I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 660: Completely crushed

"Damn monster!! Here I come!

The folk warriors of the Dayan Dynasty fought with Chen Qiu for the first time, so they were extremely excited by the stimulation, and the crimson eyes rushed towards the army of monsters.

At this moment, none of the warriors showed fear and timidity, all of them were incomparably brave.

The warriors of the Dayan Dynasty rushed away like a tide, inserting sharp knives into the army formation of the monster army, and began a frantic slaughter.

These monsters are basically 1st and 2nd rank low-level 520 monsters, and the first batch of warriors from the Great Yan Dynasty who arrived had the lowest level of cultivation.

The crushing of the cultivation realm allows the warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty to easily kill the monsters, and the monsters are killed without much chance of struggling.

Seeing the warriors of the Dayan Dynasty slaughtering monsters with ease, the people of the Mi Li Dynasty were shocked.

"ohmygod!! Ordinary warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty are so terrifying? Isn't this too terrifying? They kill monsters, it's as simple as chopping melons and vegetables!

"If we want to kill the most ordinary monster, we have to pay a huge and painful price to succeed! ... But now the ordinary warriors of the Dayan Dynasty can easily kill one monster after another! It's incredible!"

"This is the gap!... The gap between the Great Yan Dynasty and the Mi Li Dynasty is really too big! We can't catch up with the Great Yan Dynasty in our life! The warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty are too powerful. !"

The people of the Mi Li Dynasty were sighed and shocked. The strength of the Dayan Dynasty made them happy, but at the same time, there was a touch of despair in their hearts.

I am glad that the powerful warriors of the Dayan Dynasty can help them eliminate monsters, so that they will no longer be ravaged by monsters. What is desperate is the powerful Dayan Dynasty, which completely lost their chance to repeat (bcbc), and it has become an impossible thing to get rid of the Dayan Dynasty in the future.

This feeling made countless beautiful dynasties feel a little uncomfortable, although due to the crisis of the situation, they had to accept the fact that they became affiliated dynasties of the Dayan Dynasty.

But in the hearts of countless people, there is still a little bit of fantasy. After the crisis is resolved, they will rapidly develop their strength, and then wait for the opportunity to get rid of the control of the Great Yan Dynasty.

But now looking at the strength of the Great Yan Dynasty warriors, the illusion in the hearts of countless people was completely shattered.


It is impossible to get rid of the control of the Dayan Dynasty! This idea has appeared in countless beautiful dynasties, and the people's hearts are growing like wild grass, filling their hearts instantly.

Chen Qiu didn't know what was in the minds of the people of the Mi Li Dynasty.

Of course, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care. At this time, he was standing at the exit of the time-space vortex, staring at the time-space vortex.

"Behind this is the cellar world, I don't know which area it is..." Chen Qiu stared at the huge space-time vortex with a gleam in his eyes.

The cellar world is incomparably vast, and behind each time and space vortex, the place it represents is different, and the power of the monster it represents is also different.

Therefore, Chen Qiu is not very clear about which place is behind it.

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