I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 623: Complete rebirth from ashes

Practice hard!

Become a powerful warrior, serve the ancestral dynasty, protect your homeland, and protect your family!

That's what they need to do now!

Driven by this strong emotion, the warriors of the Dayan Dynasty became even more diligent!

Even if you walk on the street casually, you can see that there are warriors who are discussing and communicating, and they are practicing together in groups.

Even elementary school students, most of the content they talk about every day is about cultivation. The face is full of admiration for the strong, and the desire for strong cultivation is not concealed in the slightest.

It can be said that the entire dynasty family has fallen into a state of frenzy, and countless warriors are cultivating frantically without wasting any time.

Under such a strong atmosphere, even some people who didn't want to cultivate very much at first were motivated and clenched their teeth to follow.

Because they all know very well that if they don't cultivate well now, they are likely to be compared immediately by those who cultivate hard.

Now anyone with discerning eyes can see that if they don't cultivate well, it won't be long before they will be completely eliminated by the entire dynasty and family, and they will be completely reduced to the lowest level.

In this dynastic family where the prince and general Xiangning is the headquarters, few people are willing to sink forever, so everyone is scrambling to work hard.

In Chen Qiu's office.

Chen Qiu looked at the investigation report submitted by his subordinates with a satisfied look on his face.

"Not bad, not bad, very good, it seems that my efforts have not been in vain." Chen Qiu looked at the investigation report on the situation of the warriors in the dynasty, and was in a good mood, because the investigation report showed that at this time, the people in the Dayan Dynasty were in a good mood. Warriors, the enthusiasm for cultivation has reached a whole new level.

All of this was caused by the warriors who rushed out of the dynasty gate to hunt monsters.

It was Chen Qiu's plan to let the warriors pour out of Dynasty Gate to hunt monsters.

It can be said that the changes in the dynasty are all caused by him, and he is very satisfied with the current changes.

Chen Qiu was very satisfied with the atmosphere in which the warriors in the dynasty practiced hard.

Only by practicing hard can we become stronger, and only by practicing for the whole people can we make the entire dynasty and nation stronger.

Isn't that what he's doing?

From the very beginning, he has done all kinds of things in order to make the Dayan Dynasty a martial dynasty family, and make all the people of the Dayan Dynasty become powerful warriors.

Because only in this way, he can lead the Dayan Dynasty to create a new world in the cellar world, unlike the previous life, the entire Dayan Dynasty was wiped out by monsters.

He doesn't want the tragedy of his previous life to repeat itself! 473

Never let that kind of thing happen again, God gave him a chance to regenerate him, he must cherish this opportunity, and let the price completely reincarnate into a super overlord, in the cellar world, compose belongs to The legend of the Great Yan Dynasty.

After Chen Qiu put down the report in his hand, he stood up from his chair and said to Jiang Anjia, who was also watching the report, "Is the old leader free now?"

After listening to Chen Qiu's words, Jiang Anjia nodded, "The old leader just came back.

Chen Qiu nodded and walked out of the office. He was going to see the old leader.

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