he expected it right, over the entrance to the cellar in Lizhou...

I'm afraid the monsters are building their base!

An army of 20,000 monsters fled in just now, and they must have obtained information!



They are ready to fight and prepare for a sneak attack. As soon as Lu Shu and the others enter, there will be a surprise attack!!


Chen Qiu wasn't pessimistic either, after all, the entrance to the cellar in Lizhou had only been opened for a few days.

Even if there are other high-level monsters at the entrance of the cellar.

But definitely not much!

And Chen Qiu is already a fifth-rank, and his combat power is no less than the sixth-rank 12, Chen Qiu does not think that he will be in any danger.


Chen Qiu's expression was still relatively relaxed, and he stepped out...

Half foot into the cellar entrance!


Chen Qiu gave an order and said coldly, "Kill!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was the first to enter the cellar entrance. Behind him were Jiang Anjia, Aike, Lu Shu, Feng Lin...

And the army they carry!

this moment!

They all followed behind Chen Qiu for the first time and rushed in!!

Lizhou, the entrance to the cellar.

As Chen Qiu expected, the base of their monsters has already been built here.


Monsters beyond the peak of the third rank do exist, one in the early stage of the fourth rank, one in the middle stage of the four-shooting, and one in the later stage of the fourth rank!

The three monsters are the real generals here!

They can't enter the earth at all because of channel restrictions.


They are building their monster base here, and they are also waiting!

What are you waiting for!?

When the passage restrictions are raised, they will be able to enter the Earth at the fourth rank.

But who ever thought...


Just as they continued to build their bases, all of a sudden the army of monsters on their ground fled in.

And a lot of people got hurt!

This is……

These monsters can see clearly, this is a tragic battle!!

And the 20,000 monsters who fled in shouted hoarsely: "General, it's not good, the army of warriors from the Dayan Dynasty has killed him, and the general has been killed!!

"Shut up and make it clear to me!"

The monster of the late fourth stage was angry, and with a roar, he directly ordered it.


They got all the information, the army of warriors from the Dayan Dynasty, three armies, and three warriors of the early stage of the fourth rank, adding up to 50,000 troops.

And what about their monsters!?

20,000 remnants of soldiers, plus 50,000 monsters who were already building the base, this is an army of 70,000, not to mention...

They also have rank four realms!

And there is only one early stage, one middle stage, and one late stage!

So, they are stronger!?


Why escape with such power?

In the eyes of the late fourth-grade monster, he laughed cruelly and began to issue orders!

"Prepare for battle!!

The monster in the 270th stage after the fourth rank gave an order and directly stopped the army of 20,000 monsters who were about to escape.


It was the army of 20,000 monsters that had been killed by the army of warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty and was about to flee.


In front of the monster generals in the late fourth stage, they did not dare to flee.


In the army of 20,000 monsters, some monsters almost cried and shouted: "General, the army of warriors of the Dayan Dynasty is stronger than us, let's escape...


A disdainful smile appeared on the general's face,

He inspected all the armies of monsters and said loudly: "Why should we flee, we have more troops than them, and our strength is stronger than them, why should we flee!? 35

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