I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 540: Hope is very slim

The Great Yan Dynasty actually developed a powerful anti-magic weapon!

This is not good news for them!

The stronger they are, the more tragic they are!

"Now, let's take a look at the super artillery positions of our Dayan Dynasty!

Chen Qiu looked at the lively audience in the live broadcast room with a thick smile on his face, and said with a smile, "I've always been playing with prestige, and now it's our ancestor's turn to show prestige!"

Listening to Chen Qiu's words, everyone laughed.

Actually, what Chen Qiu said was not wrong.

Since this time, he has always been in the limelight, and the eyes of the whole world have been attracted by him.

Of course, the melon eaters of the Dayan Dynasty were not at all disgusted by Chen Qiu's presence in the limelight, on the contrary, 380 liked it.

The more arrogant the president is, the more proud they feel and the more they feel safe.

Of course, the Dynasty family has also come out to show it now, and they are also very happy to see it!

A powerful dynasty family can make them feel more at ease, especially in the current chaotic situation!

"Switch the scene and broadcast the live broadcast to Marshal Wu Tian." Chen Qiu immediately gave an order to the director to switch the live broadcast to Wu Tian's side.

Wu Tian's side has already been prepared.

"Hello everyone, I'm Wu Tian. Now let me introduce the situation of our psionic artillery unit."

As soon as the camera was turned on, Wu Tian proudly said to the camera,

"Today, I will lead you to appreciate the background of our Dayan Dynasty, and appreciate our strength! ... Well, I won't say more, everything is not said, you should watch it with the camera. Enough!

The audience then discovered that the photographer had boarded the helicopter.

When the helicopter flew over the artillery position, everyone was shocked. Looking at the endless artillery position below, countless people took a deep breath!

This is a super artillery position!

That kind of position for permanent fortifications!

One hundred thousand psychic cannons, all parked on the position, stretched for dozens of kilometers, densely packed with cannons!

Looking at the thick muzzle, looking at the gun body exuding a faint silver cold light. The whole live room was quiet.

"Is this the (bcbc) psionic cannon? What's up with this silver light? It looks amazing! ... This thick muzzle is horrifying to look at! This motherfucker is one meter long Bar?""

"My mother! This is a super cannon! A muzzle with a thickness of one meter, this cannon is earth-shattering!"

"These 100,000 psychic cannons make my blood boil! If the dynasty is so strong, why should I wait for the people of the dynasty?"

After a short period of shock and silence, the live broadcast room was boiling, and the melon eaters of the Dayan Dynasty had a thorough understanding of the power of their dynasty family!

The dynasty is very powerful!

Powerful beyond their expectations!

Cold hands and feet!

At this moment, whether it was the White Bear Emperor Dynasty of the Mi Dynasty at that time, seeing the super-energy cannons that the Dayan Dynasty announced, they all felt cold hands and feet!

How the hell did he win?

Do they really have a chance to defeat the Dayan Dynasty?

Hope is very slim!

"One hundred thousand artillery pieces are ready and ready to fire! 35

Wu Tian appeared again, with a proud smile on his face, and said with a smile, "As for the power of the artillery, I won't say much, and you can witness it with your own eyes when the actual combat is over! 35

Actual combat!

This word has caused countless people's emotions to be lifted to the top, clenching their fists tightly, and looking forward to seeing the great cannon of the Great Yan Dynasty!

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