I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 615: Full of pride

"Lord General, let's do it. Let's help the warriors of the Dayan Dynasty together. Although we can't help much, we can still help them deal with the beginning and the end!"

"I finally got a chance to take revenge in person. I really don't want to give up. General, please give your order and let us attack!"

"Take advantage of this opportunity to completely eliminate those abominable monster army, if we miss this opportunity, we can't eliminate those monster army as much as possible, and when the warriors of the next Dayan Dynasty are gone, then we will be in big trouble. .

General Allen listened to the words of his subordinates, and watched them all eager to make a move, his eyes flickering.

"Go! All the special forces members act immediately and go to support the warriors of the Dayan Dynasty! 460"

After Allen gritted his teeth fiercely, he immediately made up his mind and planned to take this opportunity to let his soldiers beat down water dogs and destroy as many monsters as possible.

As soon as they heard General Allen's words, the soldiers immediately became excited, and they loaded their weapons quickly, and their eyes were full of excitement.

This is their first counterattack against monsters, and it has great significance. It can not only boost morale, but also take revenge!

"Army attack!!!"

After making the decision, General Allen no longer hesitated, and directly ordered the whole army to attack (bcbc).

kill kill kill!!!

Under the order of General Allen, countless soldiers of the Sheila Dynasty immediately screamed and rushed out with their guns to support the army of warriors of the Dayan Dynasty.

"What is this guy doing? Are they going to kill?"

Zhang Xiaoshan and the others had just killed a third-level warrior when they suddenly found that General Allen and others rushed over, and they couldn't help being a little surprised.

Wasn't this guy scared to death just now? Why does he dare to rush over now?

Does this mean that the monsters have eaten too much meat and become more courageous?

"Hahahaha... This must be because we killed them too fiercely, making their blood boil, right? Look at how many of us we are, and we will kill the army of tens of thousands of monsters to pieces, which must have caused them to suffer greatly. stimulus

Tiger saw General Allen and the others rushing over, and laughed unnecessarily, his eyes full of pride.

Because of them, the Shira Dynasty, which had been demoralized before, has now risen to prominence.

"This is indeed a bit of a man's appearance, but their strength is not much use, and they can't cause much damage to the monster at all, and at most they can help us clean up the monster's corpse, or make up for the knife. "

Looking at the soldiers of the Sheila Dynasty who were bravely attacking, Zhang Xiaoshan shook his head and said, "Of course, it is much better now than before. The fear of death before is indeed a bit disdainful."

General Allen and the others were excitedly making up at this time.

Those monsters who were seriously injured by Zhang Xiaoshan and other Dayan Dynasty warriors and were dying, laying on the ground and struggling to get up, were their best targets.

Seeing the monster lying on the ground and struggling, General Allen led the screaming soldiers to charge up and launched a final attack on them.

After learning from the experience of Zhang Xiaoshan and others.

General Allen and others already knew clearly that hot weapons could not kill these monsters.

Therefore, they are now using cold weapons.

All kinds of knives and guns slashed at the severely wounded and dying monsters one by one.

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