I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 520: Quite Anger

After all, his own attack was unable to break through the magic formation.

He was a little unwilling.

"If it doesn't work once, try it several times!

Chen Qiu's face was gloomy, and without hesitation, he activated the object control ability again, and then began to condense and explode.

"Damn it! What else are you doing?!

Seeing Chen Qiu continue to condense the sky star, Olis' face changed greatly, and he shouted in anger.

Watching Chen Qiu condense the celestial body, he felt a heart-pounding feeling, and panicked.

He is scared now!

Because of this thing, the impact on him is too great!

Chen Qiu ignored the roar of this guy at all, condensed the celestial body at the fastest speed, and then sent the celestial body to the highest point.






Time and time again, Chen Qiu, like a tireless blacksmith, used a huge celestial body to continuously bombard the magic circle of Yum!

Every attack will cause a terrible impact.

However, there is still no way to completely destroy the magic circle, which makes Chen Qiu quite unhappy!

This magic array is really a super turtle shell!

With his current attack power, he really can't break this thing!

Although every attack made the magic formation shake violently, it was just shaking. After shaking, nothing happened...

"Haha!! Give it up! As I said, you can't break this magic circle! Even if the king comes, it will take a lot of effort to break the magic circle!

Oris was completely calm at this time, because he knew that Chen Qiu couldn't destroy his magic formation and couldn't get in, so he was quite proud.

"Humans, our Demon Race is a race that is higher than yours after all. Our abilities are not what you can imagine. You will never be able to break through this Demon Formation alone! 35

Ollis's arrogant laughter is very harsh, this guy is very proud now.

Not only is he proud now, the rest of the Demon Race are also very proud at this time.

Knowing that Chen Qiu couldn't break through his defense, they were completely relieved (bcbc).

"Humans! You have offended our demons, and you will definitely be destroyed by us! When our reinforcements arrive, it will be your death!

"I will definitely kill the gate of time and space, kill your earth, and turn all the people of the earth into our slaves and blood eaters!""

"I heard that the flesh and blood of human girls is very delicious, I have long been drooling... After killing the earth, I have to eat human girls every day!

A group of monsters screamed, excited, and they were protected by a magic circle, which made them feel that they were no longer in any danger, so all their fears were gone.

"Damn it! These dog things!"

Looking at the arrogant monsters, the warriors of the Dayan Dynasty were quite angry, their eyes were full of anger, and they wished they would go in and chop up these monsters!

However, the seemingly inconspicuous magic formation blocked them out, making them quite annoyed.

"Lord President, what should we do now? These guys are obviously going to hide in there to kill us..."

Song Hang said to Chen Qiu with a worried look, "We obviously can't afford it... If the other party's reinforcements arrive, it will be quite detrimental to us!"5

Song Hang's words caused the faces of all the Great Yan Dynasty warriors to show dignified and worried expressions.

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