I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 582 : God's darling!

At this time, the entire army of the Sila Dynasty had fallen into despair.

The power of the monsters made them feel hopeless.

Powerful firearms can cause any damage to those monsters at all.

Those terrifying monsters are like invulnerability.

They have hard shells, sharp claws, and run very fast!

Their sharp claws can easily tear an adult soldier "four four three" into two pieces, but few of the soldiers who are attacked frontally will survive!

Dozens or hundreds of soldiers have to pay a heavy price to kill a monster!

And it's the lowest level monster!

Under such circumstances, how could you let the army of the Silas Dynasty not despair?

General Allen listened to the desperate words of his colleagues, with a look of exhaustion and despair in his eyes, which was very uncomfortable.

"We retired... What about our Dynasty family? What about our people?... As soldiers, shouldn't we protect our Dynasty family people?

General Allen took a deep breath, his eyes swept across the faces of a group of generals, and shook his head bitterly: "Are we going to watch those monsters slaughter our relatives and wreak havoc on our dynasty?


Listening to General Allen's words, everyone opened their mouths. For a while, they didn't know how to speak at all, and the expressions on their faces became very complicated.

They are soldiers, and their first priority is to protect the dynasty's family and the people.

But now this situation makes them feel hopeless.

Can't beat it!

Those monsters, they really can't defeat them!

Seeing that the crowd suddenly became silent, each with a gray face, General Allen sighed in his heart, full of helplessness.

This is all because the Silas Dynasty is too weak!

"Why don't our dynasty family have people like Chen Qiu of the Dayan Dynasty?...Why can't the people of our Dynasty family cultivate like the people of the Dayan Dynasty? If we can think like the people of the Dayan Dynasty, With a large number of powerful warriors, or with psionic weapons that can easily kill monsters, why are we like this?

General Allen sighed heavily, with a bitter look on his face, and his heart was full of yearning and envy for that distant eastern dynasty...

The dazzling light that the Oriental Dragon is emitting now has blinded countless people who hoped for the Dynasty family. Even people like Allen were full of yearning for the Dayan Dynasty at this time. .

How much he hopes that he is a member of the Great Yan Dynasty, even if he does not have the noble status he has today, but is just an ordinary warrior of the Great Yan Dynasty, he is very satisfied.

He has always wanted to practice martial arts and become a martial artist. For this reason, he even spent a lot of money to ask the martial artists of the Dayan Dynasty, but everything was useless. The cultivation methods of the Dayan Dynasty were simply not suitable for them to practice! 1.2

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't cultivate the powerful spiritual energy that the warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty said, nor could he sense that spiritual energy.

Allen's words caused the expressions on the faces of the other generals in the conference room to change, with envy in their eyes.

"The Great Yan Dynasty is really God's darling! Why can they have such a powerful cultivation method?"


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