I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 625: Raised a Shocking Wave

Everyone is very clear.

Although Yum City is now taken by Chen Qiu.

However, this is not the end.

Humans are not yet victorious here.

Sooner or later, the monsters will know about Parkson City, and when those monsters know, they will definitely go crazy after being captured by humans.

It is estimated that it will not be long before these monsters will start to counterattack.

And this time the counterattack will definitely be more ferocious. The monsters sent will definitely be more powerful. If you don't prepare in advance, you will definitely suffer a lot.

Most useful preparation.

It is to make oneself stronger.

Only when his own strength is strong can 473 be able to deal with any emergencies and unexpected events.

For Chen Qiu.

The fact that this dynasty has become stronger is his most fundamental wish. How to make this dynasty stronger, he already has a very clear idea.

The Martial Artist Academy is a very important part of all his plans.

Only the Martial Artist Academy can cultivate top-level superpowers in large quantities.

After all, for most people, it is very difficult to become strong without strong resources and excellent mentors.

As long as you get an excellent guide and a massive resource pile (bcbc), the breakthrough speed of some martial arts geniuses will definitely make countless people stunned.

Chen Qiu now wants to be an excellent guide and resource provider, so that those martial arts geniuses who have not yet obtained the opportunity will shine brightly.

He wants to make the Dayan Dynasty become a star-studded super warrior dynasty, and he wants the Dayan Dynasty to gain more powerful warriors.

Because only countless powerful warriors can make the great dynasty of the Great Yan Dynasty stand upright, and work hard to create a vast world of its own in the cellar world.

Now that Chen Qiu has decided to establish a martial artist branch in the cellar world, and he intends to personally lead the martial artist to be a student of the branch, he must prepare everything immediately.

Regarding the construction of the school, he has already handed it over to Grand Marshal Wu Tian to prepare. Chen Qiu believes that with the ability of Grand Marshal Wu Tian, ​​building a martial artist academy must be a matter of pediatrics.

What he has to do now is to find excellent student resources, and he wants to gather together the top geniuses from all over the dynasty.

"How are things going? When can we start?"

Chen Qiu looked at Jiang An's house who walked into the door, and asked him, "This matter must be done as soon as possible, we don't have much time, and I plan to cultivate 100 sixth-grade warriors within a year. 35

"What did you say?...Aren't you kidding me?! Jiang Anjia shuddered when he heard Chen Xiu's words, the thing in his hand almost fell to the ground, his face showed a look of shock, and his eyes were horrified. Chen Qiu, "You said you want to train 100 rank six warriors within a year?! 35

Cultivate 100 Grade 6 warriors in one year!

Chen Qiu's remarks made Jiang Anjia's heart set off a shocking wave, full of shock and wonder.

What is a sixth-grade powerhouse?!

For the current Dayan Dynasty, a sixth-grade powerhouse is a super powerhouse, and now in the entire Dayan Dynasty, only Chen Qiu is a sixth-grade powerhouse!

The rest of the cultivation base is the highest, that is, the fifth-grade realm, and there is no second sixth-grade powerhouse at all!

And these powerhouses of the fifth-rank realm, those are the realms that they have reached after going through untold hardships, and the time, energy and resources spent are huge.

As a martial artist who has just reached the fifth-rank realm, Jiang Anjia has a very clear understanding of the difficulties of martial artist cultivation.

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