I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 557: Fighting

And what the Dayan Dynasty has to do now is to protect the warriors in the dynasty to grow up. Only when more warriors grow up, can the Dayan Dynasty become stronger.

"Now that we have taken Yum City, what are you going to do next?"

Wu Tian stared sharply at Yusheng City, which had been completely bombed to ruins, and said to Chen Qiu in a low voice, "We have already invaded the cellar world, those monsters will not let us go." Ninety-seven"59

Now they have been completely at odds with the monsters.

Either you die or I live.

So everything needs to be prepared.

"I intend to make this our first base and make it a super fortress of war.39

Chen Qiu's eyes were filled with sharp rays of light, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and the rest said in a low voice: "I want to make this place a bridgehead for attacking the cellar world! I hope we can lay down a piece of this world that belongs to us. Heaven and Earth, let our Dayan Dynasty become the overlord of this world!"5

Become a world leader!

Chen Qiu's words shocked Wu Tian, ​​and looked at Chen Qiu with an incredible look in his eyes.

He could not have imagined that Chen Qiu's ambitions would be so great!

He originally thought that Chen Qiu just wanted to defend against the monster invasion, but now Chen Qiu not only took the initiative to attack the monster world, but also planned to make the Dayan Dynasty the overlord of this world!

This took him by surprise!

Chen Qiu actually wanted to make the Dayan Dynasty the overlord of the cellar world!

This made Wu Tian's heart quite shocked!

He didn't expect Chen Qiu's ambition to be so big!

Originally, he thought that the Great Yan Dynasty could completely block the monsters in the cellar world, which was already a very remarkable thing.

As a result, under the leadership of Chen Qiu, the Dayan Dynasty counterattacked the cellar world!

Also won!

This was very unexpected to him.

For Chen Qiu, he is also very impressed!

But now that he knew Chen Qiu's ambition, he was even more shocked!

"You, aren't you kidding me?... You mean that you want the Great Yan Dynasty to conquer cities in this world?" Wu Tian swallowed his saliva, feeling a little dry in his throat, and looked at him in disbelief. Chen Qiu said, "Will this be a bit big?"

This is really great!

The Crypt World is a world full of dangers!

The world is stronger than anyone expected...

However, Chen Qiu is still confident that he can create a world in this world, a world that belongs to him and the Dayan Dynasty!

"You still have to have a dream, or what's the difference between it and salted fish?"

Chen Qiu looked at Wu Tian's shocked look, and said proudly, "Although this is difficult, it is not impossible. As long as we work hard, we will definitely gain something!"5

Chen Qiu's words left Wu Tian speechless.

Because, what Chen Qiu said is very reasonable.

Only by doing it can you know whether it will succeed or not. If you keep being a salted fish, you will definitely not succeed.

In Wu Tian's eyes, a strong light slowly flowed out, and the fighting spirit suddenly ignited in his heart.

1.2 As a high-ranking general, how could Wu Tian not have the intention to make meritorious achievements in his heart? There was no chance before, but now, a great opportunity is in front of him, and the opportunity to make merit for the dynasty is in front of him!

"Damn it! Isn't it a monster? I turned them all into food! This land should belong to the people of the Dayan Dynasty! Such a fertile land is really a waste to leave it to monsters!"

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