I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 550: Extreme Speed

This thing can not only improve one's own strength, but also eat monsters as protection animals, why not do it?

Seeing Wu Tian's excited look, Chen Qiu was speechless.

People in the Dynasty of Foodies are really foodies...

Chen Qiu suddenly had a very strong feeling, that is, the monsters in this world, it is very likely that they will really be eaten by the people of the Dayan Dynasty as protected animals!

Not to mention, this kind of thing is really possible!

Now there are countless people in the Dayan Dynasty, eagerly waiting for the arrival of the next batch of monster meat!

Now, due to the limited amount of monster meat, Chen Qiu only supplies monster meat to warriors.

But that's it, it's still in short supply.

If the supply of monster meat is really open.


It is estimated that in the future, the people of the Dayan Dynasty will need a large number of farmed monsters as meat...

Raise monsters like pigs, and raise them to eat meat!

"This is a very good thing! When the Great Yan Dynasty is strong enough, we must spread this industry, otherwise I will not be able to eat monster meat in the future..." Chen Qiu muttered in his heart, The light in his eyes flickered, he had completely defeated the monster when he imagined it, and made the Great Yan Dynasty become the overlord in the cellar world.

Thinking about it, he felt quite excited.

Marshal Wu Tian came over.

"That, Chen Qiu..."

A smile appeared on Wu Tian's face, and he said to Chen Qiu with a smile, "Or, let's get some...'

As soon as Wu Tian opened his mouth, Chen Qiu immediately knew what he meant.

"If you want to eat monster meat, I'll make you feel like vomiting later, but not now."

Chen Qiu didn't wait for Wu Tianjiang to finish his words, but he interrupted him categorically and said solemnly, "We still have more important things to do now!... Countless monster meats in Yum City are waiting. Let's go clean up!" 5

Chen Qiu's words shocked Wu Tian.

I am Cao!

How did I forget about this one?

In Yum City, there are still countless monster meat, waiting for them to clean up!

There are millions of monsters in there!

Under this indiscriminate bombardment, the army of monsters must have suffered countless casualties!

Thinking of the million monsters (bcbc), waiting for him to eat, the five-day grand marshal's face showed an excited look, and he laughed.

"Let's go, let's march towards Yum City now, and use the fastest speed to rush to clean up the battlefield! 35

Wu Tian couldn't wait to say to Chen Qiu immediately: "The flesh and blood of millions of monsters! After all of them are eaten, maybe we can immediately add a large number of powerful items to our Dayan Dynasty! Maybe you can directly Break through rank 6! Even rank 7! 95

"Well, without further ado, let's act, 35

Chen Qiu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately nodded to Wu Tian, ​​and gave the order to advance to the army of tens of thousands of warriors who were stationed in place.


Towards Yum City!

After waiting for Chen Qiu's order, the army of power users who could not wait for a long time were all excited, and they rushed towards Baisheng City with great vigor, increasing the marching speed to the extreme speed.

More than 100 kilometers of road, these guys, it took less than half an hour to walk directly.

Such a fast speed, even if these guys are all powerful warriors, the consumption is very large.

However, they have long been impatient to kill monsters, and they don't care about this consumption. Even if they are out of breath, they are very excited.

"Kill! Enter Yum City!"

"Kill all the monsters! Take Yum City and establish a base!"

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