I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 66: Must Break the 100,000 Mark! (2)


April 3, 2019.

The world-class physics master Yang Zhou, in the name of Dynasty War Situation, began to work in the Dynasty secret factory.

The dynasty arranged thousands of people for him!

These people, all signed the dynasty confidentiality agreement.


Only then did Yang Zhou announce the technology for large-scale manufacturing of Reiki particles,

And these thousands of people entered the factory and began to manufacture Reiki particles on a large scale.


Reiki particles began to be mass-produced, and also began to be sent to all parts of the dynasty on a large scale,

Under the application of large-scale Reiki particles.

The number of breakthroughs of rank one warriors in the Great Yan Dynasty is increasing, and it is many times faster than the previous speed!!

April 4, 2019.

Chen Qiu also had quite a few of the insiders of the Dynasty Warfare Headquarters who were the first to enjoy the mass-produced aura particles.

After he tasted a few.

Then frowned.

Chen Qiu murmured: "Sure enough, the products produced by machines have no soul, and the effect is much lower than that produced by Yangzhou...


Chen Qiu is not 12 can be demanding anything.

After all, Yang Zhou's ability to invent the technology to mass-produce spiritual energy particles is beyond his ability.

Even if the effect of the aura particles is greatly reduced...

The problem is, it works!

And these aura particles, although Chen Qiu thought they were average, were not very useful.

But for those who haven't broken through a rank one martial artist...

Absolutely a panacea!!

the same day.

The internal staff of the Dynasty War Bureau began to swallow the aura particles, including all 26 experts.

And this day!

Within the dynasty war situation, there were a total of eighteen first-rank warriors, all of whom were recorded in the dynasty archives.

April 5, 2019.

The second batch of mass-produced Reiki particles began to be sent to the top executives of the Dayan Dynasty.

All the high-level personnel of the Dayan Dynasty began to swallow this kind of spiritual energy particles.

And the king of gods is also absorbing.

He was excited.

Although he knew that the mass-produced aura particles were not as good as the ones Yang Zhou made by himself...


The problem is that there are so many people in the Dayan Dynasty, and what he wants is a large amount of money!

And obviously, this kind of mass-produced aura particles meet the requirements of the god king.

"I, the Great Yan Dynasty, is expected to rise, and it is expected to rise...'

The Divine King sighed from the bottom of his heart, and his eyes began to moisten.

Depressed for too long!

to now.

The God King finally felt the hope that the Dayan Dynasty could be strong, and that the Dayan Dynasty could finally be able to withstand the next crisis with all the warriors!


The top officials of the dynasty obeyed the mass-produced aura particles, and a total of fifty-eight rank-one warriors broke through, all of which were recorded in the dynasty archives!

April 6, 2019.

The aura particles are produced at a faster rate, and then sent to all parts of the dynasty!


The next aura particles will be sent to the power user team, as well as the major imperial troops of the dynasty, and every banned army must be sent!

so far……

The Dynasty War Department has trained a total of 18 forbidden armies, with a total of 1,236 superhuman teams!

And these people...

is a huge number, and they will be the first major forces to resist the cellar entrance in the future.

Therefore, they must be strong!

Therefore, the aura particles must be swallowed by them


"So comfortable..."

"The dynasty war situation is too good, this thing can be invented

"My God, I've been practicing for ten days, it's not as good as a spiritual energy particle...

"I can't compare to practicing for a month..."

"Is there any more, give me a little more, I feel like I'm about to break through..."

"Me too. Me too. Sir, give me one more...  

Everyone was frightened by the effect of the aura particles, and they were all amazed.

And this day.

In the Dynasty Imperial Army and the superhuman team, there were more than 28,470 first-rank warriors, reaching a peak!!

These people are also all recorded in the file.

April 10, 2019.

After three days of precipitation, the mass production technology of Reiki particles can be scaled up.

Chen Qiu immediately ordered:

"Continue to increase the large-scale production of spiritual energy particles, and at the same time start to sell them to the common people. In terms of price and channels, they can only be controlled by the dynasty's war situation. Any intervening person will be dealt with as treason!


at one command,

Reiki particles began to officially enter the field of vision of the people of the Dayan Dynasty.

The aura particles controlled by the dynasty war situation will definitely not be too expensive, but they will not be too cheap...

It's just in the area!

When the common people began to swallow Reiki 020 capsules and felt the effect of Reiki granules...


There is no doubt that the eruption era of the large-scale first-rank warriors of the Dayan Dynasty has officially arrived!

April 11, 2019.

Dynasty Battle Headquarters, top floor.

"Thirty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty-seven people..."

"Forty-six thousand people..."

"50,000!! Breaking through 50,000, Director!

"It's still going up, it's still going up, hahaha..."

"Sixty thousand, already sixty thousand..."

Jiang An Dynasty was shouting excitedly, holding a machine in his hand.

It shows the number of warriors in the entire dynasty.

As long as anyone who breaks through the first-rank martial artist, all will report it and register it on the file.

At this time, one more person will be displayed on the machine.


The number of Great Yan Dynasty warriors displayed by this machine has exceeded 60,000!

Chen Qiu looked at all of this, and the corner of his mouth rose: "Don't worry, today, I, a warrior of the Great Yan Dynasty, will definitely break through the 100,000 mark!! 35

Chapter 2, here it is!!.

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