I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 574 : Quite happy!

However, Chen Qiu was quite happy that someone supported him.

Zhang Xiaoshan and other super martial artist stars stood up to support Chen Qiu, completely detonating the martial artist circle of the Dayan Dynasty, making countless people who had been eager to kill monsters for a long time, immediately made up their minds and went out of the dynasty to kill monsters!

In the Great Yan Dynasty, there were countless warriors.

Under Chen Qiu's call, he is gearing up, ready to go out of the dynasty at any time, to go to the outer dynasty, and eat all the low-level monsters outside the dynasty!

A fiery sight.

At this time, a large number of dynasty families were stunned by the behavior of the Dayan dynasty.

Especially when they saw the Great Yan Dynasty, about the fact that monster meat was going to become the must-eat food for all the students of the Dynasty, they were simply stunned!

My goodness!

What do the people of the Dayan Dynasty want to do?

They actually want the students to eat the meat of those monsters?

And will this be the basic dynasty strategy for positioning the Dayan dynasty?

What are you kidding?

Is monster meat really edible?

How did they eat such a terrible thing?

Eating this kind of food won't kill you?

Countless foreigners are unable to understand this phenomenon. They don't even understand why the people of the Dayan Dynasty eat those monsters and monsters!

Countless people from outside the dynasty have voiced doubts on the Internet, and even the major media of their dynasty are also making various voices of doubt.

Niuyue Daily: "Did the people of the Dayan Dynasty suffer from famine? They even had to eat monster meat? Would the Mili Dynasty support a batch of food?"

Big Bear Daily: "The Big Bear Dynasty is based on humanitarian concerns. If the Dayan Dynasty begins to suffer from famine because of the appearance of monsters, the Big Bear Dynasty can support a batch of food, please don't eat monsters!

White Elephant Times: "The people of the Dayan Dynasty are crazy! They even eat monsters! It's terrifying!"

There have been various news in the foreign media about the Dayan Dynasty giving monster meat to the students, but these guys don't know why the Dayan Dynasty did this. They all think that the Dayan Dynasty is crazy. They've all gone by the wayside.

And because of the reason why the dynasty deliberately blocked the benefits of monster meat, most people outside the dynasty did not know the benefits of monster meat at all, so when they knew that the Dayan Dynasty actually ate monster meat, countless people were deceived.

Of course, the melon eaters of the Dayan Dynasty did not kindly tell them about the benefits of eating monster meat. The number of monsters killed in their dynasty's family was also very small, so no one tried to eat these 'monsters'. ' meat.

They have never eaten the meat of monsters, so naturally they will not know the beauty of monster meat!

"The foodies of the Dayan Dynasty are really scary! I can't imagine what else they dare not eat!

"Eat it! It's better that they can help us eat all those abominable monsters!"

"The Dynasty of Foodies really lives up to its reputation! Those who fly in the sky and swim on the ground and swim in the water, except those whose backs do not face the sky, there is nothing they will not eat!"

The melon-eating masses outside the dynasty now only admire the foodies of the Dayan Dynasty.

The army of warriors in the dynasty didn't even care about the idea of ​​people from outside the dynasty being ridiculed or ridiculed. These weak chickens have never killed monsters or eaten monster meat. How can they know the wonderful taste of monster meat? ?

(Did Zhao) This kind of good thing can only be enjoyed by the strong!

Countless warriors simply ignored the various ridicules from the outside dynasties, and were preparing for the various procedures for leaving the dynasties.

With the support of the Dynasty family, their formalities were completed in the shortest possible time. Millions of warriors are poised to go out, ready to go out of the dynasty at any time and eat all the magic weapons outside the dynasty. !

Just when the warriors in the dynasty were ready to go, Chen Qiu had already returned home.

Chen's father and Chen's mother were very happy to see Chen Qiu come back.

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