I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 386: Dare to be angry and dare not speak

After Kusi looked up and glanced in the direction of the signal bomb, he directly ordered his army of monsters to start marching and rushed towards the direction of the signal bomb.

Kusi's army has already moved towards the direction of the battlefield at the fastest speed.

At this time on the battlefield,

Under Chen Qiu's orders,

All the Great Yan Dynasty martial artist army had already prepared camouflage according to the order, and on the battlefield, disguised the scene of the battle between the two sides.

"Master Chief, we have already used this trick once, will the other party be fooled this time? Lu Shu licked his lips, his eyes flashing with a strong light, and asked Chen Qiu, "If this time the other party doesn't How to be fooled? 99

Lu Shu's worries,

The rest of the people are also very worried.

They have already ambushed a monster, and the other - will they really be fooled?

Listening to Lu Shu's words, Chen Qiu glanced at the people around him, and found that they also had worried expressions on their faces.

Obviously, everyone is worried.

"All cheer me up and be vigilant.

Chen Qiu glanced at them blankly, and didn't intend to explain too many thoughts to them, just said lightly, "I said they will come, and they will come."

Chen Qiu's understanding of monsters was beyond Lu Shu and the others. Everything he did was made after thinking.

Upon hearing Chen Qiu's words,

Eklushu and the others immediately shut up,

They all knew that as long as Chen Qiu made up his mind, none of them could change it, they could only obey.

at any time,

Chen Qiu is the existence who controls the whole situation!

With Chen Qiu's words,

All the warrior army became more calm, waiting for Chen Qiu's next order.

At this time,

Chen Qiu was waiting for the scout's return.

"Come on. 39

Suddenly, an unexpected look appeared on Chen Qiu's face, staring at the intersection in the distance.

scout figure,

appeared at the intersection,

At the fastest speed, they are coming in the direction of Chen Qiu and others.

"All armies ready for war!"

Chen Qiu didn't have to wait for the scouts to approach, and directly faced the warrior army and issued a combat order, "We must kill all the monsters completely, and leave no one behind!

The army of warriors, taking orders with a bang, originally became quiet and the battlefield, in an instant, became the sound of killing.

...for flowers...

However, it's not really fighting, everyone is just acting.

After the last experience,

This time, the martial artists who acted were even more skilled. From a distance, there was no difference between them and the real fight!

At this time, Cuth was frantically urging his army to march quickly.

It's been a while since the signal flare was fired from the high-opening, and Kuss was a little worried about the safety of the high-opening.

As a leader of the young generation in Char City, Gao Kai is a person as arrogant as himself. If it is not really dangerous, it is impossible for him to send a distress signal.

"Hurry up, hurry up! All hurry up for me!

Kusi looked stern, dressed in heavy armor, and under his crotch was an incomparably steed earth dragon beast, roaring loudly at his men like a bell, urging them to speed up.

Listening to Kusi's roar, the army of monsters was miserable. Now they have increased their speed to the extreme, but their generals are still not satisfied.

Although the army of monsters was very angry in their hearts, they dared not speak, and could only speed up their lives.

With the non-stop rush, Cuth's monster army finally approached the battlefield.

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