I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 603: Such a powerful human being!

Originally, they thought that the warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty were just joking, but they didn't expect that they actually wanted to eat monster meat, which gave a great shock and shock to the soldiers and generals under General Allen.

"General Allen, aren't you going to try it?... This thing is a good thing, and it will be of great benefit to you after eating it.

Zhang Xiaoshan saw the general standing beside him dumbfounded, looking at the way he was testing monster meat, a smile appeared on his face, and he said to him with a smile.

When General Allen heard Zhang Xiaoshan's words, he immediately shook his head, Canada shook like a rattle.

No, no, no... I don't need it anymore, we have no luck with this kind of thing...

General Allen shook his head and quickly rejected Zhang Xiaoshan's invitation 12, looking at the string of monster flesh in Zhang Xiaoshan's hands, full of horror.

For the matter of eating monster meat, he has a great resistance in his heart and a very strong psychological barrier.

The most important thing is that he doesn't think that these monster meat can really be eaten. He is afraid that if he eats these things, if something goes wrong, it will be a big trouble.

The warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty can eat it, but he doesn't think he can eat it. After all, the warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty are no different from superhumans in his eyes, and they are not ordinary people at all.

As an ordinary person, it is better not to take risks...

"What about you? Don't you try it? It's a rare opportunity..."

Seeing Allen shaking his head frantically to refuse, Zhang Xiaoshan smiled in his heart. He was speechless towards this ignorant bastard. He didn't talk to him, turned his head to look at the other generals, and asked.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoshan's words, the rest of the generals shook their heads frantically, as if they had heard something terrible, they retreated again and again, pulling away from Zhang Xiaoshan and the others.

At this moment, it seems that Zhang Xiaoshan and others are the terrifying monster in their eyes.

"Brother Zhang, these guys are not good goods, we should leave them alone, we can just eat our own...Brother Zhang, hand me the pepper powder..."

Tiger looked at the reaction of General Allen and the others, sneered in his heart, laughed a little, these guys didn't know the good stuff, and then ignored these guys. After taking the seasoning, he concentrated on roasting his own monster meat. .

The warriors of the Dayan Dynasty were quite speechless at the ignorance of General Allen and the others.

However, they were too lazy to say much, and they still focused on testing the monster meat in their hands.

Looking at the string of monster meat in their hands, which was bubbling with oil under the charcoal fire, the eyes of the warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty showed a strong look of anticipation.

One by one, just like a hungry wolf, staring at the meat skewers with stubborn eyes, as if they wanted to eat them raw.

In order to wait for this meal of monster meat, they have waited for too long! Now that they can finally eat 460, they are naturally not happy.

A large group of warriors were roasting the monster meat at the same time, and thick smoke billowed for a while. This situation immediately found an abnormality in the monsters in the monster town.

On the tallest building in Walla Town, a third-rank monster powerhouse from the Demon Mouse Clan stood on the top of the tall building, looking in the direction of Zhang Xiaoshan and the others, with a gloomy expression on his face.

What happened to these humans? Why did a group of such powerful humans suddenly appear?

The third-rank powerhouse of the Demon Rat Race, with a look of doubt and shock in his eyes, said in a low voice, "Aren't all humans very weak? Why did a large group of such terrifying humans suddenly appear?"

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